Create a line with two CGPoints SpriteKit Swift - ios

I am trying to make a simple app where you touch a point, and a sprite follows a line through that point to the edge of the screen, no matter where you touch. I want to draw line segments connecting the origin of the sprite (point where it starts) and the point where you touched, and between the origin of the sprite and the end point at the edge of the screen, so I can visualize the path of the sprite and the relationship between the x and y offsets of the origin, touch point and end point.
Hopefully that was not too confusing.
TL;DR: I need to draw a line between two points and I don't know how to do that using SpriteKit Swift.
Thanks in advance.

This can be done using CGPath and SKShapeNode.
Lets start with CGPath. CGPath is used when we need to construct a path using series of shapes or lines. Paths are line connecting two points. So to make a line:
moveToPoint: It sets the current point of the path to the specified point.
addLineToPoint: It draws a straight line from the current point to the specified point.
addCurveToPoint: It draws a curved line from the current point to the specified point based on certain tangents and control points.
You can check the documentation here:
What you need to do is:
var path = CGPathCreateMutable()
CGPathMoveToPoint(path, nil, 100, 100)
CGPathAddLineToPoint(path, nil, 500, 500)
Now to make the path visible, and give it attributes like stroke color, line width etc. you create a SKShapeNode in SpriteKit and add the path to it.
let shape = SKShapeNode()
shape.path = path
shape.strokeColor = UIColor.whiteColor()
shape.lineWidth = 2
Hope this helps :).

Follow THIS tutorial step by step and you can achieve that.
Consider the below code:
override func touchesMoved(touches: NSSet, withEvent event: UIEvent) {
let location = touches.anyObject()!.locationInNode(scene)
if let pig = movingPig {
This is a simple method. You get the next position of the user’s finger and if you found a pig in touchesBegan(_:,withEvent:), as indicated by a non-nil movingPig value, you add the position to this pig as the next waypoint.
So far, you can store a path for the pig—now let’s make the pig follow this path. Add the following code to update() inside GameScene.swift:
dt = currentTime - lastUpdateTime
lastUpdateTime = currentTime
enumerateChildNodesWithName("pig", usingBlock: {node, stop in
let pig = node as Pig
And you can see result:
Drawing Lines:
At the moment, only the pig knows the path it wants to travel, but the scene also needs to know this path to draw it. The solution to this problem is a new method for your Pig class.
func createPathToMove() -> CGPathRef? {
if wayPoints.count <= 1 {
return nil
var ref = CGPathCreateMutable()
for var i = 0; i < wayPoints.count; ++i {
let p = wayPoints[i]
if i == 0 {
CGPathMoveToPoint(ref, nil, p.x, p.y)
} else {
CGPathAddLineToPoint(ref, nil, p.x, p.y)
return ref
this method to draw the pig’s path:
func drawLines() {
enumerateChildNodesWithName("line", usingBlock: {node, stop in
enumerateChildNodesWithName("pig", usingBlock: {node, stop in
let pig = node as Pig
if let path = pig.createPathToMove() {
let shapeNode = SKShapeNode()
shapeNode.path = path = "line"
shapeNode.strokeColor = UIColor.grayColor()
shapeNode.lineWidth = 2
shapeNode.zPosition = 1
And here is your result:
And you can set that path for the pig.
You can modify that as per your need.
Hope it will help.

For Swift 3, the CGPathMoveToPoint method doesn't like a nil for the second argument anymore, so I needed a new solution. Here's what I came up with:
let line_path:CGMutablePath = CGMutablePath()
line_path.move(to: CGPoint(x:x1, y:y1))
line_path.addLine(to: CGPoint(x:x2, y:y2))

For the sake of simplicity, I pulled everything necessary to draw a line into an extension of SKShapeNode that allows you to create a line with a start & end point, as well as a strokeColor and strokeWidth (you could always preset these or make default values should you choose too)
extension SKShapeNode {
convenience init(start: CGPoint,
end: CGPoint,
strokeColor: UIColor,
lineWidth: CGFloat) {
let path = CGMutablePath()
path.move(to: start)
path.addLine(to: end)
self.path = path
self.strokeColor = strokeColor
self.lineWidth = lineWidth
The basic idea is that it will create a CGMutablePath with the provided points and assign it to the shape node for drawing a line.
To call it:
let horizontalLine = SKShapeNode(start: CGPoint(x: 0, y: 50),
end: CGPoint(x: size.width, y: 50),
strokeColor: .orange,
lineWidth: 2.0)
And the output:


UIBezierPath translation transform gives wrong answer

When I attempt to translate a path, to move it to an origin of {0, 0}, the resulting path bounds is in error. (Or, my assumptions are in error).
e.g. the path gives the following bounds info:
let bezier = UIBezierPath(cgPath: svgPath)
// (0.0085, 0.7200, 68.5542, 41.1379)
// (0.0085, 0.7200, 68.5542, 41.1379)
// (-1.25, -0.1070, 70.0360, 41.9650)
I (attempt to) move the path to the origin:
let origin = bezier.bounds.origin
bezier.apply(CGAffineTransform(translationX: -origin.x, y: -origin.y))
// (0.0, -2.7755, 68.5542, 41.1379)
As you can see, the x origin component is correct at 0. But, the y component (-2.7755) has gone all kittywumpus. It should be 0, non?
The same thing happens when I perform the transform on the cgPath property.
Does anyone know what kind of circumstances could cause a UIBezierPath/CGPath to behave like this when translated? After reading the Apple docs, it seems that UIBezierPath/CGPath do not hold a transform state; the points are transformed immediately when the transform is called.
Thanks for any help.
The path data is from Font-Awesome SVGs, via PocketSVG. All files parse, and most draw OK. But a small subset exhibit the above translation issue. I'd like to know if I'm doing something fundamentally wrong or silly before I go ferreting through the SVG parsing, path-building code looking for defects.
BTW I am not drawing at this stage or otherwise dealing with a context; I am building paths prior to drawing.
To check that PocketSVG was giving me properly formed data, I passed the same SVG to SwiftSVG, and got the same path data as PocketSVG, and the same result:
let svgURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "fa-mars-stroke-h", withExtension: "svg")!
var bezier = UIBezierPath.pathWithSVGURL(svgURL)!
// (0.0085, 0.7200, 68.5542, 41.1379)
let origin = bezier.bounds.origin
let translation = CGAffineTransform(translationX: -origin.x, y: -origin.y)
// (0.0, -2.7755, 68.5542, 41.1379)
Once again, that y component should be 0, but is not. Very weird.
On a whim, I thought I'd try to apply a transformation again. And, it worked!
let translation2 = CGAffineTransform(translationX: -bezier.bounds.origin.x, y: -bezier.bounds.origin.y)
// (0.0, 0.0, 68.5542491336633, 41.1379438254997)
Baffling! Am I overlooking something really basic here?
I have tried the same as you and is working for me in Xcode 8.3.2 / iOS 10
I struggled myself with the same problem, I managed to solve it by using the following snippet of code (Swift 5). I tested on an organic bezier shape and it works as expected:
extension CGRect {
var center: CGPoint { return CGPoint(x: midX, y: midY) }
extension UIBezierPath {
func center(inRect rect:CGRect) {
let rectCenter =
let bezierCenter =
let translation = CGAffineTransform(translationX: rectCenter.x - bezierCenter.x, y: rectCenter.y - bezierCenter.y)
Usage example:
override func viewDidLoad() {
let bezier = UIBezierPath() // replace this with your bezier object
let shape = CAShapeLayer()
shape.strokeColor =
shape.fillColor = UIColor.clear.cgColor
shape.bounds = self.view.bounds
shape.position = shape.bounds)
shape.path = bezier.cgPath
It will display the shape in the center of the screen.

ios Swift SpriteKit: how to use a sprite in other functions

I have created some particles animations with specific sprites which works fine if I use them in the function:
override init(size: CGSize)
I use the following lines:
let sheet_particles = Particles()
let particles_node = SKSpriteNode(texture: sheet_particles.particle000()) = kparticles
particles_node.position = CGPoint(x: 500, y: 500)
particles_node.zPosition = 5
To make them appear in my scene.
The problem I have is if I try to use them in other functions in my scene, I can not see them.
func panForTranslation(translation : CGPoint) {
let position = selectedNode.position
if! == kpuzzleNodeName {
selectedNode.position = CGPoint(x: position.x + translation.x * 2, y: position.y + translation.y * 2)
switch selectedNode.name2 {
case "0":
if selectedNode.frame.intersects(NPuzzle13.frame) {
particles_node.position = selectedNode.position
NPuzzle13.hidden = false
I see no particles sprite when the condition "0" happens but I see correctly the NPuzzle13. When I check the position of the particles_node node, its position is equal with the node selectedNode. All that is OK, except for the visibility of the particles... What am I missing? Thanks.
About zPosition seems all correct. I dont see any anchorPoint in your code.
I think your switch-case is jumped (not fired, not executed) because you check switch selectedNode.name2 instead of switch

Custom Particle System for iOS

I want to create a particle system on iOS using sprite kit where I define the colour of each individual particle. As far as I can tell this isn't possible with the existing SKEmitterNode.
It seems that best I can do is specify general behaviour. Is there any way I can specify the starting colour and position of each particle?
This can give you a basic idea what I was meant in my comments. But keep in mind that it is untested and I am not sure how it will behave if frame rate drops occur.
This example creates 5 particles per second, add them sequentially (in counterclockwise direction) along the perimeter of a given circle. Each particle will have different predefined color. You can play with Settings struct properties to change the particle spawning speed or to increase or decrease number of particles to emit.
Pretty much everything is commented, so I guess you will be fine:
Swift 2
import SpriteKit
struct Settings {
static var numberOfParticles = 30
static var particleBirthRate:CGFloat = 5 //Means 5 particles per second, 0.2 means one particle in 5 seconds etc.
class GameScene: SKScene {
var positions = [CGPoint]()
var colors = [SKColor]()
var emitterNode:SKEmitterNode?
var currentPosition = 0
override func didMoveToView(view: SKView) {
backgroundColor = .blackColor()
emitterNode = SKEmitterNode(fileNamed: "rain.sks")
if let emitter = emitterNode {
emitter.position = CGPoint(x: CGRectGetMidX(frame), y: CGRectGetMidY(frame))
emitter.particleBirthRate = Settings.particleBirthRate
let radius = 50.0
let center = CGPointZero
for var i = 0; i <= Settings.numberOfParticles; i++ {
//Randomize color
colors.append(SKColor(red: 0.78, green: CGFloat(i*8)/255.0, blue: 0.38, alpha: 1))
//Create some points on a perimeter of a given circle (radius = 40)
let angle = Double(i) * 2.0 * M_PI / Double(Settings.numberOfParticles)
let x = radius * cos(angle)
let y = radius * sin(angle)
let currentParticlePosition = CGPointMake(CGFloat(x) + center.x, CGFloat(y) + center.y)
if i == 1 {
Set start position for the first particle.
particlePosition is starting position for each particle in the emitter's coordinate space. Defaults to (0.0, 0,0).
emitter.particlePosition = positions[0]
emitter.particleColor = colors[0]
// Added just for debugging purposes to show positions for every particle.
for particlePosition in positions {
let sprite = SKSpriteNode(color: SKColor.orangeColor(), size: CGSize(width: 1, height: 1))
sprite.position = convertPoint(particlePosition, fromNode:emitter)
sprite.zPosition = 2
let block = SKAction.runBlock({
// Prevent strong reference cycles.
[unowned self] in
if self.currentPosition < self.positions.count {
// Set color for the next particle
emitter.particleColor = self.colors[self.currentPosition]
// Set position for the next particle. Keep in mind that particlePosition is a point in the emitter's coordinate space.
emitter.particlePosition = self.positions[self.currentPosition++]
}else {
//Stop the action
emitter.particleBirthRate = 0
// particleBirthRate is a rate at which new particles are generated, in particles per second. Defaults to 0.0.
let rate = NSTimeInterval(CGFloat(1.0) / Settings.particleBirthRate)
let sequence = SKAction.sequence([SKAction.waitForDuration(rate), block])
let repeatAction = SKAction.repeatActionForever(sequence)
runAction(repeatAction, withKey: "emitting")
Swift 3.1
import SpriteKit
struct Settings {
static var numberOfParticles = 30
static var particleBirthRate:CGFloat = 5 //Means 5 particles per second, 0.2 means one particle in 5 seconds etc.
class GameScene: SKScene {
var positions = [CGPoint]()
var colors = [SKColor]()
var emitterNode: SKEmitterNode?
var currentPosition = 0
override func didMove(to view: SKView) {
backgroundColor =
emitterNode = SKEmitterNode(fileNamed: "rain.sks")
if let emitter = emitterNode {
emitter.position = CGPoint(x: frame.midX, y: frame.midY)
emitter.particleBirthRate = Settings.particleBirthRate
let radius = 50.0
let center =
for var i in 0...Settings.numberOfParticles {
//Randomize color
colors.append(SKColor(red: 0.78, green: CGFloat(i * 8) / 255.0, blue: 0.38, alpha: 1))
//Create some points on a perimeter of a given circle (radius = 40)
let angle = Double(i) * 2.0 * Double.pi / Double(Settings.numberOfParticles)
let x = radius * cos(angle)
let y = radius * sin(angle)
let currentParticlePosition = CGPoint.init(x: CGFloat(x) + center.x, y: CGFloat(y) + center.y)
if i == 1 {
Set start position for the first particle.
particlePosition is starting position for each particle in the emitter's coordinate space. Defaults to (0.0, 0,0).
emitter.particlePosition = positions[0]
emitter.particleColor = colors[0]
self.currentPosition += 1
// Added just for debugging purposes to show positions for every particle.
for particlePosition in positions {
let sprite = SKSpriteNode(color:, size: CGSize(width: 1, height: 1))
sprite.position = convert(particlePosition, from: emitter)
sprite.zPosition = 2
let block ={
// Prevent strong reference cycles.
[unowned self] in
if self.currentPosition < self.positions.count {
// Set color for the next particle
emitter.particleColor = self.colors[self.currentPosition]
// Set position for the next particle. Keep in mind that particlePosition is a point in the emitter's coordinate space.
emitter.particlePosition = self.positions[self.currentPosition]
self.currentPosition += 1
} else {
//Stop the action
self.removeAction(forKey: "emitting")
emitter.particleBirthRate = 0
// particleBirthRate is a rate at which new particles are generated, in particles per second. Defaults to 0.0.
let rate = TimeInterval(CGFloat(1.0) / Settings.particleBirthRate)
let sequence = SKAction.sequence([SKAction.wait(forDuration: rate), block])
let repeatAction = SKAction.repeatForever(sequence)
run(repeatAction, withKey: "emitting")
Orange dots are added just for debugging purposes and you can remove that part if you like.
Personally I would say that you are overthinking this, but I might be wrong because there is no clear description of what you are trying to make and how to use it. Keep in mind that SpriteKit can render a bunch of sprites in a single draw call in very performant way. Same goes with SKEmitterNode if used sparingly. Also, don't underestimate SKEmitterNode... It is very configurable actually.
Here is the setup of Particle Emitter Editor:
Anyways, here is the final result:
Note that nodes count comes from an orange SKSpriteNodes used for debugging. If you remove them, you will see that there is only one node added to the scene (emitter node).
What you want is completely possible, probably even in real time. Unfortunately to do such a thing the way you describe with moving particles as being a particle for each pixel would be best done with a pixel shader. I don't know of a clean method that would allow you to draw on top of the scene with a pixel shader otherwise all you would need is a pixel shader that takes the pixels and moves them out from the center. I personally wouldn't try to do this unless I built the game with my own custom game engine in place of spritekit.
That being said I'm not sure a pixel per pixel diffusion is the best thing in most cases. Expecially if you have cartoony art. Many popular games will actually make sprites for fragments of the object they expect to shader. So like if it's an airplane you might have a sprite for the wings with perhaps even wires hanging out of this. Then when it is time to shatter the plane, remove it from the scene and replace the area with the pieces in the same shape of the plane... Sorta like a puzzle. This will likely take some tweaking. Then you can add skphysicsbodies to all of these pieces and have a force push them out in all directions. Also this doesn't mean that each pixel gets a node. I would suggest creatively breaking it into under 10 pieces.
And as whirlwind said you could all ways get things looking "like" it actually disintegrated by using an emitter node. Just make the spawn area bigger and try to emulate the color as much as possible. To make the ship dissappear you could do a fade perhaps? Or Mabye an explosion sprite over it? Often with real time special effects and physics, or with vfx it is more about making it look like reality then actually simulating reality. Sometimes you have to use trickery to get things to look good and run real-time.
If you want to see how this might look I would recommend looking at games like jetpac joyride.
Good luck!

Detect touch within Sprite texture and not the entire frame iOS Swift SpriteKit?

I am working with SpriteKit right now and I came across a problem that seems simple but I couldn't find anything on the internet. I have three buttons that are shaped like parallelograms stacked on top of each other and it looks like this:
Screenshot of buttons
let button = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "playbutton")
let leaderButton = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "leaderbutton")
let homeButton = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "homebutton")
button.position = CGPoint(x: size.width/2, y: size.height/2)
leaderButton.position = CGPoint(x: size.width/2, y: size.height/2 - button.size.height/2)
homeButton.position = CGPoint(x: size.width/2, y: size.height/2 - button.size.height)
override func touchesBegan(touches: Set<UITouch>, withEvent event: UIEvent?) {
for touch: AnyObject in touches {
let location = touch.locationInNode(self)
if button.containsPoint(location) {
button.runAction(SKAction.scaleTo(0.8, duration: 0.1))
else if leaderButton.containsPoint(location) {
leaderButton.runAction(SKAction.scaleTo(0.8, duration: 0.1))
else if homeButton.containsPoint(location) {
homeButton.runAction(SKAction.scaleTo(0.8, duration: 0.1))
This is how I am detecting touches. The problem is that they overlap because the sprite is actually a rectangle so when i try and tap on the top left of the second button, the top button detects it. I was wondering of there is a way to detect touch only in the texture like how you can set the physics body to a texture.
Thanks for any help you can give me!
Link works now.
So I tried this:
button.position = CGPoint(x: size.width/2, y: size.height/2)
button.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(texture: SKTexture(imageNamed: "playbutton"), size: button.size)
button.physicsBody?.dynamic = false
leaderButton.position = CGPoint(x: size.width/2, y: size.height/2 - button.size.height/2)
leaderButton.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(texture: SKTexture(imageNamed: "leaderbutton"), size: leaderButton.size)
leaderButton.physicsBody?.dynamic = false
homeButton.position = CGPoint(x: size.width/2, y: size.height/2 - button.size.height)
homeButton.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(texture: SKTexture(imageNamed: "homebutton"), size: homeButton.size)
homeButton.physicsBody?.dynamic = false
override func touchesBegan(touches: Set<UITouch>, withEvent event: UIEvent?) {
for touch: AnyObject in touches {
let location = touch.locationInNode(self)
if physicsWorld.bodyAtPoint(location)?.node == button {
button.runAction(SKAction.scaleTo(0.8, duration: 0.1))
if physicsWorld.bodyAtPoint(location)?.node == leaderButton {
leaderButton.runAction(SKAction.scaleTo(0.8, duration: 0.1))
if physicsWorld.bodyAtPoint(location)?.node == homeButton {
homeButton.runAction(SKAction.scaleTo(0.8, duration: 0.1))
It still registers the full frame and not just the physics body. See the link to see the buttons and how their coordinates intersect.
If you attach a physics body to each button, you can detect which physics body your touch lands on.
You can generate a physics body from the button's texture (assuming the button is an SKSpriteNode) using SKPhysicsBody(texture:size:) or SKPhysicsBody(texture:alphaThreshold:size:), or you can create a CGPath describing the button's shape and use SKPhysicsBody(polygonFromPath:). Assign the body to the button's physicsBody property. Assuming you don't actually want the physics simulator to move your buttons, set each body's dynamic property to false.
Then you can use physicsWorld.bodyAtPoint(_:) to get one of the bodies that a touch lands on (where physicsWorld is a property of your SKScene). Use the body's node property to get back to the button node. If bodies overlap, bodyAtPoint returns an arbitrary body.
You can use physicsWorld.enumerateBodiesAtPoint(_:usingBlock:) if you need all of the bodies that your touch lands on.
A completely different approach, if you can create a CGPath describing the button's shape, is to use SKScene.convertPointFromView(_:) and then SKNode.convertPoint(_:fromNode:_) to convert the point into the button's coordinate system, and then use CGPathContainsPoint (a global function) to detect whether the point is in the path describing the button shape.
(I can't see your imgur link, but I think I have a pretty good idea of what you're describing.)
There are some discussions on how to read the alpha value of out an SKTexture, but those require quite a bit of overhead for just "did I touch a parallelogram"? Especially if you add alpha effects to your buttons.
You can do whatever logic you want on the location - you have a CGPoint that contains the location, and you know the size and shape of your buttons.
It should be pretty straightforward to write a function to test whether a point is inside a parallelogram-shaped button. Since parallelograms are basically rectangles with triangles on each end of an "inner" rect, if you know the size of that "inner" rect, you can pretty easily determine whether the touch is where you want by:
Checking that it's in the rect of the entire button. If not, you know it's not in the parallelogram.
Checking to see if it's inside the "inner" rectangle - the part of the parallelogram with the triangles "chopped off" the ends. If so, then you know it's in the parallelogram.
Checking to see if it's inside one of the triangles. You know how far up and how far across the touch is in the rect that contains the triangle, and you know the slope of the line that divides that rect to make the triangle by virtue of its width and height. That makes it trivial to check whether the point is in the triangle or not - just use the "y=mx+b" formula for a line, where m is the slope and b is whatever you need to add to get the line to pass through the corner of the rect (typically your "y intercept"). If the y coordinate is less than/greater than m*(the x coordinate) + b, you can determine whether the touch is inside or outside that triangle.
Once you have that function, you can use it as the test for checking each button.

checking to see if location in scene is occupied by sprite

I am building my first iPhone game using Xcode, SpriteKit and Swift. I am new to these technologies but I am familiar with general programming concepts.
Here is what I am trying to do in English. I want circles to randomly appear on the screen and then begin to expand in size. However, I do not want a circle to appear in a location where a circle currently exists. I am having trouble determining each circle's position.
Inside GameScene.swift I have the following code inside the didMoveToView:
SKAction.runBlock(addCircle), SKAction.waitForDuration(3, withRange: 2)]
The piece of code above calls my "addCircle" method:
func addCircle() {
// Create sprite.
let circle = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "grad640x640_circle") = "circle"
circle.xScale = 0.1
circle.yScale = 0.1
// Determine where to position the circle.
let posX = random(min: 50, max: 270)
let posY = random(min: 50, max: 518)
// ***Check to see if position is currently occupied by another circle here.
circle.position = CGPoint(x: posX, y: posY)
// Add circle to the scene.
// Expand the circle.
let expand = SKAction.scaleBy(2, duration: 0.5)
The random function above just chooses a random number within the given range. How can I check to see if my random functions are generating a location that is currently occupied by another circle?
I was thinking of using a do..while loop to randomly generate a set of x and y coordinates and then check to see if a circle is at that location but I cannot find how to check for that condition. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
There are a few methods which can help you in this regard:
(BOOL) intersectsNode: (SKNode*)node, available with SKNode, and
CGRectContainsPoint() as well as the CGRectContainsRect() methods.
For instance the loop to check for intersection can look as follows:
var point: CGPoint
var exit:Bool = false
while (!exit) {
let posX = random(min: 50, max: 270)
let posY = random(min: 50, max: 518)
point = CGPoint(x: posX, y: posY)
var pointFound: Bool = true
self.enumerateChildNodesWithName("circle", usingBlock: {
node, stop in
let sprite:SKSpriteNode = node as SKSpriteNode
if (CGRectContainsPoint(sprite.frame, point))
pointFound = false
stop.memory = true
if (pointFound)
exit = true
//point contains CGPoint where no other circle exists
//Declare new circle at point
