UIDocumentInteractionController presentation style - ios

I am developing an app for iPad. I am able to show UIDocumentInteractionController for an item to open in other app successfully. But I have to change the presentation style of my UIDocumentInteractionController. It's opening in pop over, I want it to be like action sheet with cancel button.
Thanks in advance.


iOS: Dismiss presented ViewController which is an instance of specific Class

I am using NYAlertViewController to display dialogs in my iOS-App. It can happen that I just opened a dialog when a background process tries to trigger another dialog. If this happens, the second dialog is not shown. I would like to close all other dialogs before opening a new one. How could I do this?
The Dialogs are shown with presentViewControllerAnimatedCompletion.
Maybe I can dismiss all ViewControllers that are instances of NYAlertViewController?
Any thoughts on that? Thanks!

iOS. Add to Passbook with Alert Dialog

Please, advise how I can create alert dialog, similar to Starbucks, shown in the image, when add to Apple Passbook.
I've tried to use PKAddPassesViewController, but failed, as it wasn't clear how to get alert dialog.
This looks like they are presenting a standard UIAlert before presenting the user with a PKAddPassesViewController.
It is not possible to directly replace the Add/Cancel buttons of the PKAddPassesViewController with an alert.

iOS UIActionsheet and flickr sdk conflict

We are using flickr ios sdk in order get photos. And app should start to download
images when user clicks to uiactionsheet item. After clicking item the current controller pops from navigation stack. And after that the app crashes and I see only [LFHTTPRequest(PrivateMethods) readStreamHasBytesAvailable] message.
When we use some view instead of actions sheet all work very well.
I read that this is a flickr's bug but I haven't found any solution for this.

show refreshing icon on ios app

how to change refresh button to a refreshing icon? Like when the app is updating, there is a pop up windows in the center of app with animated refreshing icon
Sounds like you're asking for a modal activity indicator. The one that people most commonly use is MBProgressHUD.

Ipad ShareKit's UIActionsheet Issue

The Sharekit's initial UIActionsheet displays the items Email, Twitter and Facebook and Cancel on Iphone
However the same code ported to Ipad now the Cancel option is missing on its UIActionsheet.
why is that.
Are you using the action sheet in a popover? The standard dismiss interaction for a popover is touching outside of it. There is rarely a "cancel" button in a popover action sheet, and Apple's HIG recommends against it.
