I would want to know if there is a known bug with ol.format.geoJSON class in OL 3.5. When I try to create a new source vector from a geoJSON, it's not displayed on the map. Instead, if I use the same data converted in KML format (ol.format.KML), I get the layer correctly displayed on the map. Can you please help me to fix the problem? Thank you for your help.
Video of the problem
The problem happens when there is a screen switch or browser minimization, and it only happens with the svg element. Has anyone encountered this? How to fix?
imagem here
I managed to correct
good through this post
Clipping path in SVG not working in Safari
and this post http://tutorials.jenkov.com/svg/clip-path.html
but I had to make some adaptations...
how did i fix this problem
1st first
had to change inline structure that comes before all sinline svgs
before:[enter image description here][1]
[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/W8Pbl.jpg
enter image description here
so far I had already converted all patches into points
tools that helped me in this work:
1st crucial tool because it is possible to convert paths code into points codes for polygon
https://codepen.io/team/amcharts/full/zYORoNE software built on the code pen
2st another tool to remove parts of unnecessary text such as curly braces ({}) spaces and commas that because the conversion tool transforms results into arrray
3st another tool to remove lines breaks
4st another last tool but not less important because it is possible to test directly online before inserting it in the code definitively
that was a good tool
final result :
before applying any new structure
after: after applying any new structure
I want to thank all the devs who collaborated with me, either by creating the free software and the post made, my thanks to everyone, the people of the stackoverflow, thanks!
Trying to stretch my understanding of how mapdeck can plot maps and the new (new to me) Ordnance Survey Vector Tile API that can display 3D buildings
Has anyone any advice about how to reference the labs.os.uk data as a layer in mapdeck?
I suspect it is not possible to set a transformRequest function when using Mapbox via Mapdeck.
But you can probably do it by downloading the tile json from https://api.os.uk/maps/vector/v1/vts&key=your_os_api_key&srs=3857
Edit by appending &srs=3857 to the "tiles" url.
Save the edited tile json to your server.
Then download a copy of the 3d style json from https://github.com/OrdnanceSurvey/OS-Vector-Tile-API-Stylesheets/blob/master/OS_VTS_3857_3D.json
Edit by appending &key=your_os_api_key to the "sprite" and "glyphs" urls, and edit the "sources" "url" entry to point the tile json on your server.
Save the edited style json to your server.
Hopefully Mapdeck can then be used with style = parameter set to the url of the style json on your server.
I try to create a custom Map with Highcharts – I need german job center districts. I've done it the way it is described here.
I imported the shapefiles to QGIS an created a highcharts map here. But on this way, all information like the name oft he district got lost. Is there a way to keep it? Because there are a lot of districts – I don't want to write all single names by my own.
I was able to generate GeoJSON from the provided shapefile (the one that you provided me with via email) and place it in the JSFiddle boilerplate (http://jsfiddle.net/highcharts/xbzxfx2L/). Empty map displayed without any problems. To add values to the regions and also to display data labels you need to add adequate data and link it to the mapData (more about it in the API link below). I have prepared an example for you. Simply, copy the content of created GeoJSON (generated from the shapefile using QGIS, as described here: https://www.highcharts.com/docs/maps/custom-geojson-maps) to the textarea and click run button. The map with the values should show up. Also, you could try to use map of Germany from our maps collection. It can be found here: http://code.highcharts.com/mapdata/.
API Reference:
I'm testint information from a page with Selenium Webdriver. I have a graphic like this: https://www.highcharts.com/demo/spline-plot-bands
and I'm having a problem when I try to get the info inside of every dot.
You have to know that this type of highcharts, every dot has the same xpath so, it's impossible to reach to different dots. I can only get one info in one dot.
//Click on toolip
WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.xpath(dot));
// action class to click
Actions action = new Actions((WebDriver) driver); action.click(element).build().perform();
String toolTipText = driver.findElement(By.xpath(tooltip)).getText(); if(!toolTipText.contains(example))
sb.append("===> Content error");
The problem is that ramdomly, I get empty info from that tooltips. Sometimes I correctly get the info but sometimes it appears empty. Why? Will it be problem because json call? I don't know what could I do...do you have any ideas?
Thanks so much in advance guys!!
I think you are looking wrong way at highcharts, please refer this highchart docs. Highchart is chart plugin that auto render HTML SVG based on highchart options.
To understand problem with tooltip information, you need to look into highchart series data, point objects. point object is contains information related to each dot in chart.
I'm trying to do a PDF Reader which have the following features:
highlight //annotation or just changing the background of the rect
what I'm using is vfr/Reader :
it have the zooming function and bookmarks
and I want to make it like LazyPDf : https://github.com/lazyprogram/LazyPDFKit
which have annotation function
or make it like github.com/Ink/ThatPDF
which have less annotation functions than lazypdf
and add the search from
the problem is that i have been working on it for like a month and I didn't make any progress and I don't know where to start or how to merge those applications together , even though all of them uses CGPDF.
please help me to find a way to make my app or let me know if there is a better free library ,and if i need to learn anything just drop a link in a comment.
Thank you !!
You can use below link for pdf reader.
you can easly use the book mark,zooming,saved pdf,email,print pdf
You can use iOS PDFKit:
This reponse will help you