iOS UIPageViewController child view under Bottom Bar - ios

I had an UIPageViewController embedded in a NavigationController embedded an TabBarController.
I supposed every child view of the UIPageViewController fits the size within the UITabBarViewController.
The first child view looks fine:
Switch to the next (vertically), it's view suddenly resizes and the view length expands over the bottom bar:
Actually it's not under the bottom bar but clipped to that size (which means if you pull up the view you still cannot see the whole but the cut text).
I did unchecked every related view controller's Under Bottom Bar & Adjust Scroll View Inset but nothing works.
Any suggestion would be appreciated.

Try this in table view controller viewDidLoad() method.
self.extendedLayoutIncludesOpaqueBars = NO;
you can set property in Interface Builder:
Uncheck Extend Edges: Under Bottom Bars, Under Opaque Bars.


Adjust Navigation Bar width inside NavigationController

I am trying to implement a horizontal scrolling table view. I was able to accomplish this with the following layout. I have a ScrollView which contains a Container View which points to my NavigationController. Since I made the Container View wider than the ScrollView, the table is able to scroll left to right as expected.
The problem I am having is resizing the Navigation Bar's width as I do not want to have to scroll to view the Navigation Bar's title. I tried explicitly setting the width property of the Navigation Bar in ViewDidAppear however it keeps getting resized to the actual width of the table view. Is there any way I can do this without having to create my own custom view that mimics that Navigation Bar?
I ended up creating my own navigation bar that is placed on top of the actual integrated table view navigation bar.

Embedding a Collection View inside a Container View - extra white-space at top

I have an app that uses a Nav Contoller as it's initial VC, which then has a root UIViewContoller that contains a UIView at the top half, and a UIContainerView at the bottom. In the UIContanerView, I'm embedding a working UICollectionView that contains image buttons that segue to detail views.
The problem is that white space now shows up at the top of the UICollectionView. Given this is around 64 pixels high, it appears to be a ghosting of a Nav Bar 44px + Status Bar 20px = 64.
And if I scroll up everything looks fine and works as expected, and it also allows me to show you what I expected the layout to look like upon launch:
A snippet of my storyboard is below if that helps:
yes, that could be because child view controller embedded in container view gets the impression, that it is a direct child of UINavigationController, which in turn make collectionView leave top 64 pt insets.
TO solve this problem,In your child view controller interface builder, unmark adjust scrollView insets
This should solve your problem
As Dan suggested, we can also fix it programatically, by calling
automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets = false
in viewDidLoad() of your UIViewController

Adding a view above UINavigationBar

I'm trying to add a custom view above the navigation bar as displayed on the following image .
What I've tried so far is to add the view as a subview of the navigation bar - Did not work
Add the custom view first on Interface builder and then add a navigation bar manually - This seems to mess up with my navigation as the default navigation controller has it's own navigation bar.
Is this a bad approach on its own ?
If this is a view that will appear above all navigation bars in the app, why not use a Container View?
Make the Container View fill the screen, but give it a 20 point top margin to fit your custom green view. Then when you add your main view controller (wrapped in a navigation view controller) to the Container View, it will show your green view above it.
If you don't want your margin in a particular screen, do the following:
Add a constraint to the top margin and add an outlet to it so you can modify the constraint's constant in code.
Then, in any screens where you don't need the margin, access the parent view controller view and set the constraint's constant to zero.
let myParentViewController = self.parentViewController as? MyParentViewController
myParentViewController.myTopMarginLayoutConstraint.constant = 0
Don't forget to reset it to 20 (or whatever) when you go to a screen where you need the top margin again.

UITableViewController Inside UINavigationController and UITabBarController Bottom Inset Off

I have a UITableView inside a UINavigationController that's inside a UITabBarController. There is a view on the bottom (I'll call it bottomView) between the table view and the tab bar that needs to stay at the bottom as the table view scrolls, so I can't put it as a footer in the table view.
The issue is that when i scroll to the bottom of the table view, there is an empty space the same height as the tab bar between the lowest content (and the scroll bar) and the top of bottomView.
I think this is because the table view is trying to automatically compensate for the tab view at the bottom, but I can't position it all the way at the bottom because of bottomView.
here's my IB layout:
and the display (last tableViewCell highlighted):
If I understand your question correct you need to set a contentInset to your tableView like this:
[self.tableView setContentInset:UIEdgeInsetsMake(0,0,44,0)];
Ok I think I got it. Set:
I've seen this same nav controller->tab bar->tableview situation frustratingly cause the tableview to partially overlap with the navigation bar, instead of not reaching the tab bar. To anyone having this issue when using a UITableView: ensure your navigation bar is not translucent. If you want to use this setup with a translucent navigation bar, select the UITabBarController in the Interface Builder and uncheck the "extend edges under top bars" option in the attributes inspector.

setting navigationcontroller bar to opaque moves detail scroll view down

I am using a search bar plus controller for a UITableview in my MasterController. When the view shows up, the navigationbar in the MasterController is black until the view fully loads (not sure why?). In order to fix this I set the self.navigationController.navigationBar.translucent = false; This fixed the issue I was having with the navigation bar being black initially, but now it looks like when I click a cell in the uitableview of the MasterController, the content in the DetailView that loads shifts down approximately the size of the search bar, but it's just blank space above the content that has been shifted... When I remove the translucent property in the MasterController the content in the DetailView is fine and not shifted...
SO my question is, what is shifting this content down and how can I stop the content from being shifted AND having an opaque navigation bar...
In iOS 7, by default your view controller's view extends under a translucent navigation bar when contained in a UINavigationController but not on an opaque one. You could set the extendedLayoutIncludesOpaqueBars property of the view controller if you want it to extend under opaque nav bars too.
When you say your scroll view is shifted on your detail view controller it's probably because its y origin is not set to zero to offset for your view extending under a translucent nav bar, but because your nav bar is now opaque and your view is not extending under it the space is now visible.
One thing more view controllers will actually automatically add insets on scroll views they contain so that their contents are not obscured when the view controllers view extends under navigation bars. It is set by the automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets property which is by default is set to YES.
