Google analytics IDFA usage on iOS - ios

I am trying to upload application update on itunes, but it does identify my app as using IDFA although i am not serving any ads in the app !
i found this link on google dev site :
however , i do not enable IDFA settings
how disable IDFA usage ?
shall i remove lib
does apple approved usage of IDFA for tracking ?

Even i faced same issue, simply remove libAdIdAccess.a AdSupport.framework from xcode and push to App Store. My App got approved by apple by doing this.
Note: Disable advanced analytic like age , gender etc in google analytic dashboard

it seems it was issue in my google analytic settings , where i have enabled by mistake advanced analytic like age , gender etc in my google analytic dashboard
disabling this config resolved the issue


Is it possible for Facebook Ads to track iOS app installs without using IDFA?

Apple has introduced new policy, restricting kids category apps from collecting IDFA. We can't integrate facebook sdk in our app, they're rejecting any build that contains SDK which makes use of IDFA.
So we're unable to run Facebook app install ads now, for our Kids category apps/games.
Is there any way to run facebook ads for app installs without using IDFA?
Maybe something like facebook pixel, or attribution of some other kind?
I removed my app completely from AppStore and Again uploaded same app With different bundle Id but this time uncheck 'Made for Kids'checkbox.
If you want to keep it in kids category and want to show Ads without using IDFA Integrate
'AdMob + Kidoz mediation' refer
This framework you can use. It does't contain 'IDFA'.

iOS IDFA: Firebase and Google Adwords Universal App Campaign Setup

I am doing a UAC to promote my iOS app. Read through Google's documentation and still can't really understand how/when to use IDFA.
What I have done:
- Added Firebase to my pod and did basic setup, so first_open events are
- Linked Firebase to Adwords
- Setup UAC to count first_open as conversion
And my question is, what additional setup is required?
- Do I need IDFA enabled to have Adwords recognize first_open events properly?
- So I shall install the GoogleIDFASupport pod?
- Then I use advertisingIdentifier of the ASIdentifierManager class to get the IDFA string? Then what? How do I get Adwords and Firebase to know a first_open is associated with a particular IDFA?
If IDFA is not needed, how does Google know if a first_open event is a new installation resulting from UAC, instead of an existing user upgrading or reinstalling the app directly from App Store?
Thanks for all the help, first day into this and it's all very confusing.
The steps are:
Add Firebase to pod, launch in simulator, check in the Firebase
dashboard that first_open event is showing
Link Firebase to Adwords (has to be under same google account)
Setup UAC to count first_open as conversion.
[important] Make sure you have app id (123456789) added in in Firebase project settings.
I was having this same issue.
I found this thread to be very informative and will possibly help some... but not me:
It was an incomplete app profile in the Firebase settings.
The gear next to "Project Overview" > General > Your apps > iOS apps
I was missing App Store ID (in your apps store URL) and Team ID (in your Apple Developer Membership Details).
Once those were filled out I returned to GoogleAds and found that I could now import all my iOS events (Conversions > Plus menu...).

Why does Apple think I'm serving ads?

Working with a Cordova app that we just added Google Analytics. The Google advertising flag is being left at the default "NO" setting. However, when I try to submit the app to Apple, it's saying that it's detecting IDFA and it asks me to specify what type of advertising we're doing. The problem is that we're not doing any advertising, so there's no valid option for me to select. Hence, I can't update the app.
Is there something that we've missed to setup just analytics without advertising?
This has been a problem with google-analytics-plugin since the AdSupport framework was added by this commit.
The quickest workaround is to use the fork at
cordova plugin add
which removes the ad framework

Google Analytics and iOS Appstore push

I'm using Google analytics in my app to sent the screen names.Do i need to take care of any other advertising id that may be present in Google Analytics SDK That may cause any issue with Appstore Push.
Per the GA docs,
To use the IDFA (Identifier for Advertisers) requires that you link
the following files to your app and then enable IDFA collection:
libAdIdAccess.a AdSupport.framework Note: depending on your build
settings, the linker flag -force_load /path/to/libAdIdAccess.a may be
As long as you don't do that, it will not use the Advertising ID, and it will not impact your app submission.

Google Analytics iOS SDK 3.0.8 IDFA App Store rejection

My app was rejected because it uses IDFA and it's not serving ads.
Apple told me to remove any instances of advertisingIdentifier, that means remove GA.
Is it really necessary to remove GA? If not, how do I get my app past Apple's review?
From the release notes:
The SDK will now collect IDFA and the advertiser tracking enabled flag
if the library libAdIdAccess.a (provided as part of the SDK) is
included in the application and the allowIDFACollection property is
set to true on the tracker.
Alternatively, use version 3.0.7.
Simply remove libAdIdAccess.a and AdSupport.framework which will be in GA SDK. These two are optional
files. :
