How do I add a right button to NavigatorIOS in React Native? - ios

Trying to get NavigatorIOS working in React Native but I'm having trouble getting a button to show up on the right. I'm calling this this block of code when the user successfully logs in using Facebook API:
component: SwipeScreen,
rightButtonTitle: 'Matches',
onRightButtonPress: () => { console.log("matches") },
passProps:{'token': {result: info}},
Does calling .replace intead of .push have anything to do with why it won't show up?

I was able to get my rightButtonTitle to appear when using this.props.navigator.push() as opposed to this.props.navigator.replace().
On the React Native's Github Issues page, this issue is exactly what you're experiencing. The last comment, from 25 days ago, also states that replace suffers from this same issue.


Cannot read property 'navigate' of undefined while using custom cell-renderers in ag-grid

I'm using ag-grid to render a table in my angular 7.2.1 app. The custom cell renderer is just to render an edit button in the rows that will redirect to a different page.
I've done this before in a different app on a different Angular version a while ago, but for some reason the same code in this Angular 7 app is resulting in this. I think I may be missing something really simple.
I've created a minimalist reproduction of the error I'm seeing in this stackblitz -
If you click on the Edit button, you will see this error in the console.
ERROR Error: Cannot read property 'navigate' of undefined
ag-grid versions:-
I'm using the following version for ag-grid:-
"ag-grid-angular": "^20.2.0", "ag-grid-community": "^20.2.0",
Please look at the stackblitz code in the link above for the code.
You needed to define onEdit with Arrow Function
onEdit = (row): void => {
console.log('row is being edited', {row})
this.router.navigate(['/new-url', { id: row.incidentId }], {
relativeTo: this.route.parent
More example such thing: ag-grid server side infinite scrolling accessing props
Have a look at the updated plunk:
Without arrow function, inside onEdit function of AppComponent was not able to get reference of this.router, and hence, you were getting the error.
Cannot read property 'navigate' of undefined
I have also introduced RootComponent and NewComponent for better modularity in the example. Hope it will be clear with that.

Material Select blinking on iOS

I am trying to create my website in Material Design, however I found one issue with Material Select regardless whether I use MDB (Material Design for Bootstrap) or Materialize CSS framework. Both are working fine on Windows/OSX/Android , however for some reason when I open Material Select component on my iPad and click on it, there is a blinking cursor showing from the Background of the Dropdown.
Try the following code: {
I had the same issue on iOS devices, I am using select dropdown from materialisecss "".
to fix the blinking cursor issue, I used reference code from below link and slightly modified that code.
Ref Link: (check comment by "chi-bd commented on 17 Nov 2015")
/*--- Materialize Select dropdown blinking cursor fix for iOS devices ---*/
jQuery('select').siblings('').on('mousedown', function(e) {
if( /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ) {
if (e.clientX >= || e.clientY >= {
jQuery('select').material_select(); to initialize materialise select and rest code is the fix.
the only problem was this was giving problem on desktop view so added mobile detection condition
if( /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ) {
Note: Add this code in document ready $(document).ready(function() { ... });
that's it. I hope this will sort out your issue.
Regards, and have a nice day :)
There is an open issue on github, #StaticBR proposed an approach to solve "Dropdown Broken on iPhone (and Safari in general)" issue, link here.
According to #StaticBR,
"The Issue is that IO13 Safari propagate TouchEnd Events before the Click event is propagated.
So if you have a click listener within an drop down, it is not correctly triggerd, because the Dropwdown is getting closed by the TouchEnd event. After that the click event is at a different position or does not longer exist.
Removing the touch event listener solved this issue for me."
Apologies, the above code works but then it stops the scrolling for drop-down.
For now I am using below fix, but it shows the blinking cursor first and then it hides it. but still this is not the perfect solution, if anyone has better solution please post here :)
function checkDropDown(obj){
var nextObj = jQuery(obj).next();
if (jQuery(nextObj).is(":visible")){
"transition" : "none",
"left" : "-999999px"
"left" : 0
}, 250);
jQuery("").on("focus", function(){
jQuery("").on("blur", function(){

Proper way to navigate with React Native, Redux, and Navigator

I have a React Native app using the Redux framework and I'm using the Navigator component to handle navigation. I've had a little bit of trouble getting the navigation working and I'm not able to find any good examples of how to do it correctly so I'm looking for some help and clarification.
Here's the gist of what I currently have, which is working but I don't know if I'm doing it right:
Root Component
renderScene(route, navigator) {
console.log('RENDER SCENE', route);
const Component = route.component;
return (
<Component navigator={navigator} route={route} {...this.props} />
render() {
return (
renderScene={(route, nav) => this.renderScene(route, nav)}
initialRoute={{ name: 'Signin', component: Signin }} />
Signin Component
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
if (!this.props.signedIn && nextProps.signedIn) {
console.log('PUSHING TO MAIN');
nextProps.navigator.push({ name: 'Main', component: Main });
1: My first thought here is that I should probably move the navigator.push code into an action. However is componentWillReceiveProps the right place to call the action? When the Signin component is loaded it fires an action to sign in the user if they already have an active session. By default they are not signed in so when the next props come through I check if it changed and then push to Main.
2: In my console log immediately after 'PUSH TO MAIN' is logged I see two 'RENDER SCENE' logs:
[info] 'RENDER SCENE', { name: 'Signin', component: [Function: Signin] } (EXPECTED)
[info] 'RENDER SCENE', { name: 'Signin', component: [Function: Signin] } (WHY?)
[info] 'RENDER SCENE', { name: 'Main', component: [Function: Main] }
I'm curious as to why RENDER SCENE is called twice (the first one being the Signin component) if I'm only pushing the Main component.
Also originally in the componentWillReceiveProps method I was only checking:
if (nextProps.signedIn) {
nextProps.navigator.push({ name: 'Main', component: Main });
but this caused the Main component to be pushed twice.
NOTE: The GitHub link below is now deprecated, in the comments the
author suggested react-native-router-flux which is by the same
I've just added support for Redux, with my new component with makes navigation pretty easy, like calling Actions.login
This is not a redux implementation but for routing I found react-native-router-flux to be really useful.
You can do things like call
to navigate to the login view. The routes are defined in your index file and have optional schemas to define navbar elements.
1) Yes, move it to method, componentWillReceiveProps is probably not correct. It’s difficult to refactor that part for you as I would not have that logic from that method on that component, i.e. the signinComp should receive state of whether it has an auth session or not (and not figure it out for itself). It leads to it getting processed for no reason; since if he is logged in you redirect. I would personally do that check in renderScene, since the nav gets passed down you can just make a push/pop on child components and handle all your logic in one renderScene.
2) See the navigation stack like a deck of cards. When you set the scene it is one card, but when you push it adds another card to the pile. So when you push and have two cards, it checks to make sure that all the cards are face up and rendered so that when you press back or pop it moves back to a completed card or scene. Imagine pushing 5 scenes immediately onto the stack. So when you change the stack it checks to ensure everthing is rendered and ready for that back button. Personally I don’t find that optimal (but it has to since you can pass different properties with each scene that you push).
You can probably change this line to:
I recommend you process navigator logic in shouldComponentUpdate method, like below,
shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState){
if(nextProps.isLoggedIn != this.props.isLoggedIn && nextProps.isLoggedIn === true){
//will redirect
// do redirect option
return false;
return true;
The Question 2:
I think this is the bug of react-native.

jQuery Mobile: Uncaught cannot call methods on checkboxradio prior to initialization; attempted to call method 'refresh'

I am pulling my hair out dealing with this problem.
These are the code that I used and caused the mentioned problem.
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#at-site-btn").bind("tap", function () {
$.mobile.changePage("view/dialog/at-site.php", { transition:"slidedown", role:"dialog" });
$('#at-site-page').live('pagecreate', function(){
var $checked_emp = $("input[type=checkbox]:checked");
var $this = $(this);
var $msg = $this.find("#at-site-msg");
The above code is in a file named hod.php. The file contain a number of checkboxes. These checkboxes and be checked simultaneously and when I pressed the #at-site-btn button the at-site.php appear (as a dialog) and display every checked checkboxes.
This is where the problem occurred. When I pressed the back button in the dialog to go back to the previous page and tried to uncheck those checkboxes, the error pops out as mentioned in the title. There are no calls to 'refresh method' in my code so I don't see the way to fix this.
Can anyone please suggest a way to solve this problem?
Am I using it right? (I am very new to jQuery Mobile. If there are some concepts behind using JQM please explain it to me [I've tried read JQM Docs it seems so unclear to me]).
Best regards and thank you very much for your answers.
What version of jQueryMobile are you using? You might need to use pageinit instead of pagecreate. This portion of the jQueryMobile documentation talks about the choices.
For re-painting or creation, the solution that #Taifun pointed out, which looks like:
worked okay for me, but it didn't paint the controls 100% correctly. Radio buttons didn't get the edges painted with rounded corners.
Before I saw your code, I read here that you can call .trigger('create') on the container object and it worked for me. You are doing that but inside pagecreate instead of in pageinit.
I was actually using a flipswitch checkbox:
<div class="some-checkbox-area">
<input type="checkbox" data-role="flipswitch" name="flip-checkbox-lesson-complete"
data-on-text="Complete" data-off-text="Incomplete" data-wrapper-class="custom-size-flipswitch">
so had to do this:
$("div.ui-page-active div.some-checkbox-area div.ui-flipswitch input[type=checkbox]").attr("checked", true).flipswitch( "refresh" )
See my full answer here.

ie9: annoying pops-up while debugging: "Error: '__flash__removeCallback' is undefined"

I am working on a mvc site that uses facebook social widgets. Whenever I launch the debugger (ie9 is the browser) I get many error popups with: Error: '__flash__removeCallback' is undefined.
To verify that my code was not responsible I just created a brand new mvc site and hit F5.
If you navigate to this url: you will see the pop-ups appearing.
When using other browsers the pop-up does not appear.
I had been using the latest ie9 beta before updating to ie9 RTM yesterday and had not run into this issue.
As you can imagine it is extremely annoying...
How can I stop those popups?
Can someone else reproduce this?
Thank you!
I can't seem to solve this either, but I can at least hide it for my users:
$('#video iframe').attr('src', '').hide();
try {
} catch(ex) {}
The first line prevents the issue from screwing up the page; the second eats the error when jquery removes it from the DOM explicitly. In my case I was replacing the HTML of a container several parents above this tag and exposing this exception to the user until this fix.
I'm answering this as this drove me up the wall today.
It's caused by flash, usually when you haven't put a unique id on your embed object so it selects the wrong element.
The quickest (and best) way to solve this is to just:
add a UNIQUE id to your embed/object
Now this doesn't always seem to solve it, I had one site where it just would not go away no matter what elements I set the id on (I suspect it was the video player I was asked to use by the client).
This javascript code (using jQuery's on document load, replace with your favourite alternative) will get rid of it. Now this obviously won't remove the callback on certain elements. They must want to remove it for a reason, perhaps it will lead to a gradual memory leak on your site in javascript, but it's probably trivial.
this is a secondary (and non-optimal) solution
$(function () {
setTimeout(function () {
if (typeof __flash__removeCallback != "undefined") {
__flash__removeCallback = __flash__removeCallback__replace;
} else {
setTimeout(arguments.callee, 50);
}, 50);
function __flash__removeCallback__replace(instance, name) {
if(instance != null)
instance[name] = null;
I got the solution.
try {
} catch(ex) {
It's been over a months since I last needed to debug the project.
Facebook has now fixed this issue. The annoying pop-up no longer shows up.
I have not changed anything.
