I am using Camera API and QRCode API in my Project, Can i implement multitasking(splitvIew) in my Project - ios

I am using Camera API and QRCode API in my Project, Can i implement multitasking(splitvIew, SlideOver) in my Project.
I think that when we use camera API, want to use fullscreen.
My project also have some other functionalities.
is it possible to use Fullscreen only when use Camera API?

If you app is camera-centric app OR Gaming related, Then Apple suggest to opt out above feature.
Apple Documentation Says
Consider opting out only if your app falls into one of these narrow
Camera-centric apps, where using the entire screen for preview and
capturing a moment quickly is your primary feature.
Full-device apps,such as games that use iPad sensors as part of their
core gameplay Otherwise, Apple, and your customers, expect you to
adopt Slide Over and Split View.
To opt out of being eligible to participate in Slide Over and Split View, add the UIRequiresFullScreen key to your Xcode project’s Info.plist file and apply the Boolean value YES.
Let me know if you need more clarification for the same.


xamarin forms livecast-like page-inline camera

I was wondering if anyone here knows how to add a camera area like this one(similar to snapchat I guess) in Xamarin Forms (preferably,mainly with XAML)Camera area is suppose to have a livecast & it is going to be on iOS
needed this screen:
I tried Xam.Plugins.Media but couldn't manage to create the needed screen
The media plugin, goes into the platform specific Camera Screen, takes a picture then returns. You can't put extra buttons on the screen in this way.
To get a video feed and manage the capture yourself, you will need to implement a lot of platform specific things.
iOS (Look at the AV samples)

How to automatically adjust a photo (ie. brighten, contrast) on iOS?

My iOS app (objective-C) handles photos. I'd like it to be able offer the user a way to automatically "adjust" an image, like how iOS itself does in the Photos app (little magic-wand icon), or how facebook does it. This basically means auto-brightness and auto-contrast adjustment.
So far i've found "filtrr" (more concerned with adding color it seems), and OpenCV (uhh, feels like using a nuclear missile to swat a fly with). Any other hints? Is there some library or a way of even doing this natively in iOS?
Look into Core Image for info on filters and how to apply them. Apple's programming guide is a good place to start.
Once you're up and running with Core Image, see the autoAdjustmentFilters method for getting a set of filters that's preconfigured for "one touch enhance" kinds of usage.

Suggestions for activating front facing camera within Safari on iPad

I'm trying to create a kiosk-style customer registration process with an iPad, but doing it an an entirely web-based environment, rather than a purpose-built app.
During the registration process, the user is required to take a photo of their own face using the iPad camera.
I have been experimenting with the HTML5 Media Capture tools, but unfortunately, this always defaults to the iPad's back camera, rather than the front-facing camera. This means the user must then switch to the front facing camera, which isn't ideal as part of the user experience.
I can't see any way of forcing the iPad to default to the front camera in the device settings, and my searches haven't revealed any way of doing this with HTML only.
I've had a look at apps such as "Picup", but they don't seem to offer much more than is already achievable with HTML5 with regard to camera control.
Can anyone offer any suggestions? Does anyone know of any other iOS apps (like Picup) that might give the ability to activate the camera for uploading images in a form, but can be configured to use the front facing camera as default?
Or am I going to have to go down the path of creating a purpose-built app to get the control I need?
Any suggestions would be welcomed, and thanks in advance for your reply.
The Media API currently doesn't allow you to distinguish between front and rear cameras, so there is currently no method (that I know of) that allows you to select the front camera.
However I would suggest perhaps building your app the way you are, but using PhoneGap Build (which can package your app into an iOS app) and the Camera Plugin (http://docs.phonegap.com/en/2.6.0/cordova_camera_camera.md.html) which does allow you to specify the front camera (see options->cameraDirection) apparently (I haven't tried it myself).

Augmented reality API for IPAD specifically

i'm looking for an AR API (possibly free) or SDK that may be used on IPAD.
I've tried Wikitude so far, but it's not adapted for IPAD for the moment, and most of the well known API seems to be only made for iPhone..
Any clue on this one?
Any chance that this API offer the possibility to add the AR view as a subview (for example as an element of a tab bar..:))
Thanks a lot
Why are you going for 3rd party library? You can apply AR using local library. On your ViewController make 2 UIView. The one in the back implement Camera View on it. And the one on the front implement whatever you want to show on the live preview of camera. Then if you want to capture the screen just simply take a screenshot and it'll be saved.

blackberry camera Application

I am implementing camera application using then example comes with blackberry plugin for eclipse named "CameraDemo" the problem is that when the screen loses focus It does not display the camera view istead of it shows like this
has anybody faced such problem whats the solution?
This way of taking picture (using the Player and VideoControl.getSnapshot()) does not work nice on all BB models. I'd even say it works nice only on a narrow set of BB models. So if you are going to use your app on a wide range of BB models, then this is not the right way to go.
Instead to take a picture use a built-in Camera app. Here is a starting point on how to do that.
Basically you invoke the built-in Camera app and listen for the file-system changes to detect a new image file path. Then you need to close the built-in Camera app somehow - it's possible to do that by simulating two 'Esc' button presses.
Yes, this sounds a bit hacky/over-complicated, but that's how BB engeneers arranged that for us. :) BTW, this is actually not so bad if compare with Android where different device manufactorers violate the common rules and implement the Camera app in their specific way so you are not able to write the code once covering all Androids.
