Why doesn't the default attribute for number fields work for Jenkins jelly configurations? - jenkins

I'm working on a Jenkins plugin where we make a call out to a remote service using Spring's RestTemplate. To configure the timeout values, I'm setting up some fields in the global configuration using the global.jelly file for Jenkins plugins using a number field as shown here:
<f:entry title="Read Timeout" field="readTimeout" description="Read timeout in ms.">
<f:number default="3000"/>
Now, this works to save the values and retrieve the values no problem, so it looks like everything is setup correctly for my BuildStepDescriptor. However, when I first install the update to a Jenkins instance, instead of getting 3000 in the field by default as I would expect, instead I am getting 0. This is the same for all the fields that I'm using.
Given that the Jelly tag reference library says this attribute should be the default value, why do I keep seeing 0 when I first install the plugin?
Is there some more Java code that needs to be added to my plugin to tie the default in Jelly back to the global configuration?

I would think that when Jenkins starts, it goes to get the plugin configuration XML and fails to find a value and sets it to a default of 0.
I have got round this in the past by setting a default in the descriptor (in groovy) then this value will be saved into the global config the first time in and also be available if the user never visits the config page.
static class DescriptorImpl extends AxisDescriptor {
final String displayName = 'Selenium Capability Axis'
String server = 'http://localhost:4444'
Boolean sauceLabs = false
String sauceLabsName
Secret sauceLabsPwd
String sauceLabsAPIURL =
String sauceLabsURL = 'http://ondemand.saucelabs.com:80'
from here


User defined script timed out. Timeout is set to 30.0 s

Hi I an integrating my python code for time series forecasting with tableau using tabpy. While executing the code as calculated field it giving this erro: "User defined script timed out. Timeout is set to 30.0 s.". I have increased timeout in default.config already. Please suggest some sulution.
It looks like the value of TABPY_EVALUATE_TIMEOUT is hard coded somewhere in the python code used for tabpy server.
check in the tabpy\tabpy_server\app\app.py file, if you find out any hard coded value there just change the number to your required value or else check in other python files in the folder for the hard coded value and change it.
Incase you didn't find that path check in the log file of the tabpy, you will get to know that path.
According to the documentation you can set this parameter in your configuration file and when you launch Tabpy from the command line, just specify absolute to your configuration file like this: tabpy --config=absolute/path/to/your/config/file.conf
You can find a configuration file example under the link above. The parameter which you need to set is TABPY_EVALUATE_TIMEOUT, so in your case configuration file could look like this(if you want to extend timeout time to 2 minutes, for example):
All other parameters will be taken from default configuration file.

Window Duration within PipelineOptions in Cloud Dataflow

Been trying to dig how I could do this but I'm constantly getting the same error, which is the following...
An exception occured while executing the Java class. Value only available at runtime, but accessed from a non-runtime context:
Solved this issue before accessing .get() once the Pipeline was instantiated and configured, inside a custom DoFn that was needed.
My problem now is when defining the Duration of a Window within the Pipeline, which isn't a custom object such as the previously metioned one.
#Description("Defaults to 5 (minutes).")
ValueProvider<Long> getWindowDuration();
I can't wrap my head around how to access that value once the Pipeline has been deployed, or if the current Window objects support PipelineOptions in some of its constructors...
options.getWindowDuration() + "min Window",
/** [Hardcoded so I can debug] Duration.standardMinutes(5) **/))
Window duration has to be specified when defining the pipeline (not during execution). So you should set it directly in the window object (for example, FixedWindows). The value you set does not necessarily have to come from a pipeline option.

How to "reduce" Jenkins Pipeline output path

We were building our solution without any "Pipeline" in Jenkins until recently, so I'm currently in the progress to move our build to multibranch pipelines.
The issue that I'm running into is that we have a lot of structure une our solution(lot of subfolder, and sometimes some big names).
Currently, the jenkins pipeline extract everything in a folder that looks like:
Which is very-long, and now we are reaching the 260 characters limit of MSBuild:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual
error MSB3553: Resource file
has an invalid name. The item metadata "%(FullPath)" cannot be applied
to the path
The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully
qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the
directory name must be less than 248 characters.
We have so much cases where the length is big that it's really a big job to refactor everything, so I'm looking on how to specify to jenkins a smaller path?
What I finally did:
pipeline {
agent {
label 'windows-node'
customWorkspace "D:\\ws\\${env.BRANCH_NAME}"
And I've a step that does the checkout. It was easier for me to have a "per-job" behavior, without touching jenkins global settings.
Update (for any recent Jenkins instances)
Turns out that with recent Jenkins versions PATH_MAX seems to be ignored.
The only thing it does: Issue a warning in the Jenkins log when smaller than a certain value, which actually does not matter - as the setting itself will anyways be ignored (as seen on Jenkins 2.249.3). See also: JENKINS-2111
As far as I can tell - the new setting was introduced in jenkins-branch-api 2.0.21:
There's a new property introduced: MAX_LENGTH.
This defaults to 32 characters by default.
You can set it the same way like PATH_MAX:
As a java property - to ensure that Jenkins will start using the right setting, e.g.:
or during run-time, using the script console:
For older Jenkins instances
Actually there's a java property you can set to specify the length of the directory name, e.g.:
To make it permanent you have to specify this property in the Jenkins java startup configuration file.
You may also read and write this property using the Jenkins script console for temporary changes or to just give it a try as it takes effect immediately, e.g.
println jenkins.branch.WorkspaceLocatorImpl.PATH_MAX
jenkins.branch.WorkspaceLocatorImpl.PATH_MAX = 20
println jenkins.branch.WorkspaceLocatorImpl.PATH_MAX
Setting this value to 0 changes the path generation behavior.
For details please check:

Jenkins: read an existing job's plugin config via Groovy

We are in the early phases of using Jenkins DSL. One challenge we have come across is being able to read in an existing jobs plugin settings so that we retain it before running the DSL. This allows us the ability to give the Jenkins users the option to keep some of their settings. We have successfully retained the schedule settings for our jobs but the newest challenge is being able to retain a plugin setting. Specifically a setting in the "ExtendedEmailPublisher" plugin. We would like to retain the value:
In the config.xml file for this job in the ExtendedEmailPublisher tags we see the following:
The value we would like to extract/preserve from this XML is:
We have tried getting the existing values using groovy but cant seem to find the right code. Our first idea was to try to read the value from the config.xml using the XmlSlurper. We ran this from the Jenkins Script Console:
def projectXml = new XmlSlurper().parseText("curl http://Server_Name:8100/job/Job_Name/api/xml".execute().text);
*we use 8100 for our Jenkins port
Unfortunately while this does return some config info it does not return plugin info.
Then, we also tried running the following to read/replace the existing settings:
def oldJob = hudson.model.Hudson.instance.getItem("Job_Name")
def isDisabled = false // Default Value
for(publisher in oldJob.publishersList) {
if (publisher instanceof hudson.plugins.emailext.ExtendedEmailPublisher) {
isDisabled = publisher.disabled
And while this works if executed from the Jenkins Script Console, when we try to use it in a DSL Job we get the message:
Processing provided DSL script
ERROR: startup failed:
script: 25: unable to resolve class
# line 25, column 37.
if (publisher instanceof hudson.plugins.emailext.ExtendedEmailPublisher)
1 error
Finished: FAILURE
Using url #aflat's URL suggestion for getting the raw XML config info, I was able to use the XML Slurper and then use the getProperty method to assign the property I wanted to a variable.
def projectXml = new XmlSlurper().parseText("curl http://Server_Name:8100/job/Job_Name/config.xml".execute().text);
def emailDisabled = projectXml.publishers."hudson.plugins.emailext.ExtendedEmailPublisher".getProperty("disabled");
If you want to parse the config.xml, use
def projectXml = new XmlSlurper().parseText("curl http://Server_Name:8100/job/Job_Name/config.xml");
That should return your raw config.xml data
Under "Manage Jenkins->Configure Global Security" did you try disabling "Enable script security for Job DSL scripts"?

“Inject environment variables” Jenkins 2.0

I recently upgraded to Jenkins 2.0.
I’m trying to add a build step to a jenkins job of "Inject environment variables" along the lines of this SO post, but it’s not showing up as an option.
Is this not feature in Jenkins 2.0 (or has it always been a separate plugin)? Do I have to install another plugin, such as Envinject?
If you are using Jenkins 2.0
you can load the property file (which consists of all required Environment variables along with their corresponding values) and read all the environment variables listed there automatically and inject it into the Jenkins provided env entity.
Here is a method which performs the above stated action.
def loadProperties(path) {
properties = new Properties()
File propertiesFile = new File(path)
Set<Object> keys = properties.keySet();
for(Object k:keys){
String key = (String)k;
String value =(String) properties.getProperty(key)
env."${key}" = "${value}"
To call this method we need to pass the path of property file as a string variable
For example, in our Jenkins file using groovy script we can call like
path = "${workspace}/pic_env_vars.properties"
Please ask me if you have any doubt
