Adobe Air app greyed on iOS 8.1.2 - ios

I have an app that is built on top of the Adobe Air and run under iOS. The app worked fine. But recently It stopped properly work. The icon of the app is grayed after the installation. I updated Flex & Air SDK to 4.14 and 17 release. I also changed the app id and took certificates from another Apple ID. I added the device to the list of allowed devices as I done before and built ipa-debug package. After install I get app icon greyed. What reason could cause this behavior? What should I check? I spent two days trying to make it work, but with no success.

There are many informations out there what causes greyed icons on iOS. Some are simple bugs that can be circumvented by a restart of iOS and/or reinstall via iTunes. But I think in your case (and we are talkin AIR here) you should try to read the Console via Xcode (if you can) like suggested here. How you can debug via Xcode is described here in Detail. Feel free to attach more informations about whatever you could receive from that output console.


Why cant I build apps on my PC but I can on my mac? Xamarin

So I got my MacBook pro yesterday in hopes of developing some local apps to build on my phone.
And after setting everything up, Visual studio on my mac and XCode, and I already had Visual Studio on my PC things started messing up.
I tried debugging my app on my phone from my PC, with the phone connected to my PC ofcourse, didnt work, so I read around on the internet for a good 4 hours and it said that I should create a blank project in XCode, and for the Signing in preferences I had to choose Team, so I did and it debugged the application on my iphone when my iphone was connected to my Mac,
However I DONT want to code on Mac computers, I want to use my PC.
But everytime I try to debug the application from my PC it keeps saying
Could not find any available provisioning profiles for iOS.
I am running a iPhone 7 with the version 10.1.1 because I dont want to update due to various reasons.
I tried changing the Deployment target to something really low but that didnt fix it.
Why is this happening?
Visual representation of what the error looks like
Not sure if this picture helps, this is the project properties > iOS Bundle Signing
And my device log is empty aswell.. Why?
ANother error message saying it doesnt support
I plugged it into the mac and now its visible in the Device log and I can see stuff happening in the device log but I still cant boot the project on my iPhone
Apple doesn't allow developing for iphone on a non IOS device. This simply means that you can't build apps on a Linux or Windows computer/laptop the normal way. You are stuck on building your project on an IOS device.
There are 2 options to fully develop on a Windows laptop though.
One way of doing so is by using your mac as a gateway to send your app from Windows to IOS to your phone. More info about this can be found here:
The second option is a newer one called Xamarin Live Player. You don't need to use a mac at all for developing, but you still need a mac if you want to publish the app. This option also works differently from normal development as you need to download an extra program on your phone.
You could try to do manual provisioning. Create a development provisioning profile at the Apple Developer site, and have XCode download it for you. Then it should show on your PC for you to select.
See the Xamarin documentation on manual provisioning for some more details:

How can I run my hybrid mobile app in debug/development mode on an iPhone?

TL;DR: I can run our app in development mode through VS2015 with remote debugging on the iPhone 5c that I have, but I cannot do the same on the iPhone 4s.
I'm having some difficulty getting a Cordova powered hybrid app to deploy on one particular device in my development environment... However I'm unsure if this is something I'm doing wrong or if there's some compatibility issue here. Posting a question here in the hopes that someone can help me work out what's going on.
Just for some background: The app in question was created using Intel XDK, then ported across to Visual Studio 2015 when Intel recently removed some of XDK's "Debug" functionality. A few things needed to be adapted, but the project does still include some of Intel's JS code as it was in the original project.
My environment includes:
Windows 10 Pro (primary desktop)
Apple Mac Mini with OSX "El Capitan" 10.11.6 (on the network as a build server)
iPhone 5c with iOS 8.3
iPhone 4s with iOS 9.0.2
While configuring this environment, I followed the instructions here. The remotebuild agent is configured to use http only to keep it simple, since this is all contained within a corporate network anyway.
After this I could run our app on the iPhone 5c without any problems, but trying to run it on the iPhone 4s gives an error in VS2015 stating:
Failed to deploy iOS remote for <project_path>\bld\ios\Debug\buildInfo.json to
Error from http get [object Object]: Error: socket hang up
Note: There are no errors in the remotebuild console output on the Mac and VS builds the project correctly, but then fails to deploy it.
I've also tried multiple Provisioning Profiles on both devices, installed using iTunes, Xcode or Apple Configurator 2; but thanks to the provisioning profiles not showing up on devices with iOS 8 or newer, I can't even verify that they're installed at all.
Both of these devices can install and run the previous version of this app (available in app stores), but I need to be able to inspect the DOM in real-time, because even though they have the same screen size, the responsive break points are behaving differently.
So, before I pull out what little hair I do have left, please could somebody help me work out what the hell is going on here?? I've been fighting with this for over a week now and I feel like I'm going round in circles.
After all this backwards and forwards with the iPhone 4s, it turns out the device itself was actually faulty. Somehow this had translated to having a version of iOS that was not installed correctly, which resulted in software issues for apps running on the device.
This was not immediately apparent to us because of the unfortunate lack of devices we had access to for testing, but since I managed to get my hands on an iPad Mini with 9.3.5 and an iPhone 6 with 10.2.1, we've managed to verify our app's compatibility with the newer OS versions.
Anyways, in closing I just wanted to say a massive thank you for all the suggestions and ideas I got in the question comments (especially #Gandhi, sorry about the bounty story, I still feel like you deserve that just for being so helpful).
Despite the fact that my particular issue was not something that could be resolved here on SO, I have still learned a great deal during this process and I am so very grateful.
Even the answer is already posted by the Questioner himself, I m still posting mine for the benefit of others.
When a build deploys fine on one device running on iOS 8 and not on the one running on iOS 9, it could either be problem with iOS version due to the security changes or it could be the device compatibility problem.
In such case, the quick way to narrow down the problem is to test the build on other device with the same version (iOS 9). But unfortunately in #Zalithka's case he dint had device to test. But if someone encounters such problem, try out in different devices to narrow down the problem quickly and nail it.

iOS could not be installed at this time

So I have tried everything and am currently beating my head against the desk. I am using to generate apps for both android and ios. The android apps work just find and I am able to distribute with MDM as needed. The ios app on the other hand just keeps throwing the error " could not be installed at this time."
I have generated and regenerated my certificates/profiles using the documentation provided and still nothing. Can anyone shed some light on this?
There are a number of additional things you can check:
Is Xcode up to date? Use the App Store to check for updates and install any updates if required.
Do you have the relevant iOS SDK installed in Xcode? Open up Xcode, go to Preferences and check the "Downloads" tab. Install any missing components that are required by your application (e.g. the supported iOS version needed for your app).
Does your iOS device support the minimum iOS version required by your application? Make sure you are running the minimum supported iOS. A difference in the installed version and the build version could be preventing install.
Does "Development Mode" need to be enabled on your device? Use Xcode > Window > Devices to see if Development Mode needs to be installed on your device. This will install some debugging tools to your device but won't affect any existing apps.
Check that your device is trusted with the computer you are using. Disconnect the USB cable and reconnect. You may be prompted on both the device and computer to "trust" each other.
Unlock your device with passcode and try running the app again to see if that makes a difference.
Hopefully one of these is your issue. Please comment if any of these helped.

Can install Enterprise app on all tested iPads except for one

I have an enterprise app, that has been installed on about 40 iPads without problems, and suddenly a user comes along with an iPad where the app simply won't install.
I have tried:
Restarting the iPad
Deleting the profiles
Checking restrictions
But so fare without luck
I dont have physical access to the iPad so I cant see any log.
Any suggestions?
It turns out the problem was related to the time on the device. The clock was set 1 hour off.
Check the iPad system version is suitable for your xcode, Check if this device are in your support list, It is device are jailbreak?

Do I need an iOS device to test PhoneGap Built apps?

I'm a complete noob and figuring out all this as I go along so bear with me.
I've built an app using jQuery Mobile, used PhoneGap Build and it works totally fine on Android and I'll deploy it soon. I'm now trying to figure out the more complex steps towards getting it ready for the iOS market. I've got my developer account set up and have tested my app as built with Xcode 4.2 and Cordova.
What I'm having confusion over (well one of the things) is whether or not I need an actual iOS device in order to get the proper provisioning and certificates. Can I get those, run the package through PG Build and then test it with the Xcode iOS simulator? Must I bother my friends to give me one of their iPhones to test on?
If I'm being vague or asking this the wrong way I apologize.
I'm currently building an app for iOS using Phonegap and even though I have done some testing with a physical device I have seen that the simulator works really well. I mean it would definitely be a good idea to at least run one test of your final version on a physical device before you decide to submit, Apple and pretty much everyone else very strongly suggest that you do, but you aren't required to test on a physical device. All the provisioning and certificate stuff can be done through the Apple Developer site.
The only real reason I could see your app not getting approved relating to this topic is if there is some weird glitch that is only present on a physical device and looks fine on the simulator.
And keep in mind, though it probably won't get you disapproved I've noticed that Phonegap apps that use jQuery Mobile tend to be more glitchy on the transitions compared to when they are run on the simulator.
No you don't need an iOS device to get certificates. You can get them using OpenSSL. I created a GUI to help do just this for Windows users.
However Apple is one of the strictest in approval. It takes 8 days for them to approve an app. And they have been know to not approve apps simply because of there appearance.
Now I myself prefer to have iDevices to test apps.
To help with some App Rejection issues you may get when submitting the app.
You will need an Apple computer to submit apps to the App Store. Apple no longer has a web based App Submission
