Creating a signup form using a tableview in xcode (like SnapChat) - ios

I am looking to improve my app's signup and login form from standard text boxes to using table rows (or something similar).
I am pretty much inspired by the forms which SnapChat have created, which you can see below...
I'm trying to figure out how they accomplished this, and am thinking it must be a table view with 3 cells (Static?), and the text below is part of the footer of that selection of cells.
How is one able to then capture data into it directly?
Am I right in maybe assuming that each cell is 'custom' with a text field in each one (with placeholder text) with a no-borders style on the text field?
Or has this been achieved via some other way?
Keen to hear your thoughts. Thanks!

You absolutely could do that with a table view. But I don't think this one is. Notice the divider lines start at the far left rather than at 15 pixels in (with the text). The separator lines are also two pixels tall rather than one. So I'd say it's a safe bet that it's just a simple view with 1 pixel tall UIView's for lines.


Create edittext like stackoverflow tag text box

I want to create a multi lined edit text that can hold buttons but also have the ability to add free form text.
It should behave like the tag text box of stackoverflow that is under the body of the question when you ask a question on stackoverflow.
I thought about one layout that holds buttons (e.g. tags) and an edit text right after said layout. But as I want it to be multi-lined and if there was a line break, I'm not sure how the edit text should behave, since it couldn't be a quadratic box anymore.
Can you point me in the right direction? I've seen a post about making parts of an edittext uneditable. I could do this and put buttons over it, but the buttons might be a little bigger than the underlying text.
Do you know of alternatives?
I hope you get the point, if not I'll draw the control.
You can achieve same by using FlowLayout. Keep on adding text/button view it will automatically wraps contents to next line

iOS - How can I hide text inputs without leaving gaps?

I am creating a form in my iOS app in which certain text fields need to be hidden depending on the number that was entered in the previous field. For example if 1 is entered there will be one field, if 4 is entered there will be four fields etc. all the way up to 25. I understand how to hide the buttons depending on number...the problem is when I hide the buttons they still leave the white space because all the fields are set up to position at x and y height. I have tried to put the inputs into a table view because I thought it would allow me to hide each table view cell containing the input and then move the rest up. But XCode gives me an error saying I can't connect IBOutlet to repeating content. Positioning the x and y height in the code won't work either because I need to do this a few times and there would be too many variables.
I have looked for a solution everywhere and haven't been able to find a solution. Does any one know how to hide text fields and make everything else below move up?
You could use autolayout by anchor each textfield to the one above.
Or you could give a tag to each textfield and then iterate with a cycle for till the index of your previous view to setHidden:false to the textfields

QuickDialog: How to create a field for long, multiline text?

I am using QuickDialog to create a form in my iOS app. For one of the items that I am asking users about, I would prefer a multi-line text field as it's an open-ended question (e.g., do you have any questions?). QEntryElement only has a single line, and the space to type is pretty small on an iPhone. Any suggestions for how to do a larger text entry space using QuickDialog?
Instead of QEntryElement, use QMultilineElement. It works exactly the same way - the only problem being that QMultilineElement does not display what the user entered on the main form screen.

Blackberry complex list

I've got an interesting problem that I'd like some advice and opinions on if you would be so kind. I'm not after code as I prefer to write that for myself. My background is J2ME and Android but I've recently taken up Blackberry.
What I need to write is something akin to the Android ListView albeit a little simpler.
Each row consists of 3 items. There's an image/icon, a multi-line (2 or 3 row) text element and an imagebutton of some form.
However, each row has only 2 columns. The icon/image & multi-line text are combined for the first column and are clickable (with both the column (0) plus the row ID identifiable). The next element in the row (1) is a clickable image (common to all rows - this also needs to have an identifiable row ID). There must be different actions for each column/row cell.
There is a need for multiple rows to be scrollable vertically and there may well be a lot of items.Each row needs to fit the screen width with the icon/multi-line text justified to the left and the clickable image justified to the right. Each row needs all of its components vertically justified (possibly centred) for neatness.
So what we have (for a row) is:
[clickable image/multi-line text combo][clickable image]
Ideally there will be a common background (gradient shaded) for each row once focussed. This should span both columns seamlessly.
Any thoughts would be most appreciated.
The simplest approach is probably to have a VerticalFieldManager for the list, populated by HorizontalFieldManagers for the row.
As for the inner part of the row (the columns) you can pass FIELD_LEFT to the first field and FIELD_RIGHT for the second for alignment. The image-multitext field you can create yourself by extending ButtonField and overriding the paint method. You can use the Graphics object to draw your image and text. A different approach (and perhaps a simpler one) is to extend the HorizontalFieldManager, add your components and make it clickable by capturing the click events.
One thing to realize about Blackberry is that there are many ways to do something, if one thing doesn't work quite the way you want it to, try something different. Hope this help you get started!

How to do word wrap in a DevExpress TcxGrid?

I've got a long line of text that would be a lot easier to view if it would just word wrap around multiple lines, but I can't seem to find the option for it. Does anyone know how to enable word-wrap functionality?
Set the OptionsView.CellAutoHeight of the view you're working on?
From the help: "If the widths of the View’s columns are insufficient to display their entire content, then text clipping occurs. Use the CellAutoHeight property to prevent this. If this property value is True, then the cell content is displayed in multiple lines where necessary."
