Google Spreadsheets, match/lookup in ALL rows, except the current one - google-sheets

Google Spreadsheets, match/lookup in ALL rows, except the current one
I have never come across a method that looks in all rows, except the current.
Say you have a match or vlookup and it looks in ALL the rows except the current one the formula is in.
We use a formula like below that verifies if a certain value already exists (using a MAX), but if it finds itself then the match or vlookup is always 1 (or in error)
1 Formula: Does value 1 from cell A1 exist in column A?
2 Formula: Does value 1 from cell A2 exist in column A?
3 Formula: Does value 1 from cell A3 exist in column A?
4 Formula: Does value 1 from cell A4 exist in column A? Check all except row 4
Something like this
Formula in cell C4: match(A4;A$1:A3&A5:A)
Or Formula in cell C4: match(A4;A:A&[^A4])

You can use this formula from the second row of data onward (B2=):
If there is no match above the current cell it will search for a match below, and will return the correct index in the full column range by adding ROWS(A$1:A1)+1 to the below match result.
Copy this formula downward from B2 to B3 and so on.

If you are trying to check whether the value appears in the column except for the current row just use COUNTIF()
Put this formula in B2
Otherwise please specify what kind of output you want


Google Sheet ISBETWEEN doesn't recognize named range?

Column A is named "Quantity", which works in a simple formula:
I'm getting an error when attempting to use a named range in ISBETWEEN formula:
I verified that ISBETWEEN works when I use cell reference A2 instead of named range Quantity:
Any thoughts how I can fix? 😤
Your named range Quantity has its range set to A1:A but you are entering it in row 2, so error says there is no room in A2:A for A1:A unless you add a row but when you do it's the same coz you can't fit 3 keys into 2 keyholes (from one side each of course)
As seen on this sample:
See my comment to your original post.
Assuming that your named range Quantity is applied to the entire range A:A (and not A2:A), delete everything from Col B (including the header) and then place the following formula in cell B1:
=ArrayFormula( {"Test"; IF(A2:A="",, ISBETWEEN( FILTER(Quantity, ROW(Quantity)>1), 1, 5) ) } )
This one formula will create the header text (which you can change within the formula if you like) and all results for all valid, non-null rows.
FILTER(Quantity, ROW(Quantity)>1) is necessary to limit the full range of the named range Quantity to only those elements whose row is greater than (row) 1; this is because your results begin in Row 2.
You only need this one formula. As you add more data into Col A, the formula will process it.

Implement formula in a column based on contents of each cell

In my Google Sheet, I have 1000+ rows of Date entries. For each Date, I am calculating the Month# and Week# using MONTH() and WEEKDAY() functions respectively.
Here is the link to a sample file:
Problem Statement:
For all rows which have a unique Month# and Week#, I would like to implement a formula and calculate Output. For example, in my sheet, rows 3 to 6 pertain to Month=1 and Week=4. For this set of 5 rows I am calculating Output column as the subtraction from the first element in that set (ie... C3-$C$3, C4-$C$3, C5-$C$3 so on ). Similarly row 7 to 10 pertain to Month=1 and Week=5, and so I calculate Output
as Data-$C$7 and so on.
How do I implement this structure to calculate Output column on each set of unique Month# and Week# values?
Delete everything from Column F (including the F2 header). Then place the following formula into cell F2:
This one formula will create the header and return results for all valid rows.
Since VLOOKUP always finds only the first matching instance of what it is looking up, we can use it to ask that each value in C3:C subtract that first instance of where week-number match for each row.
By the way, although you didn't ask about this, you can also use this type of array formula in Columns D and E, instead of all of the individual formulas you have. To do that, delete everything from Columns D and E (including the headers). Then...
Place the following formula in D2:
=ArrayFormula({"Month #";IF(B3:B="",,MONTH(B3:B))})
... and the following formula in E2:
=ArrayFormula({"Week #";IF(B3:B="",,WEEKNUM(B3:B))})

Lookup multiple values from one cell

Trying to obtain desired output shown in E:G from a data show in A:C. I can write a formula
JOIN(", ", FILTER($B$2:$B,$C$2:$C=E2,$A$2:$A=F2))
If there would be a single value in F2 I could get comma-separated output items from column B. But I need to do that for more than one value in F2 cell and get the output shown in column G. How to write a formula that can generate column G as desired?
Any help is welcome.
If you're happy with formula dragging down each cell, as per your example in cell F2, then G2 could be:
There are more complex formula to do the calcs with an arrayformula.
Within the filter, there are {} brackets that are used to build an array of data. The array consists of Col A then ( then Col B then ).
It then works the same way as per your example in cell F2. The filter finds each row of the array where Col C matches the value in Col E. Unique and join get the results the same way.
When you drag down the formula, textjoin might be more helpful in ignoring empty cells than join.
Use this in cell F2:
this in cell G2:
Using arrays in Google Sheets

SPREADSHEET INDIRECT() with variable column

If A1 has a value of 2, =INDIRECT("L"&(5+A1)) will return me cell L7's content. And my A1 value keeps on being updated.
But I need a way to sort through columns instead of rows, like
L7, M7, N7, O7 and so on...
Which formula can help me sort through the columns? I also know that =COLUMN() returns the current column converted to number, but I had no luck with =INDIRECT((column()+A1)&7).
You can use the address() function inside indirect. Address() returns a cell reference as a string. So for example, if you enter in G5
=indirect(address(A1, column()))
while A1 is 1 the above formula will return the contents of cell G1.
See if this helps?

Sum values based on row value and column header

We have a Google Sheet doc which contains a date column with each date as a row value, and also multiple columns (some of which have the same name) and we want to sum the values in the cells where the row is a specific date, and the column has a specific header. For example where the date is 01/03/2017 we want to sum all the values which have the column header "X" on that date. Can this be done?
Yes it can be done
Broken down
=sumif($C$3:$J$3 [<-header row with X],"X" [<-what we're looking for],C3:J3 [<-row to sum])
the formula above will sum the header row if there is an "X" (not very useful)
I used offset(C3:J3,[row number],0) with the header row range to push it down to the row matching 01/03/2017
To get the row number of 01/03/2017 I used Match() and put 01/02/2017 in cell B1
MATCH(B1,B4:B15 [range of dates] ,0)
I add 3 becuase my range starts at 4
You can hard code the date into the formula by replacing B1 with
I've not tried this in Google Sheets as I don't have access at the moment but it works in Excel and I'll try it in Sheets later.
Here's the formula that you can paste into A2 on your sheet "Sum of Data"
It's all about changing the original formula to match your data and also locking the ranges correctly with the $ so that it will autofill down and across without breaking.
Use INDEX to peel off the appropriate column for SUMIF.
=SUMIF(A:A, G4, INDEX(A:E, 0, MATCH(H4, 1:1, 0)))
Considering a sheet where:
Cell B1 contains the date of interest (e.g. 01/03/2017)
Cell B2 contains the header of interest (e.g. X)
Cell B3 returns the sum of interest (values of all columns with header "X" on 01/03/2017)
Row 4 contains the headers to be evaluated (e.g. "Date", "A", "B", "X", "C", "X", "D")
Subsequent rows contain the actual data (e.g. dates in column A and data in columns B:G)
Refer to the image on the link below for details:
Example with cells of interest highlighted in yellow
The following formula should return the expected result:
I used Google Sheets in Portuguese. So, the formula actually tested was:
I hope that was usefeul.
