Teechart Axis scroll bar tool - activex

I Installed new Teechart 2015 ActiveX control, I was searching in tool as found there is an axis scroll bar tool, Which I want to use. but when I add it too my chart I am not able to scroll the data it remains constant.
Please let me where I have to define the range for the same.

answer is present in teechart fourm :- http://www.teechart.net/support/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=14569&p=64234&hilit=axis+scroll&sid=7d69e31f2871e932353ac232d904fb29#p64234


Vaadin chart not using up correct width

In Vaadin 14.6.1, I have created a horizontal layout with 2 charts (and some other stuff). The charts are not using up the correct width -- they seem to not "pick up" on the right width (see screenshot below). I set the width to 100% etc. Also, this problem disappears if I use a simpler component, such as label, instead of charts (from Highcharts). I've experienced a similar problem before, but in more complex settings (e.g. a user adjusts the splitlayout and the underlying chart does not resize). But in this case, it's an even more reasonably straightforward scenario (i.e. no adjustment by user of the width of any layout) and yet Vaadin doesn't seem to pick up the right width, at least when using charts. Is this a known or reproducible issue? If so, any workaround?
Charts indeed behave badly with some layouts. I have noticed two cases. The other is the Board component, where the workaround is just simply wrap Chart inside Div, i.e.
Div div = new Div();
// and then add div to Board
SplitLayout is more tricky. You need to call Chart to reflow after splitter has been moved. Something like the following finds all the charts and forces them to redraw.
splitLayout.addSplitterDragendListener(event -> {
getUI().ifPresent(ui -> ui.getPage().executeJs(
"Array.from(window.document.getElementsByTagName('vaadin-chart')).forEach( el => el.__reflow());"));
Note, if you have only one chart or have conveniently the references to chart instances you can do
chart.getElement().executeJs("$0.__reflow();", chart.getElement());

Candlestick views are generated but not displayed

Using the SwiftCharts library, I have a chart of candlesticks. And they are generated and I can track them. But some on the far right are not visible on the screen / seem to be behind some other views of the chart?
You can, however, see them here in the view debugger which confirms they exist (on the far right):
How can I make sure all candlestick views are displayed?
Ah, it turned out the container view of the chart view was clipping bounds. This one liner right before adding the chart.view as a subview fixed it:
chart.containerView.clipsToBounds = false

Centering a checkbox without a caption inside a TGridPanel

Searched all over Google and I'm afraid I can't find an answer to this.
Here is my current situation:
Instead of having those checkbox aligned to the left I want them centered like so (photoshopped obviously):
Anybody know how to achieve this with VCL? Thanks.
These components are inside a TGridPanel and for whatever reason the Left and Top properties have no effect on the position of the component in the cell. I have also looked for any layout properties with no luck.
The controls inside the TGridPanel are automatically center-aligned. If you reduce the width of the checkboxes to the correct value it should be centered as requested. Be aware that if you reduce the size too much the checkbox will shrink.
I managed to find a solution although it's rather messy. But for future reference I had to create a panel for every single cell in my GridPanel then that allowed me to set the left padding property of the panel to push my TCheckboxes over.
Yes it's super inefficient but it's the best I've got so far. Also fixes my issue of wanting to show the cell outlines inside the GridPanel.

Highstock: animate chart update when scrollbar is dragged or navigator handle is released

I would like to animate the highstock chart as the scrollbar is being moved and to animate the update of the chart when a handle on the scrollbar is dragged and then released ( see google finance chart). I have tried setting the animation on both the chart object as well as the plot->series->animation . The chart animates as it loads but doesn't when the scrollbar is updated ( it just gives a jarring update ).
Does this functionality currently exist, or is it in the works for the high stock library?
Unfortunately this option is not possible, but you can suggest it in our uservoice system available here: http://highcharts.uservoice.com/

Delphi - How to set vertical scrollbar in TStringGrid, always visible

I'm using Delphi 2007 for Win32 and need to set the vertical scrollbar in TstringGrid to always be visible. How do you do that?
You can hide scrollbars with the Scrollbar property set to either ssNone, ssHorizontal, ssVertical, even when the number of rows and / or columns would normally make them appear.
You can however not force one or both scrollbars to be always visible but disabled, without creating a new descendent class and overriding methods. Unfortunately the standard grid controls have not evolved much since the days of Delphi 1, so your best bet is using some third party grid control instead. Preferably one that does also show proper proportional scroll thumbs.
There is a scrollbar property that can be set to ssNone, ssHorizontal, ssVertical or ssBoth.
