Can install Enterprise app on all tested iPads except for one - ios

I have an enterprise app, that has been installed on about 40 iPads without problems, and suddenly a user comes along with an iPad where the app simply won't install.
I have tried:
Restarting the iPad
Deleting the profiles
Checking restrictions
But so fare without luck
I dont have physical access to the iPad so I cant see any log.
Any suggestions?

It turns out the problem was related to the time on the device. The clock was set 1 hour off.

Check the iPad system version is suitable for your xcode, Check if this device are in your support list, It is device are jailbreak?


Build lags for a full minute on "Performing Install Actions"

Today, my builds suddenly started taking a long time to install & launch on my iPad (using XCode 7). During the "Performing Install Actions" phase, it hangs for about a minute, and then when the launch screen shows on the device, it takes about another minute for the app to launch. After the app launches, it runs normally without any issues.
I've restarted Xcode, cleaned the app, deleted build folders, deleted DerivedData, restarted OSX, restarted iOS, deleted the app from my iPad, and even upgraded iOS on the iPad to 9.0.2.
Edit: This issue originally seemed to be specific to the iPad Mini 3 I was using; it didn't happen on the iPhones I'm testing with. Now, after the weekend, it's happening on an iOS 8.4 iPhone 5s that I'm also developing on.
Edit 2: This was happening sporadically yesterday and it now seems to have cleared itself up, on all my devices. Still no idea what steps to take to fix this if it happens, though.
Edit 3: It continues to happen, but much more rarely.
I've been dealing with this same thing, but connecting the phone to WiFi seems to unblock my installs. Who knows why... but give that a shot if you're still running into this issue.
I recently ran into this problem and resolved it by restarting the device. I have no idea of what the cause is so I am reticent to suggest this is a universal solution but it did work for me once in a row.
Fix : Turn off iPhone wifi. restart it and install the app now. Now you turn on the wifi. and it works. Fixed.
I had a similar problem, but for me the app wouldn't launch at all. This might have been happening because I was connected to a WiFi that didn't have internet access. Changing to a WiFi with internet access solved the problem for me. It started happening suddenly for me as well, so not sure what triggers it. I've now changed back to the WiFi without internet access, and it seems to work again.
I met this problem in Company, but not at home, when debugging on device.
So if you are working under a company WIFI, just Changing WiFi to Internet Access will solve the problem.
I had the same problem just now.
What does NOT work for me:
Restart Xcode
Clean the project
Unpair and reconnect the device
(Re)connect to wifi
What DOES work for me:
Restart the device and build again
Another possible cause is low disk space on your Mac. Make sure your mac has enough space - I was running with 13mB space remaining... This will impact cacheing etc. and will cause delays on your build.
I have this issue when my Apple Watch are on me. Maybe some problems with paired devices.

In Xcode I see (no paired Apple Watch) even though the watch is paired and the watch's UDID is registered

My phone is listed as an ineligible target in Xcode and out to the side it says (no paired Apple Watch).
My Apple Watch is registered under iOS Devices. I can see the UDID. The watch has watchOS 2.0 installed and my iPhone 6 has iOS 9 installed. The iPhone pairs just fine with the watch and I can install apps.
I've tried rebooting both the watch and the phone. I've tried rebooting Xcode. I tried creating a new scheme in Xcode but it still shows (no paired Apple Watch). I can choose Product/Destination and the app will show up on the phone, it just won't install the watch app...just sits there saying "Installing...".
I had paired my watch with a new phone and run in to this problem. I removed all files in ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/watchOS DeviceSupport/ and it solved it!
2022, 5 year anniversary: For the past 6 months, I consistently have to sit through one hour of "Preparing Apple Watch for development via iPhone" even when I'm not even debugging a Watch app. Needless to say, this also makes it impossible to run apps on device via Xcode. After about 3 hours (basically half my workday) it starts to work. Once I remove the app for testing, or unplug the iPhone, I have to wait a few hours again. Never in my life have I felt so useless as my job at this point basically consists of watching a loading indicator for hours until the process is done - only for the whole thing still not working most of the time.
Fun fact: Apple on Twitter claims they use the same devices and tools for their Watch apps.
2021: All Quiet on the Western Front. It's been 4 years since my first response. I've now had a good run during December and the first 2 weeks of January. It was so good that I haven't closed the simulator a single time and kept my iPhone connected and never turned off my mac. This worked for 3 weeks but then my iPhone ended up in a boot loop and restoring fails. I bought a new iPhone and now I also can't really connect anymore. See y'all in 2022 :)
2020: At this point I can't even get WCSession to send data on the Simulators anymore. Message from Watch to iPhone with replyHandler works, message from iPhone to Watch fails with WCErrorCodeWatchAppNotInstalled. Every day starts with rebooting numerous times and deleting and setting up new iPhone + Watch combinations. Tried on a freshly installed macOS with my friend's devices and of course no luck. But it's clearly my fault. Submitting a bug report doesn't do anything as they only keep telling you that everything is working on their end and they will close this ticket now. I only wanted to help.
2019: New iPhone, even worse. Now, every single component in my development has changed since 2017 and I'm still stuck targeting the simulator with every build. Apple, why?
2018 II: nothing works for me anymore. Contacted Apple loads of times and Apple Watch seems to have moved to Playground's neighborhood as it's just loading/running but never really running. Bought a second Mac, new project, nothing works. Sad.
2018: The last couple of days I have been really successful doing the following:
On your iPhone:
turn off wifi
turn off bluetooth
turn on wifi
turn on bluetooth
On your Watch:
turn on flight mode
deactivate flight mode
Most of the times it didn't take longer than 30 seconds to get the connection back on track. I think it's the "Watch flight mode"-thing but I never change a (somewhat) running system so this will be my procedure from now on. My 2017-reply still seems to be of help to some people:
2017: If it SOMETIMES shows, and often doesn't, it might be due to the fact that you closed iTunes
I noticed what I often did after reconnecting: closing iTunes. Immediately, the watch turned to be "unpaired". Reconnecting the USB cable but leaving iTunes open has helped me since.
What worked for me is to go to the WatchKit App target and update the Team with the proper account. Once I did that, my device showed as eligible.
Open the camera companion app on the watch. For me this works. Seems like the app starts a phone connection.
It seems that you need to tap on the "Trust this computer" message on Apple Watch. This solved my problem. Also check if XCode displays the message "Indexing..." or "Loading symbols...": you need to wait until the operation is over.
It looks like a bug in Xcode!
Go to ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/watchOS DeviceSupport/ and create a folder named "Watch1,2 2.0 (build number)" and for 'build number' use your watchOS build number. Inside this folder create another folder named "Symbols".
So for the latest build: ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/watchOS DeviceSupport/Watch1,2 2.0 (13S5305d)/Symbols.
Maybe clean & restart Xcode.
For me it was an issue of trusting the computer from the watch. I had to reboot my watch to get the "trust this computer" request.
In my case I believe it was because I had Connect via network enabled for the iPhone that's paired with my new watch.
Upon disabling the wireless connect feature, then connecting the iPhone to my mac via cable, the watch appeared in the Devices list.
After getting the UUID to register with the Developer Center I re-enabled Connect via Network and the watch was no longer listed on the Devices screen. When I connect the phone via cable, however, the watch info appears.
So if you're using wireless connect, try just plugging the device in via cable and hopefully you'll see your watch in the list. Good luck!
I had to delete my Apple ID from the Accounts tab in Xcode preferences and then re-add it.
What worked for me is just waiting for about a minute. There was no progress bar in Xcode, just wait.
For me helped open iTunes at the MAC and leave it open.
Xcode 9.4.1
Check the phone is connected to the same wifi network as the computer.
I've just spent a few days struggling with this, trying the solutions above. Switched networks, waited a minute, now it works again. Gah.
I have four wifi SSIDs in my home (old house, thick walls, one router won't cover it properly) and it turned out the computer was choosing one, and the phone another.
I have the exact same setup and had the same problem. What seemed to work for me was just unpairing and pairing the watch again. Then Trust this computer on the watch and Xcode started to list it in the menu.
It seems that I updated the watchOS2 beta 5 on top of 1.0.1 which was paired earlier and it just needed to be re-set for watchOS2.
What worked for me was to open Xcode's Projects window and click the Delete button next to the Derived Data line for the currently open project. After that, the target automatically switched to show [My iPhone Name] + [My Watch Name].
My setup: Xcode 7, iOS 9 (public release), and watchOS 2 beta.
Open Watch app on device, scroll down to your app, and make sure to enable show app on apple watch
Setting Correct Provisioning profiles | Certificates | Team, then restarting Xcode worked for me.
You must have connected your Apple Watch with you iPhone by bluetooth, wifi connection won´t work for testing...
I really struggled with this problem but this helped me:
Fix steps :
Unpair my watch
Reboot both iPhone and apple watch
Pair them again,and setup my watch as a new one
Plug (unplug first) iPhone to Mac
On apple watch, say Trust the computer when it asks
Unplug and plug again
Close and open XCode
Open the project and wait a few seconds
I may have had a breakthrough....I turned off WIFI on my Mac and it instantly found the watch 😱
This worked for me (Xcode 11.3.1) :
Open Devices from Xcode
Disconnect iPhone from Mac
Disable bluetooth on iPhone
Re-connect iPhone to Mac
Verify iPhone is showing in Devices.
Turn on bluetooth on iPhone, wait to see that watch is connected on iPhone.
Look in Devices -> your iPhone -> Paired watches -> wait for the watch info to completely show.
At this point I was able to see watch in Xcode.
In some cases also needed to restart Watch & Phone as well.
This worked for me
1. Quit Xcode.
2. Disconnect iPhone
3. Remove cache files at /Users//Library/Developer/Xcode
4. Run Xcode.
5. Connect iPhone again
6. Xcode will start to download the symbol file
Just reconnect my iPhone to my Mac is solved my problem. When i reconnect my iPhone, xcode installed itself missed symbols automatically.
I had a similar issue where Xcode was not detecting my paired watch. Somehow, the beta provisioning profile had managed to get installed onto my phone and for some reason Xcode could not detect the paired watch. As soon as I deleted the provisioning profile, Xcode started to pick up the paired watch.
Creating a new watchOS project lead to download of symbols to resume and finish.
I unplugged the iPhone before "Processing symbol files" operation was finished. So Apple Watch never showed up again.
XCode 9 (beta 4). iOS 10 (beta 4). watchOS 2.2.2.
I just waited several minutes and then - it worked by itself.
WatchOS 4.1, XCODE 9.2.
The solution that worked for me with XCode 10.0: trash the whole Xcode folder in ~/Library/Developer/Xcode, removing only the watchOS DeviceSupport was not enough
New update to this issue. I have recently buy the ray wenderlich book for Watch OS and I have had this problem.
After testing a lot of things, and before delete any files, my working solution is this:
On MAC with Xcode open and with the issue scheme loaded. iPhone plugged in and watch turned on too.
1) On MAC turn off wifi
2) On MAC turn on wifi
3) On MAC turn off bluetooth
4) On MAC turn on bluetooth
I know this solution is above, but is the only way it has worked for me. Hope it helps to any dev too.
Check that Bluetooth is enabled. I restarted my Mac, my phone and my watch and that didn't help. When I looked in settings on the watch I found that Bluetooth was disabled.
In my case, rebooting the watch did not work, but after rebooting iPhone it did.
Xcode Version 12.2 (12B45b) seems to fixed all issues regarding the app transfer from your mac to your apple Watch.

Adobe Air app greyed on iOS 8.1.2

I have an app that is built on top of the Adobe Air and run under iOS. The app worked fine. But recently It stopped properly work. The icon of the app is grayed after the installation. I updated Flex & Air SDK to 4.14 and 17 release. I also changed the app id and took certificates from another Apple ID. I added the device to the list of allowed devices as I done before and built ipa-debug package. After install I get app icon greyed. What reason could cause this behavior? What should I check? I spent two days trying to make it work, but with no success.
There are many informations out there what causes greyed icons on iOS. Some are simple bugs that can be circumvented by a restart of iOS and/or reinstall via iTunes. But I think in your case (and we are talkin AIR here) you should try to read the Console via Xcode (if you can) like suggested here. How you can debug via Xcode is described here in Detail. Feel free to attach more informations about whatever you could receive from that output console.

Simulator and device give different results

Have any of you ever ran into issues where the changes you've made are only being reflected on the simulator and not on the device?
Example, if i want to set the selected background image view for a table cell, the selection state in the simulator will show the changes but not on the device during testing.
This inconsistency is starting to worry me because when it's time to deploy to production, how do i know that the apps in the app store will work correctly?
Have any of you ever ran into issues where the changes you've made are only being reflected on the simulator and not on the device?
Yes, this has happened to me many times.
This inconsistency is starting to worry me because when it's time to deploy to production, how do i know that the apps in the app store will work correctly?
When I first started developing for iPhone, I once had to rewrite a significant portion of code because while it worked perfectly in the Simulator, it did not work properly on the iPhone. I realized then that the Simulator is not an Emulator, that is, it does not replicate an iPhone exactly.
You need to test on an iOS device frequently to ensure that your code is working properly. That is what the App Store reviewers will be using and what your users will be using, not the Simulator.
During your daily development, you can use the Simulator and also your fastest device, like the 5th gen iPod Touch and iPhone 5. Periodically and towards the end of your development, it is good to test on older, slower, more memory limited devices, especially the oldest available that will run the iOS version that you are targeting.
The best thing you can do when this happens is to uninstall the app your're developing, (extra measure) restart the device to clean any app caches, and finally do a clean build from XCode. Things like this tend to happen to me frequently and uninstalling my app followed by a clean build seems to do the trick all the time.
Inconsistencies happen, that's why you need to test on actual devices (and why it's a simulator, not an emulator). In this case, it's most likely being caused by XCode failing to properly update the program, in particular the nibs. Delete your app from the phone and reinstall it fresh. The app store and iTunes use a different method of installation, so you shouldn't have to worry about it in the store.

Using instruments on my ios 5.0.1 iphone4 phone makes it reboot right away

I'd like to understand why, and find a solution obviously. I can't figure it out, given the console disappears as soon as the device reboots and is then reset when it comes back from the reboot. So I don't have any clue of what's going on there.
iphone4, ios 5.0.1 installed, jailbroken when the latest redsnow & untethered JB. I tried in safe mode, same thing.
I noticed that everytime I connect the phone osx mounts a developerdiskimage volume while xcode is displaying "checking DDI symbols", and after that then the phone is considered valid for dev by xcode. After the phone just rebooted, it's shown as invalid for development in xcode, until I unplug / replug it. I don't think I ever noticed that before, could it be related?
With the new ios 5.1.1 jailbreak out. You might want to revisit it again. I had a similar problem where I could mesure leaks but trying to mesure CoreAnimation or anything else would restart the device.
