Going to next target element when click target element - target

Is there a way to customize the introJs script to go to next element when user click over the targetElement?

If the user is already within an introJs tour then you can use the goToStep function. Like this:
If you are trying to create something like a help system then you would want to start each step individually and then have the user exit that step so that they could click on the next element in your page. That would look something like this.
introJs().goToStep(2).start(); //starts introduction from step 2


problem with a submit and last powerApps 's folder modified in my APP

I am currently building an app with PowerApps, but i have a problem...
In fact, i would like that my app be on several screens. So in the first edit screen i use a button with the following formula :
Patch(NAME_OF_MY_SHAREPOINT_LIST,First(Filter(NAME_OF_MY_SHAREPOINT_LIST,ID = idcourant )),{balise:idcourant});SubmitForm(EditForm1);EditForm(EditForm1_1);Navigate(EditScreen1_1)
So i create and use a variable (idcourant) to modify the current folder which is the first edit screen (EditForm1) and i put this variable in the field "balise". In fact the problem is when i click on the button : the application put the user on the last modified and recorded folder of the list SharePoint...So the current folder change of ID, and this is another folder with another ID which is opended in the second edit screen:(EditForm1_1). This is a big problem for me because my application is not available for the moment and i must to deploy it very soon.... Are there any solutions ?
In fact i have found a solution : Make a submit of the first form, and then go to the next edit form.... It was so easy ... lol

CICS Subprograms

I have a requirement that states to have a Menu Screen containing 10 options and user can select a option and jump to appropriate screen.I have created a Trans-ID for Menu Screen.Do i need to create Trans-ID for all the 10 options?.I have searched for this type of Requirement and all of them involves creating the Trans-ID for each sub screen so that the screen can be refreshed and return to same screen until user selects to go back to main-screen.
I am new to CICS-COBOL Programming and not sure why we need to create Trans-ID for each screen.Is this the global format or is there any other approach available?
No, you don't need to use a tranid per screen/function in this scenario. You could actually use one transid and even one program in a pseudoconversational style.
You would use a commarea to hold the state of the interaction with the user at the terminal, so when the user picks an option and the next 'leg' of the pseudoconversation invokes the transaction and program again, you can determine in that program what has just been received from the terminal, what to do with it and what response to send back to the terminal. This process simply repeats until the business function completes and you can end with the default menu again.

Google Sheets - Run script based on value

I'm very new to scripting and really need some help getting started.
Basically I'm trying to develop a simple script to show a warning message when a certain value in a cell has been selected from a drop down list.
When the option 'Behind' has been selected I just want a simple popup window or something to say 'Review is needed'.
I've explored 'toast' but I'm not sure how I'd get the script to run based on the value.
Any help would be much appreciated, I'm going bald :(
You can also achieve this kind of behavior without writing your own script. See Data validation.
Select the cells for which you want this to apply
Click on Data -> Data Validation in the menu
Set your criteria for allowed values
On invalid data, select either Show Warning or Reject Input (the latter will reject the input and show a toast)
Put a checkbox in Show validation help text to add a custom warning text

Unity3D and the iPhonekeyboard?

I'm trying to figure out how to use the iPhoneKeyboard function in Unity3D. I want to be able to run a function when a user hits the button "OK" in the keyboard. I just simply can't figure this out.
The second question in this matter is how I can change the "OK" to "Search"?
check out IPhoneKeyboard.Open in the Reference.. there is one example
After you can process the user input using the IPhoneKeybard.done attribute (also one example)

jQuery: how to go into sort mode, get out of it, apply order, and cancel sort?

I want the user to be able to trigger sorting mode. It's because I find that with long lists, updating takes long. If updating the position happens every time an item is dropped, it'd be slow and expensive.
This means that when they trigger the sorting mode, let's say by clicking on Start sorting, that's when I apply the .sortable(...) to the list I want them to sort.
My problem lies in these:
How do I disable the automatic update after everytime an item is dropped?
If the user decides that they don't want to sort it after all, how do I cancel it?
If you have a button that you want to use to "Start Sorting" the sortable, I would recommend this approach, assuming you have a DIV with an ID of "MyList"...
On document load or Init, create the sortable and deactivate it...
function init() {
Then when the user clicks the "Start Sorting" button...
At this point I would prefer to change the "Start Sorting" button to "Finish Sorting", and when this button is clicked...
I know this is an old question so I point out that this uses the latest JQuery as described here. I am not sure what the minimum version is that would allow for this to work.
