Google Analytics iOS SDK 3.0.8 IDFA App Store rejection - ios

My app was rejected because it uses IDFA and it's not serving ads.
Apple told me to remove any instances of advertisingIdentifier, that means remove GA.
Is it really necessary to remove GA? If not, how do I get my app past Apple's review?

From the release notes:
The SDK will now collect IDFA and the advertiser tracking enabled flag
if the library libAdIdAccess.a (provided as part of the SDK) is
included in the application and the allowIDFACollection property is
set to true on the tracker.
Alternatively, use version 3.0.7.

Simply remove libAdIdAccess.a and AdSupport.framework which will be in GA SDK. These two are optional
files. :


Some apps haven't been configured to use Apple's SKAdNetwork

After I publish my Flutter app on Apple App Store Admob gave this warning.
Some apps haven't been configured to use Apple's SKAdNetwork
To ensure you're getting credit for all ads activity, like app
installs, be sure to configure SKAdNetwork with Google's network IDs.
When I click "Get instructions" button. It opens this page:
But as you know, this page is not for Flutter. This page is for Native iOS apps developing by Swift or Objective-C.
How can I configure Apple's SKAdNetwork in Flutter? Where to edit - change?
Interestingly, there is no source for this problem in the Internet.
I feel like the first person in the world to develop Flutter.
Really, there is no solution - no source in Flutter for this problem!
Note: There is no information about this problem in this source too:
EDIT: Must I implement ATT to configure SKAdNetwork? What happens if I only change Info.plist?
Even with flutter applications, you have different configuration files for iOS and Android.
Look for the Info.plist file within your project (you must have one, usually under ios/Runner and update the keys as mentioned in the link you have attached
I solved my problem, this warning has been removed automatically. I was using out-dated admob SDK.
Update your admob SDK to latest version.
I edited my pubspec.yaml file.
google_mobile_ads: ^1.0.1
I updated my app on App Store so no warning is seen now in Admob Panel.

Why does Apple think I'm serving ads?

Working with a Cordova app that we just added Google Analytics. The Google advertising flag is being left at the default "NO" setting. However, when I try to submit the app to Apple, it's saying that it's detecting IDFA and it asks me to specify what type of advertising we're doing. The problem is that we're not doing any advertising, so there's no valid option for me to select. Hence, I can't update the app.
Is there something that we've missed to setup just analytics without advertising?
This has been a problem with google-analytics-plugin since the AdSupport framework was added by this commit.
The quickest workaround is to use the fork at
cordova plugin add
which removes the ad framework

Google analytics IDFA usage on iOS

I am trying to upload application update on itunes, but it does identify my app as using IDFA although i am not serving any ads in the app !
i found this link on google dev site :
however , i do not enable IDFA settings
how disable IDFA usage ?
shall i remove lib
does apple approved usage of IDFA for tracking ?
Even i faced same issue, simply remove libAdIdAccess.a AdSupport.framework from xcode and push to App Store. My App got approved by apple by doing this.
Note: Disable advanced analytic like age , gender etc in google analytic dashboard
it seems it was issue in my google analytic settings , where i have enabled by mistake advanced analytic like age , gender etc in my google analytic dashboard
disabling this config resolved the issue

Google Analytics and iOS Appstore push

I'm using Google analytics in my app to sent the screen names.Do i need to take care of any other advertising id that may be present in Google Analytics SDK That may cause any issue with Appstore Push.
Per the GA docs,
To use the IDFA (Identifier for Advertisers) requires that you link
the following files to your app and then enable IDFA collection:
libAdIdAccess.a AdSupport.framework Note: depending on your build
settings, the linker flag -force_load /path/to/libAdIdAccess.a may be
As long as you don't do that, it will not use the Advertising ID, and it will not impact your app submission.

MoPub Full SDK 2.3.0 Improper IDFA usage

During my IOS app validation, warning shows "Improper Advertising Identifier [IDFA] Usage. Your app contains the IDFA API but you have not indicated its usage on the Prepare for Upload". I have updated the admob SDK inside with the latest. Do I have to tick using IDFA during the preparation for upload?
Yes, if you are using the Ad Identifier in your own code or in third party libraries such as mopub, then Apple requires you to fill in and check the appropriate forms on the IDFA questionnaire prior to upload.
Specifically, the section advises app developers that the IDFA is “the only way to offer targeted ads” and offers three use cases which they must also check, if in place:
Serve advertisements within the app
Attribute this app installation to a previously served advertisement
Attribute an action taken within this app to a previously served advertisement
