How to upgrade mvc2 to mvc5? -

I've got an old project from a friend that he wants me to do redo. How ever that project is written in mvc2. So When I try to open it in visual studio 2013 I can errors. Saying the file is incompatible. How would I go ahead and fix this?

I would highly recommend you to create a new empty MVC 5 project, and move all your files there from old MVC 2 project. If you just try to update DLLs its very hard be sure if you updated all DLLs, proj file, nugets, or at least little bit more work by copying files is well worth it. Problem is that VS2013 is not compatible with old version of MVC framework.
But, if you really want to open MVC 2 solution in VS2013, you can try following some steps described here: How do I open an old MVC project in Visual Studio 2012 or Visual Studio 2013? (contains a project Guid that needs to be changed inside .proj file)


How to migrate VS2010 MVC3 project to VS2015?

When I try to open an existing solution (to ultimately convert it to later MVC and .NET packages), VS2015 rejects the project:
The application which this project type is based on was not found. Please try this link for further information:
That link is worthless as it takes me to a VS2013 compatibility page.
My goal is to migrate the project from MVC3/.NET4.0 to MVC5/.NET4.5.
I can't target a later MVC or .NET in VS2010. VS2015 won't open the older project so the solution here won't work Some (official or not) upgrade Mvc3 to Mvc5 guide?? for changing the properties of the project since the project won't open.
Mvc3 is not supported after VS2010.Iuse VS2010SP1.
You may make it work but it will bite you in the end.
You have to choose the VS version and the corresponding Mvc version
I went into the csproj file manually and switched the ProjectTypeGuid to that of an MVC4 project: E3E379DF-F4C6-4180-9B81-6769533ABE47. Then VS2015 was able to open the project and it upgraded it to MVC5 guid correctly.

Upgrading to Visual Studio 2015 renders intellisense broken for project

I've been through a lot of similar issues, but could not find anything that worked for me.
I'm upgrading my IDE from the VisualStudio for Web (v10) to Visual Studio 2015 (v14, I guess) Community Edition.
The main project that I'm trying to use on the new IDE is a MVC 5 (5.2.3), with EF 6.1 (6.1.3) and a bunch of other stuff.
Problem is: When opening the project on the new IDE, everything looks fine (it even compiles and work). I got the MVC context menu working on the project explorer (showing the "Add Controller..." and "Add View..." when appropriate). Only (really annoying) thing is the Razor Intellisense.
When I do open a View file (.cshtml) I receive warnings on several helpers, some of the "using" are greyed out (even though they're supposed to be needed) and the #model myModel is shown like everything after the #model directive is not razor (it's treated like HTML by the intellisense coloring).
What I've already found and tried:
I've already tried to clear the UserData from the vs (devenv /ResetUserData)
I've already tried to run the VS2015 in safe mode
I've already tried to run VS2015 as Administrator
I've already tried to set the Project's target framework to 4.5.1 (used to be 4.5)
I've already tried to open the project on Visual Studio Community 2013 saving it there before trying to use it on VS2015.
When creating another MVC project from the VS2015, everything works fine.
Here's an example of the annoying issue:
Ok, finally got it.
Posting what I found out believing it may help someone else:
What seems to cause the problem mentioned is the fact that the project was created on an old MVC version (with older Razor, EF, etc).
As stated in this answer: Visual Studio 2015 Razor View MVC Types not recognized, VS2015 tools may not work for older MVCs.
The solution is to update all your packages to [at least] the minor versions accepted on newer MVC (5?). To do so you can use the list in this website:
Once everything is up-to-date, open the web.config files located on root of your application and on the Views folder. In there, you will probably find some references to the older versions of MVC and Razor. Update those versions values (all of them) to match the updated versions of your packages (you may create a new empty MVC project on the new Visual Studio and check for those values as a hint of what they should be).
This step is the catch! Since, even if you update you project's packages, some web.config references may still mention the original versions.
Clean the solution (Build > Clean Solution) and close the project. Reopen and compile it. Now [hopefully] everything should be working fine.
One more thing: If your project was also updated from Framework 4.5 to 4.5.1 during this IDE transition, you should also install a NuGet package called "Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform" (as stated in

ASP.NET MVC source code missing solution file

I recently inherited some source code developed by someone else who is no longer with the company. However, the solution file was missing and I'm not even sure which version of MVC it was using. I'm experienced with ASP.NET, but not well-versed in MVC so I'm unsure how to go about rebuilding the solution the proper way. Looking for any tips/guidance on how to go about this.
Create a new, blank solution.
Open the solution in Windows Explorer.
Copy the project files into the solution folder.
Within Visual Studio, right-click the solution in Solution Explorer, and then chose the option to Add Existing Project....
Navigate to the solution folder (if necessary), and then select the .csproj (or .vbproj) file. The project will added into the solution.
Now, whether you can compile the solution/project depends on whether the version of MVC is compatible with the tooling installed in your instance of Visual Studio. If the project has NuGet dependencies, they should be restored the first time you build, depending (again) on your version of Visual Studio and tooling.
Since you say that even the project file is missing, you can, assuming there are no external dependencies, create a new MVC project and then copy/paste the files into it (or drag & drop the files from Windows Explorer). Assuming there is a Views folder, it will have it's own web.config file. That config file will have bindings for the version of MVC the project was developed with.
MVC4 and newer projects tended to default to using Razor syntax, so the views will be littered with stuff like #Model. If it's using the older WebForms syntax (like <asp:ContentPlaceholder>), it's probably MVC3 or older.
Go to web.config file in the project and look for:
assembly="System.Web.Mvc,Version= ..."
In this example is.MVC 3, look for your version

ASP.NET MVC 5 Visual Studio 2013

i'm working on a project which is using mvc 5,ef 6.1, visual studio 2013. First i start coding from admin panel after its done i get back to admin panel for some changes.
Then i got those errors :
ViewBag, Html Helper is not recognizing.
Project can compiling and working but when open a cshtml (view) file in visual studio i got those error.
for solution i tried;
Clean/Rebuild Project
Compare web.configs
Compare View web.configs
Compare project properties
Compare packages config
all packages same, web.config files same , all packages version same with working project.
Try checking your configuration file, as mentioned in this SO post. It's usually related to config entries not matching the correct DLL's.
I create new project and transfer all files with same namespace. And it work

How do I open an old MVC project in Visual Studio 2012 or Visual Studio 2013?

I have an old ASP.NET MVC 2 project which I do not want to upgrade to MVC 3 or MVC 4. I am working on a new machine running Windows 8, Visual Studio 2012 and Visual Studio 2013. When I try to open the MVC 2 project in VS 2012 or VS 2013 I receive the error:
This project is incompatible with the current edition of Visual Studio
The project is then unloaded and grayed out in Solution Explorer. I do not want to install another copy of Visual Studio. How can I open an old MVC project in a new version of Visual Studio?
Opening an unsupported MVC project in Visual Studio 2012 or Visual Studio 2013 is actually pretty easy to accomplish with two steps. In fact, as bytebender’s comment indicates, these same steps should apply to and work for MVC 1 projects. However, I haven’t tested them and therefore cannot guarantee that they do in fact work.
Assuming that you have not already done so step one is to download and install MVC 1, MVC 2 or MVC 3 (close Visual Studio before starting the installation).
Once you have the appropriate flavor of MVC installed the project will still not load in VS 2012. This is because ASP.NET MVC projects are a project subtype of the Web Application project type. This means that the project has additional add ins and features available to it when used within Visual Studio.
Both Visual Studio 2012 and Visual Studio 2013 are limited in their backwards compatibility with ASP.NET MVC and other project types. Unfortunately, installing the old MVC bits did not change that. Visual Studio 2012 is compatible with the ASP.NET MVC 3 and 4 project flavors. Visual Studio 2013 is compatible with MVC 4 and MVC 5.
To get the project to load you will have to modify the project file. To do so right click on the unloaded project and select Edit. Which will open the project file as an XML text file. Find the ProjectTypeGuids node which should look something like this:
Remove the appropriate Project Guid from the list:
ASP.NET MVC 1: {603c0e0b-db56-11dc-be95-000d561079b0}
ASP.NET MVC 2: {F85E285D-A4E0-4152-9332-AB1D724D3325} (shown in example above)
ASP.NET MVC 3: {E53F8FEA-EAE0-44A6-8774-FFD645390401}
ASP.NET MVC 4: {E3E379DF-F4C6-4180-9B81-6769533ABE47}
With the appropriate GUID removed the ProjectTypeGuids should look similar to this:
Save the file and close the Visual Studio project file editor. Right click the project and select reload. If the project does not reload close and reopen Visual Studio. You should now be able to work with your old ASP.NET MVC project in your new version of Visual Studio.
One important thing to note is that after these modifications Visual Studio is not aware that this is an ASP.NET MVC project; therefore the project-specific features like "Add Controller, View etc." will not be present in menus.
I used #ahsteele's approach (thanks and 2x+1s!), but was having one further error:-
.csproj : error : The operation could not be completed. Invalid class string
I can't find any citations for the real cause of that, but I was able to get VS2012RTM to load the project successfully by changing the <ProjectGuid>. (No idea how this happened - its part of a large solution and VS08, VS10, VS11 Beta and VS2012RC have all upgraded the .csproj and .sln over time.
In VS2017 the solution is to just make it like <ProjectTypeGuids></ProjectTypeGuids> so.
No Spaces in between ladies and gentlemen, otherwise it will waste 48 hours of your time.
