How to merge 5-6 Existing apps on itunes Apple store into a single framework [closed] - ios

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Closed 9 years ago.
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My client have 5-6 ios apps already on App Store,they want us to create a central framework which should merge all existing apps ,and with the help of that framework new apps could be created,this question may sounds dumb ,as i am new to ios development ,i need to know is this really possible in iOS..PLease help.

Evaluate what all the apps have in common. Then try to develop classes, that are used in all of them.


How to program an NFC without using an app to do so for iOS? [closed]

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Closed yesterday.
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I am trying to learn how to program an NFC, but the only tutorials that I could find used an app to do it. I also need to be able to use it on iOS devices (i.e. iPhone). This is my first time programming hardware. Is it possible to program an NFC without using an app to help? If so, how?

Making ios app with simular icon [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I published one my app to store.
Now I want to create a little bit different version of that app and publish it as separate app. (For the common account)
I will extend the app's features
Can I use simular icon? or which staff I need to replace?
In my case I use a different icon, bundle id, and different app description. Everything else were the same. If you're not sure if there's anything more to change just submit the app for review and apple will reply if there's anything more to change.

Can I use Swift to list all apps that are currently running? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Am I able to use Swift code to display all apps that are currently running on an Iphone (or Ipad)? I am hoping to integrate this with an "on/off" button, but am having trouble getting the display to appear.
No. The lists of installed and running applications are treated as private data, and are not available to applications. Apple has specifically rejected applications for attempting to determine what other applications were installed on a user's phone.

Swift - Run Code Stored Online [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I know this is probably a long shot but I wanted to know if there is any relatively easy way to run swift code which is stored on a server or hosted somewhere other than the application bundle. I would like to be able to change single lines of code without having to publish an update to the app.
If anyone could help or has a work around then that would be great.
No it's both not possible (there is no compiler on an iOS device) and not allowed (downloading code is expressly forbidden by Apple's app store guidelines.)
So you both cannot and may not do this.

How to test the web on ipad or other android‘s telephones? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to test my web on ipad or others.But i don't know how to do. I want to see display in different screen.And I want to test the function on different platform. Can you tell me any tools or any website ?
Do you mean you want to test your app on an iPad ? If that's what you mean then you need a developer account (, then register the device. There are guides in the Dev Library for that :)
