iOS - How can I hide text inputs without leaving gaps? - ios

I am creating a form in my iOS app in which certain text fields need to be hidden depending on the number that was entered in the previous field. For example if 1 is entered there will be one field, if 4 is entered there will be four fields etc. all the way up to 25. I understand how to hide the buttons depending on number...the problem is when I hide the buttons they still leave the white space because all the fields are set up to position at x and y height. I have tried to put the inputs into a table view because I thought it would allow me to hide each table view cell containing the input and then move the rest up. But XCode gives me an error saying I can't connect IBOutlet to repeating content. Positioning the x and y height in the code won't work either because I need to do this a few times and there would be too many variables.
I have looked for a solution everywhere and haven't been able to find a solution. Does any one know how to hide text fields and make everything else below move up?

You could use autolayout by anchor each textfield to the one above.
Or you could give a tag to each textfield and then iterate with a cycle for till the index of your previous view to setHidden:false to the textfields


FloatingLabel Text Filed place holder animation issues while using JVFloatLabeledTextField

I wanted a floating label text filed with underline or baseline for one of my iOS apps. I found that I can achieve that by making use of JVFloatLabeledTextField. So I drag & dropped some text fields to my storyboard and assigned JVFloatLabeledTextField as a class(custom) to those fields so that these text fields will be of type JVFloatLabeledTextField.
In the below image the first part is what is showed after running the app. The issue here is when I start typing text in any of the textFields the place holder should animate upward but in my case the place holder is not showed/disappears as shown in the 2nd part of below image.When we tap on any other textField then the previously used textField palce holder is showed as shown in 3rd part of below image.
keepBaseline = true, I have given this property to get the underline/baseline for the textFields, which I'm not getting.
I'm keeping all these text Fields in a stack view, will that cause any issue?
Programatically I haven't written any code for this.
Find the image here

Buttons in UITextView

I want to create a View very similar To the iOS notes application. The main function is to allow the user to get a check box in front of a line of Text.
My first attempt is this:
I have a UITextView where i try to insert buttons on the left side of the View, the Problem is i dont get the right y Position for each line and the whole text is offsetted even if there is no Button in Front of the line.
Is there a better approach, maybe much simpler or even built in functionality in UITextView i couldnā€˜t find?
If not, how do i get the exact y position of the line the cursor is currently in, so i can set the Buttons in the correct positions?

Creating a signup form using a tableview in xcode (like SnapChat)

I am looking to improve my app's signup and login form from standard text boxes to using table rows (or something similar).
I am pretty much inspired by the forms which SnapChat have created, which you can see below...
I'm trying to figure out how they accomplished this, and am thinking it must be a table view with 3 cells (Static?), and the text below is part of the footer of that selection of cells.
How is one able to then capture data into it directly?
Am I right in maybe assuming that each cell is 'custom' with a text field in each one (with placeholder text) with a no-borders style on the text field?
Or has this been achieved via some other way?
Keen to hear your thoughts. Thanks!
You absolutely could do that with a table view. But I don't think this one is. Notice the divider lines start at the far left rather than at 15 pixels in (with the text). The separator lines are also two pixels tall rather than one. So I'd say it's a safe bet that it's just a simple view with 1 pixel tall UIView's for lines.

UserInteractive Substring in text Label

i am generating a label in a view with label text retrieving from a JSON file.
now there are certain texts(values) retrieved from the JSON file that are user interactive texts (URL/some action) and some are not.
Now i am retrieving the data which are user interactive, setting them as text of a UILabel (which i created dynamically) and setting it in the view (PS. my view controller only has a 2 views inside,one that is default and another in which i am generating the label).
The problem that is arising is that the interactive strings(labels) are set in one line and the ones that are not interactive are set in the next line(as i am creating individial labels for them) even if its a single word.
I want to set the labels (with the texts - interactive/noninteractive) side by side untill there is no space.
Cant wrap my head around it because its a logical problem.
Any help is appreciated

cxGrid expand row height to new line with enter

This is a little hard to explain so please bear with me. When I am editing a text field in one of the columns I would like to,when I hit enter, go to new line under the edited text so the grid basically expands.
Options-View-CellAutoHeight set to true expands the cell but editing is terrible.Cant
see a thing where the first line is,where it ends,etc...
Here is the grid:
I can not go after the last letter 'a' with my mouse cursor and hit enter so another line gets added. Which settings regulate this ? I know it can be done since I had a grid once and could do this.
EDIT: This requires no code just applied settings.
Just tested it with DevExpress VCL 13.2 and it can be easily done without coding (if I understood what you want to achieve).
Basically, you need to set following properties:
Assign a Memo to the Properties of your column and make sure its WantReturns property is set to true.
In your TableView set the OptionsView.CellAutoHeight property to true.
Also in your TableView, set the OptionsBehavior.EditAutoHeight to either eahEditor (editor is sized vertically to fit the content) or eahRow (the entire row is sized when editing) as needed.
