Swift - Run Code Stored Online [closed] - ios

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I know this is probably a long shot but I wanted to know if there is any relatively easy way to run swift code which is stored on a server or hosted somewhere other than the application bundle. I would like to be able to change single lines of code without having to publish an update to the app.
If anyone could help or has a work around then that would be great.

No it's both not possible (there is no compiler on an iOS device) and not allowed (downloading code is expressly forbidden by Apple's app store guidelines.)
So you both cannot and may not do this.


Can I customize the message shown at the bottom while multi tasking in iOS? [duplicate]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I would like to customise App Suggestions in iOS programatically.
It usually says Good Morning and my app name.
Is it possible that I configure it to say something other than "good morning"?
Can I control when and where it appears?
I couldn't find much information in this regard.
You can't modify App Suggestions from an application, as that content is outside of the scope of an app's sandbox.
"Good Morning" appears there because the App Suggestion feature detected that you usually use a particular app in the morning and greets you with an according message. Those strings come directly from this feature and are not app-dependent; therefore, they can't be changed as of now.

How may I customize app suggestions in iOS [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I would like to customise App Suggestions in iOS programatically.
It usually says Good Morning and my app name.
Is it possible that I configure it to say something other than "good morning"?
Can I control when and where it appears?
I couldn't find much information in this regard.
You can't modify App Suggestions from an application, as that content is outside of the scope of an app's sandbox.
"Good Morning" appears there because the App Suggestion feature detected that you usually use a particular app in the morning and greets you with an according message. Those strings come directly from this feature and are not app-dependent; therefore, they can't be changed as of now.

Want to setup a voice-to-voice communication service/group call service on rails. Where should I start? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I already have a fair bit of experience making rails applications, but I have never really tried to make an application with the use of a microphone. I don’t need to have video call, only voice, but I would want to control how many people could connect to a single call. Also I would like it to not have to do with actual phone numbers, but have a completely separate service like skype. Any help would be appreciated, Thanks!
This is not a trivial rails app, but just from googling I found Adhearsion
Check it out: http://www.adhearsion.com/
Adhearsion is a full-featured framework for the development of
applications which interact with or control voice communications.

How to merge 5-6 Existing apps on itunes Apple store into a single framework [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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My client have 5-6 ios apps already on App Store,they want us to create a central framework which should merge all existing apps ,and with the help of that framework new apps could be created,this question may sounds dumb ,as i am new to ios development ,i need to know is this really possible in iOS..PLease help.
Evaluate what all the apps have in common. Then try to develop classes, that are used in all of them.

iPad development- copying the result [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am fresh to the iPad app development. Now I am developing a calculator. And I want copy my result of the calculation to textEdit or to my mail which is outside the application. How can I do it?
if the text is selectable users should be able to copy and paste the information using the iOS clipboard themselves, this is probably the easiest option if you don't have a specific other application for them to copy to.
You can use Apple's APIs to send an email and put the result into the body/subject as necessary, this would provide a much nicer user experience.
See this answer for more details.
