iOS Google Maps: Draw images along a polyline? - ios

Using the Google Maps SDK for iOS (latest version), I'm trying to figure out some way to display images along a polyline on the map. I don't want the images to zoom in/out with the map, but I do want them to rotate with it -- the images are of various types of arrows, which need to be pointing in the direction of the route.
Is this something anyone knows how to do fairly straightforwardly?


Suggestions to place points on a floor plan

I need some directions (tutorials, examples, etc) to help me to figure out how I could, from a floor plan (ex: png file for now), place some points/icons to different locations and be able to zoom in/out, drag and rotate.
In fact, a bit like google map, with only basic stuffs.
Take a look at the Grid List Demo in Flutter Gallery:
It features an Image viewer with zoom and pan support.
(You can also find the Gallery on the Play Store)
Instead of using a simple image, use a Stack that overlays Positioned widgets over your image.

How to get all the map tiles between two coordinates

We created an app for offline maps, and i need to get the map tiles between the two coordinates for particular zoom level
I found a way to convert Coordinates to Map tiles
Can anybody suggest a way to get these map tiles between two coordinates?
We are using OpenStreet Maps with iOS MapKit framework
I Recently found these two, they are providing pbf files, but i'm unable to find how to load it into a MKMapView

Draw polylines which follow the roads gemoetry

In my app I want to highlight certain roads, which can easily be achieved just by drawing polylines on top of the roads. (I am using the Google Maps SDK, by the way). However these polylines won't follow the road's geometry, they will just connect two coordinates with a straight line. (I have a coordinate for the start of the road which I want to highlight and the end of it). The coordinates won't change, the same roads will be highlighted through out the whole time in the app.
The question is: Is there a way I could draw these polylines not to be straight but to follow the road's geometry? If it's not possible in the SDK, is there a tool on the internet which will connect two coordinates following the roads between them? Because if there is, than I could get the coordinates of those poylines and parse them in my app.
as #Fabian has suggested, if you have a small set of polylines to show in your app, and your app works mostly offline, it would be better to get all the polylines during the development. And there are two ways:
1) through the direction API, you might able to skip all the implementation by using the WEB API, which is meant for webserver.
2) or, with the Snap to Road API, which might gives you a better control over your route compare to the direction API. This API is meant to fix the pool GPS data you get from the sensor and snap those on the road.

How do you allow the map to zoom more than the map actually has

We have an iPhone app that uses mapbox to display offline maps created using tilemill. In previous versions of Mapbox the user could zoom in as much as they wanted even though the map had only be created to a level 15 zoom. This was important to us as we overlay a GPX track and waypoints over the map and it is important we can zoom in to view that information. The map of course distorted but wasn't a major issue.
We have created various maps with tilemill however we are finding that to be able to zoom in to the level we require needs a map of 100s of megabytes which is not feasible for an iPhone app. In previous editions of Mapbox the user was able to zoom in further than the zoom set when creating the app.
Is there any way to zoom into the maps further? or are there any other alternatives to view offline maps on a mobile device?
Additional comment: Another option would be to hide all data at zoom levels above 17 so that the map would go blank above zoom 17. i.e. user can zoom in but once they past a certain point the map goes blank. Therefore not requiring the thousands of tile images above zoom level 17. How could we do that in Tilemill?

Does Google Maps SDK for iOS display 3D maps?

I have integrated Google Maps SDK to an iOS application and I would like to display 3D Satellite maps. According to the documentation this should work just directly. I can tilt the view, but the displayed map remains flat (i.e. mountains do not show up in 3D as they do in Google Earth).
I have been searching extensively for this, but found no reference or mentioning whether it actually works or does not. Does anybody know whether the 3D maps (google SDK) do work on iOS and I am just hitting some limitation/wrong switch or whether they do not work?
As of SDK v1.8, tilted layers do appear to have some 3D elevation effects, but it's more subtle than Google Earth typically is.
