Make local Notification stay on lock screen - ios

I have a habit making app which reminds user of his habits via UILocalNotifications. However the time at which user should be reminded about his habit is not always the time he scheduled it.
My question is if there is a way to keep the notification on the lock screen after the user has unlocked his iPhone / iPad and not have it moved to the notification center, because it is rarely visited, kind of like it is on Android phones.
App is written in objective-c
You can check the app out here:


Show advertisement at regular interval of time when iPhone is running

I am working on the app that shows Ads (Video or image) when iPhone is running. If I open any app(eg. Twitter) then also my Ads should be visible at particular interval of time. Is it possible to do so?
No. Your app will not be informed about any other apps being launched. Even if it were, you can't "force-grab" the foreground to display videos. That would totally violate any user interface principle established by iOS.
Besides the technical aspect I'd have my doubts of such an app surviving app review in general, though I don't know the specific part of the TOS right now.
It is possible to show your ads inside your application in intervals or in any pattern you like. However it is not possible to bring your app to foreground when in background to play ads, it is actually not recommended at all. Best thing you can do is set a timer when the app gets in background to send a notification.

iOS local notification without turning on screen

I'm working on app that will manage quite a lot of local notifications. So since I don't want to waste user's battery, I'm wondering - is there any possibility to don't turn on the screen? So the notification still will be fired and the banner will be on the screen but only if user will unlock the phone. It's kind of "minor notification" that are still should be displayed but they're not so important to wake up the phone.
And if there's such possibility - wouldn't it be what Apple calls "bad user experience". You know, kind of confusion that notification didn't wake up the phone's screen?
And yes, sound still should exist, because it should work as reminder.
Thanks in advance.

iOS - App in Background vs Local Notifcations

I'm building a project which is something like an Alarm Clock app. I know there are inherit limitations here (as compared to the built-in Apple Clock app) but I'm trying to assess if these limitations will be a blocker.
In the end, I need to be able to schedule an alarm/notification at a certain time, and have it sound when the phone is locked. Furthermore, I want to be able to interact with the app from the lock screen (including shake and volume gestures).
Does this require me having the app run in the background, and scheduling LocalNotifications? If its in the background, and the LocalNotification fires on the lock screen, is it possible for the User to interact with the application? i.e. With the app SleepCycle, you can shake the phone from the lock screen to trigger a Snooze. Is that sort of functionality possible only because the app is running in the background (in the case of that app, I know it's running in the background)
yes. you need to be running in the background for interacting on the lock screen

Show ios push notification for long time on phone screen

Is there any way to show a particular type(some important) of push notification for some 5-10 seconds on the iOS device screen when app is in background.
No, the time is fixed.
You cannot customize it - a push-notification should be a short message that in the best case makes the user tap it and open the app. There is actually not really a need for a longer time. Keep it short, simple and interesting and the user will react accordingly anyway. A longer time should not really make any difference other than people getting annoyed because your messages are always staying on top, blocking other messages and wasting screen space.

can we set the functionality of snooze alarm in our app as iphone's built in alarm? [duplicate]

I'm diving into iOS development and am building my own alarm clock app to become familiar with the platform and SDK. One of the API's I'm currently learning is the Local Notifications API, which I assume is the same API Apple uses to implement their alarms in their Clock app.
What I don't understand is how they implement their "Snooze" functionality. As I understand it, Local Notifications allow you to present to the user an alert box that has at most two buttons when your app isn't running in the foreground, one button for dismissing the alert and one button for taking the user to your app. In Apple's Clock app, however, it appears the user is presented with an alert box with two buttons, one button to dismiss the alarm and one button to "Snooze" and reschedule the alarm without launching the Clock app. My questions are...
When the user clicks the "Snooze" button, how do you think Apple is rescheduling the Local Notification for the alarm without launching the Clock app? Do you think they're using their own private APIs that circumvent the limitations of the Local Notifications that only allow for two options? Or do you think they're launching the Clock app to reschedule the Local Notification, they just don't show the app launching and quitting?
The documentation says the "alertAction" property of the Local Notification is the text to be displayed on the right button of the alert box and the slider bar of the lock screen. In Apple's Clock app, however, the "Snooze" text is the left button in the alert box, nor is it the Slider bar text. Why is this backwards?
Thanks so much in advance for your thoughts!
The local notification API does not have any mechanism to do what you want. The alarm clock app is almost certainly not using any of the infrastructure for local notifications, it predates them. Even if it is factored onto some of the infrastructure provided by local notifications, it is certainly not using the public APIs.
You should file a bug requesting that this functionality be added.
