Jquery Mobile Redirect Issue - jquery-mobile

Iam using jquery mobile 1.4.5
Here, Page is redirect automatically into last page and redirect count also increasing respectively.
For Page Redirection, I Have used following method but still same issue
$.mobile.pageContainer.pagecontainer("change", "dashboardPage.html");
$.mobile.changePage( "dashboard.html", {
//transition: "pop",
reverse: false,
changeHash: false
$.mobile.changePage( "dashboard.html");
My Issue is
For Ex:
I'm in Page 1, from page 1 i'll goto page 2, Then from there i come to page 1. Then again i goto page 2. So this time page2 is automatically redirect to page1.
If i switch between two pages, automatic page redirection increasing 1,2,3 time.
For switching pages, im using above page redirection method.


mobilefirst logout redirect to new page

I am using jquery mobile and I am using $.mobile.changePage( "#newpage"); option when the user authentication is done to move to next page. in the next page I have a logout button and when user clicks on that it has to logout and on success it has to come back to the login screen again.
WL.Client.logout('CustomAuthenticatorRealm',{onSuccess: WL.Client.reloadApp})
in this code onsuccess it is reloading the same url. i tried to change it like onSuccess: $.mobile.changePage( "#loginpage");
but it is not working. any suggestions please
Hi I got it working ..
Instead making a page change I used onSuccess: WL.Client.reloadApp and for all the pages where I am using the load page function i have added changeHash: false so that the same url follows till the end . now it works fine as I expected
I am not sure about that #loginpage bit, but that depends on your multiple pages implementation.
Anyway, try this instead as the onSuccess callback:
$.mobile.changePage("#loginpage", { changeHash: false });

jQuery Mobile - refresh page with $.mobile.changePage

I have a simple function that opens a page with jquery mobile; the page structure is like that:
$(document).on('pageinit','#page', function(){
//all script
My function:
function dettail(id) {
localStorage.setItem("id", id);
var url = "#page";
$.mobile.changePage( url, {transition: "none", reloadPage:true} );
This function doesn't load #page; "reloadPage:true" why doesn't work?
ps (I used pageinit and no pageshow because I need that the page is loading only in one case).
Try using the allowSamePageTransition option, i.e.:
allowSamePageTransition : true,
transition : 'none',
showLoadMsg : false,
reloadPage : true
Taken from http://scottwb.com/blog/2012/06/29/reload-the-same-page-without-blinking-on-jquery-mobile/
If I understand your question correctly, you are trying to refresh just a specific #page portion within a multi page layout.
As you have discovered, the $.mobile.changePage does not work like that, it retrieves a fresh copy of the entire page from the server and not just the #page portion you want to refresh. The work around I came up with uses an 'emulated' refresh, for lack of a better term.
The following will walk you through the setup/use of the emulated refresh:
Step 1 - Create an empty page
Place the following html code into the body .. /body section of your multi page layout
<div data-role="page" id="empty_page_content" data-theme="b" data-content-theme="b"></div>
Step 2 - Your dettail() function
In the head .. /head section (or an external js file loaded in this section), BEFORE the jquery mobile library is loaded, place your dettail function, written as follows:
function dettail(id){
localStorage.setItem("id", id);
//emulate a refresh by switching to an empty page div (and then back to this page again)
allowSamePageTransition : true,
transition : 'none',
showLoadMsg : false,
reloadPage : false
Step 3 - Setup a pageshow event on the #empty_page_content page
In the head ... /head section (or an external js file loaded in this section), BEFORE the jquery mobile library is loaded, place the following js code:
$(function() {
$(document).on("pageshow", "#empty_page_content", function() {
//console.log('pageshow event - #empty_page_content only');
// return to #page whenever this page is loaded
// The return url is hardcoded in this example but it could be switched to a variable if different return pages are needed
allowSamePageTransition : true,
transition : 'none',
showLoadMsg : false,
reloadPage : false
Step 4 - doing stuff in your #page each time it is displayed
In the head ... /head section (or an external js file loaded in this section), BEFORE the jquery mobile library is loaded, place the following js code:
$(function() {
$(document).on("pageshow", "#page", function() {
//console.log('pageshow event - #page');
// .. do stuff here, such as look for a stored id value and update the content of the #page accordingly
I successfully tested this solution on a private network (so I don't have a link for you to go look at). Hopefully it will work for you in your project. If not let me know and I'll see if I can help you get it going.
Just remember that it is best to load all head .. /head javascript code that is needed for all your pages on every page (best done by loading the same external js file on all pages) because the js code in the head section is only ever loaded ONCE from the first page that is accessed. You may intend for users to initially browse page1 but unless you can guarantee it your code should work if page 2 or 3 or etc were initially loaded instead.
reloadPage:true works only with page urls, not page ids
$.mobile.changePage("#page", {
transition : "fade",
reverse : false,
changeHash : false,
allowSamePageTransition : true,
will not work

jQuery Mobile Site using an ajax $.get() to check username availability returning previous page code in return data

I have a simple JQM site I'm working on. I'm trying to validate the availability of a username on the fly in a form. I'm using jquery $.get() ajax to return "success" or "fail" however the return data is being replace with the code of the previous page.
$(document).on('pageinit', function () {
// check to see if username is available
$("#username").change(function() {
$.get("controller.php", { action: "check_username", username: username }, function(data) {
The controller.php is checking for availability of the username and return "pass" or "fail" When I do the console.log(data) which I'm expecting to be pass or fail, it's logging out the code from the previous page??
I'm thinking maybe it's a JQM caching issue so I tried to disable cache with no effect. I was orginally using a JQM dialog box to display the form. Thinking that had something to do with it I pulled that out and loaded a straight link. That didn't fix it so I tried to load the page directly using
$.mobile.changePage( "user-new.php", { reloadPage: true});
I am stumped. Why would a $.get ajax call return data be returning code from the previous page?
Here's a face palm! My controller was authenticating and kicking it back out to a login page. Apparently php redirects act funky with ajax return data. Rather then returning the login page code it was returning the previous page code. I Removed the authentication and it works fine. Unbelievable! I'm going to go work at a gas station or something :)

How can I refresh a page when clicking on a link

I have some tabs on a page (using jquery mobile). However, when I change tabs I would like to refresh the page.
This is what I have in my page:
I've tried adding a js reload to my href like this:
However, this reloads the page and places you back on the first tab.
To refresh the current page, use the below code.
$('.selector').on('click', function () {
// get ID of the current page
var refreshpage = '#' + $.mobile.activePage[0].id;
// this will refresh the same page
$.mobile.changePage(refreshpage, {
allowSamePageTransition: true

how to load Jquery tab content everytimg it is clicked?

I have 3 links made as tabs in my jsp page. Every link goes into a servlet and fetches the data. However when i try the same in IE-7, I don't see that tab content is getting loaded every-time i clicked the tab.
When i try the same page in Firefox i see that page is getting dynamically loaded every time i click the tab. Can someone please help me how to make it work on IE. All these links get data from 3 different servlets Thank you!
I am using jquery-1.7.2, jquery-ui-1.8.22 and using the Le_Frog theme.
My tab code:
cache: false,
spinner: "Processing"
I added the following code and it worked fine.
cache: false,
spinner: "Retrieving data...",
ajaxOptions: { async: false,cache:false }
