What build to submit to itunes connect - ios

I'm using google AdMobs in my iOS game. The problem is that I removed the test ads from the code one day before uploading the build to itunesConnect. Now the AdMobs account is suspended for violating the terms of service. I have also pulled the build from itunesConnect. My question is what build to submit exactly. One with the real ads or one with the test ads. Google also said that further violations during the 30 day suspension period will result in a permanent ban and I really want to avoid this. So what is the common practice here?

As per my knowledge i used Admob in my iOS application since long time. Probably you need to take care about following steps.
Be careful you used test ad during your app is in development mode.
When you going to live this application you should remove test.device line code and also check two time you are replace individual Ad id with test id.
Never click on advertisement either development mode and after live application at your end.
Do not used Admob for any sexual contain app that consider as a violations so you strick take care about this step.
Note As par Ad Mob doc


AdMob Diagnosing Banner Not Displaying

I have an app in iOS TestFlight. It has AdMob ads. I originally deployed the app with the demo unit id and the app showed demo ads. So far, so good. I got my AdMob account approved and I added the real unit ID to my app as per the instructions. I ran the app on the simulator and the banner shows up, albeit with demo ads. So, I deployed this version to TestFlight, and now the app in TestFlight doesn't show any banner.
I don't know what is going wrong. It should at least display the demo banner. I would have to add some kind of logging to diagnose the issue.
So, I checked the documentation here and here.
I added my physical iPhone as a Test Device in the AdMob console, but my device still doesn't display any ads and the shake gesture does nothing.
The documentation says that I need to have the app in the store before I can serve ads, but it's a chicken-and-egg scenario. I want to make sure the ads are working before I deploy them to the store. I would at least like the demo banner to display, but even that won't display right now.
I also followed this documentation. If I add this test Swift code, the banner shows up. But this doesn't really help me much because it requires that I put the specific device id into the app.
GADMobileAds.sharedInstance().requestConfiguration.testDeviceIdentifiers = [ "[DEVICE ID]" ]
My two options are to roll back to the demo ad unit id which displays the incorrect demo banner or just hope for the best. Can anyone recommend advice here, or at least explain how I can get the ads to display on the test device?
Edit: The app works fine with the demo advert but it got rejected from the Apple store because the ad says "Test". It's a chicken and egg scenario.
verify all below points
First visit admob console and read the warning at top. add payments information if not added and approve your account.
Verify once, you replaced your production ads IDs properly in your app code for production environment.
For production Advertising your app need to add for review first from admob console too. checkout this documentation.
app-ads-txt correctly updated with status or not. checkout this link
If your Ads working in development environment Ads will work for production too if above all steps correctly done. some times on
New production ad IDs takes few hours or requests to load ads in user's
device. checkout below links
Common reasons for ads not showing - link
Take time too load production ads - link
For iOS TestFlight app rejection, your app contains any test keywords (test, lorem ipsum...) in app store listing content (screenshots or app contains testing data). for resolve this go-through app store review guidelines.

Error with iAd implementation means no revenue generated from ads?

For a while now I have had an app on the app store. I decided to try to add support for the Apple iAd Network in a recent update. It has been live for over a month now (at first I thought time would fix it) but I have come to the realisation that the app is still not making any money off of the ad revenue. Currently all my apps are free to download but I need to allow ads to keep them that way.
I am testing ads using this app because it is not my most popular app but if I can get them to work then I will look to update my other apps to support iAds in the future as well.
I cannot see if my live app is making ad requests because I get this error in the iAd Network part of iTunes Connect:
The status of this app is Ready for Sale. Below is a screenshot of my app to demonstrate that the iAd banner has been implemented correctly in Xcode to the best of my knowledge.
So my question is why is iAd not making me any money from ad revenue as I would expect it to? Have I done something wrong or is the problem with Apple?
I have now made and published another app with iAds successfully implemented but I still have no ads on this one!
Could it be due to a lack of popularity?
Some of the issues you are facing could be occurring since you haven't setup the contracts for iAds in itunes connect. Also, this may be unrelated, but when no ad loads, is the banner view visible?
The reason was simply that Apple has delays in processing at their end. I still don't know why one of my apps took so much longer than the other, however it was just a matter of time until the revenue started showing up as I had implemented everything correctly in Xcode.
Make sure you follow the official Apple guidelines, make sure to use the proper iAd banner and show it all the time (it will hide automatically when it needs to). Don't forget to setup all your information properly on iTunes connect either, although Apple makes it quite clear in their documentation what needs to be done there.
Be patient! Apple takes time to process these things.

What to do to make sure admob is ready to go to production?

I'm integrated admob with my ios game and everything works great.
I can't find a "switch" option from test to production just like I have in other ad networks (vungle for example).
I can find zero information how to prepare it to be published (maybe it is too obvious?).
That makes me very uncomfortable, because I want to make sure the ads will be real ones and I will get paid for that.
for example, should I remove my device id from request testing property?
should I not worried because admob is smart enough to figure out if it is production or testing?
please help
The ads are already live. They provide the test devices dictionary so that it can detect its a test ad. If you ran the app on a device which isnt in the test devices dictionary, you will receive live ads. Obviously AdMob will block your service if you purposefully make real requests from development.
I accidentally ran an app on a device that wasnt in the test devices and I got a real advert. I'm sure it happens often so they probably excuse a certain amount of accidental real requests.
for example, should I remove my device id from request testing property?
Yes, you should remove your Test ID in your distribution release. Only use the Ad Unit ID given to you by AdMob to request ads in your distribution release.
I can't find a "switch" option from test to production just like I have in other ad networks (vungle for example).
There is no switch for you to turn on when you plan to build your application for distribution. If you're successfully receiving test ads on your device then you've implemented the advertisements correctly.
That makes me very uncomfortable, because I want to make sure the ads will be real ones and I will get paid for that.
You can receive live ads before the release of your application in the App Store by removing your Test ID and running your application on a real device.

apple rejected app for not showing ads

Hey after 1 week of waiting my app got rejected. The reason from apple i got: Your iTunes Connect settings indicate that your app serves advertisements. However, we were unable to locate ads in your app.
The thing is that i'm sure that my app contain ads. So I suppose apple didn't have internet on when they reviewed. What could the problem possibly be?
It could be a lot of reasons:
it's simply review team can't locale steps to reproduce ads in your app.
maybe your ads provider do not show ads in the region where review team seat.
maybe your ads provider was not available at the time your app was in review.
As an example: my app third time rejected the same reason.
All you should do, imho: send screenshot of ads in your application and steps to locale this ads.
Best wishes.
Apple definitely has internet on when they test apps, reason being that many apps have to connect to servers and log on in order to work.
If you're sure your app has ads but Apple can't see them, there might be an issue with your code. Run over your code again to see if there are any errors. Double check your ads provider to see that its working. Also, it may be that the ads are being served in a screen that the team couldn't access, like behind a login. Without any code snippets, I can't give you more detailed advice than that.
If you think the code is right, then it is quite possible that Apple had an issue on their end. Apple's great at responding to developers. I've emailed them countless times, and gotten a call right to my cellphone with someone managing my case personally. Just send them an email with your case number and issue, as well as steps detailing how to view your ads, and they'll respond to you.

My app is now in the Apple App Store but crashes during the splash screen

My application is in the Apple App Store but when downloaded it crashes after the splash screen.
I thought the week long approval process was to ensure the quality of the app.
Version 1.0 of my app does run but I hear there is no way to roll it back. For now I have changed the availability date to the future so that people do not download it. When will it be taken out of the search results?
The approval process is not for QA testing. (Of course, they will reject an app if it crashes while testing they are other for things, such as violation of various SDK rules, HIG guidelines, etc.) A developer has to test and QA your apps themselves on the OS versions and the iOS device types for which they submit the app as appropriate for, and under stress conditions as well. A developer also needs to make very certain that the build they submit is identical (except for certificate signing) to the builds they have tested. (It is a common mistake to have different Build Settings or source files selected between the Release and Distribution builds.)
Check to see if a bad preference setting is the culprit.
Or if it worked only for you, then it may be the lack of a preference setting. You may have created a good preference before the bug was introduced.
Was taken out of search results by the end of the day.
