Getting the source code of a function? - actionscript

Is there anyway I can get the code inside a function in Actionscript (Preferably AS1)?
For example, let's say I have this function:
function foo(){
Is there anyway I can get the text 'trace("bar");' from the function WITHOUT modifying the actual function?
Like this (psuedo code):
Would trace the text 'trace("bar");'


Can we convert a function object to String on iOS?

In JavaScript we have something like .toString which can convert the entire function object to string.
Do we have something similar on IOS?
For example, in JavaScript if we have function like this, after converting it with .toString and printing the value in console we see the entire function object.
function sum(a, b)
return a + b;
// expected output:
// "function sum(a, b)
// {
//return a + b;
// }"
Can we do something similar for IOS? I tried String (describing :Function) in Swift but that didn't work and gave me output as (Function) but not the complete structure like we get in JavaScript .toString.
public func say_hello()
print("Hello, World!")
String(describing: say_hello))
Despite the many comments explaining why that's not possible (nor feasible in many cases), I want to point out that you can use JavaScript code in your Swift app and thus use the serialization mechanism of that language. Have a look at JSContext for details. This of course won't make things simpler, but it does give extra flexibility with injecting/changing/extending functionality at runtime.
This is not possible from Swift/Objc

swift callback doesn't print

I try to understand the main concept of callbacks in swift
I have the following code:
typealias ImageHandler = (String,NSError?) -> Void
func PostOnSocialMedia(image:String?){
Post({(image)->Void in
func Post(handler:ImageHandler){
my code output is 0,3,2 and my question is why doesn't print the number 1.
It’s not printing 1 because you are passing in a function that is never called.
Post({ (image)->Void in
declares a temporary function (a “closure expression” – a quick easy way to declare anonymous functions, between the { }) that takes an argument of a (String,NSError?) pair, and returns nothing. Then it passes that function into the Post function.
But the Post function does nothing with it. For a function to run, it needs to be called. If you changed your Post function like so:
func Post(handler:ImageHandler){
// call the handler that was passed in...
you’ll see it printing a 1.
Note, the image argument received by PostOnSocialMedia and the image argument variable inside the temporary function are two different variables – scoping rules mean the one declared inside the temp function masks the one in the outer scope. But they are very different (in fact, they’re different types – one is a string, and the other is a 2-tuple of a string and an error).
Try reading this for a short intro on first-order functions and closures in Swift.

Calling Lua from C

I'm trying to call a user-defined Lua function from C. I've seen some discussion on this, and the solution seems clear. I need to grab the index of the function with luaL_ref(), and save the returned index for use later.
In my case, I've saved the value with luaL_ref, and I'm at a point where my C code needs to invoke the Lua function saved with luaL_ref. For that, I'm using lua_rawgeti as follows:
lua_rawgeti(l, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, fIndex);
This causes a crash in lua_rawgeti.
The fIndex I'm using is the value I received from luaL_ref, so I'm not sure what's going on here.
I'm running a Lua script as follows:
function errorFunc()
function savedFunc()
end, errorFunc)
I've defined my own Lua library 'mylib', with a C function:
static int save(lua_State *L)
int cIdx = myCIndex = luaL_ref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
int eIdx = luaL_ref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
I save cIdx and eIdx away until a later point in time when I receive some external event at which point I would like to invoke one of the functions set as parameters in my Lua script. Here, (on the same thread, using the same lua_State*), I call:
lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, myCIndex);
Which is causing the crash.
My first suggestion is to get it working without storing the function in C at all. Just assign your function to a global in Lua, then in C use the Lua state (L) to get the global, push the args, call the function, and use the results. Once that's working, you've got the basics and know your function is working, you can change the way you get at the function to use the registry. Good luck!
As #Schollii mentioned, I was making this call after doing a lua_close(L).

"attempt to index global 'f' (a function value)" when trying to attach a function to the result of loadfile

The code says it all:
if not f then
print("F is nil!!! Err:"..err)
f.fn=function (x)
And here is the loaded file:
lua: tryModA.lua:7: attempt to index global 'f' (a function value)
stack traceback:
tryModA.lua:7: in main chunk
[C]: ?
Question: why does it happen ?
Isn't it true that loadfile() returns a function object and I can attach another function to it? PS. I come from a JavaScript programming background where it has prototype-based objects. I assume Lua has the same prototype based objects.
In Lua, loadfile() returns a function (not a function object) and functions can only be called. "Attaching" whatever to a function like you are trying is not possible.
Now, Lua tables are completely different story and the prototype-based concepts from JavaScript probably apply to them (I'm not very familiar with JS). The simplest way to make your code work at this point is to make fn global i.e. replace f.fn = function... with fn = function... although this might not be what you want.

TI TMS320C64xx : add a PRD function

I have to add a function that will run every specified period. it seems straight forward as Code composer has a GUI tool to do that : DSP/BIOS Condig->PRD->
alt text
in the properties form I can fill in the function name that gets called with every clk interrupt, but the GUI rejects my functions as "undefined labels'
the function I want to call is a C++ static function : static void MyClass::func1()
what am i missing here ?
You definitely need to have it be an extern "C" function.
