IOS - make app scale - ios

I want to make an application, that have big and clear UI (Like GrabTAXI). In app, every element have big font, i.e: Status bar, keyboard etc.
I try to change font, size of every element, but I think it have other way.
Help me, anyone?

I think you should be use AutoLayout in your project.
This is the best way.


Is there a Cocoapod/Standard way that allows user to change the font size within the app like the one in iBooks app in Swift?

I am trying to implement a font size changer functionality similar to the one provided by the iBooks app in iPhone.
I know how to set the font using Dynamic Type when Text Size changes at the phone level, but the requirement here is to allow the user to change the font size within the app, and update the content as per the new font size.
(I need to change the brightness and the font size only.)
I looked over the net and found this link
This link shows a manual way of doing it. I was wondering if this a common requirement among apps and is there a standard way/cocoa pod to do this?
Thanks in advance.
Been a Java developer for about 8 years, and was used to using the term "library" which I believe didn't make much sense in the iOS world.
I was looking for something that lets me change the font size and the screen brightness in one shot since I thought it would be a common requirement in most of the reading apps. Something like this :
Since I didn't find anything, and like #WTEDST mentioned saying it requires few lines of code, I went ahead and
Added a view(B) on top of my main view(A)
Showed this view(B) only on clicking of the ᴀA button
This view(B) contained the slider component and 2 buttons at the bottom for increasing and decreasing the font size.
I added a method to change screen brightness on moving the slider and another method on each of the increase/decrease font buttons.
Used a UIStackView to arrange the items nicely.

iOS Layout - Whats the best solution?

For an iOS app i am currently working on, I need to manage the controls displayed on the screen based on the type of device the app is running on.
I will try to explain with a theoretical example (the actual numbers used below are not important, what interests me is best method to achieve the desired result).
In the case of the app in the screenshots, the button that overlaps the UIImageView should not be displayed at all OR displayed in another place on the screen.
So far I've worked with autolayout , but , from what i could figure, there's no way to say to xcode something like: hey, for a class size "Compact Width / Compact Height" , I want you to hide these buttons...but show them for "Regular Width / Compact Height" .
I also did some googling and saw some people talk about using different storyboards based on the device; I am also thinking, I could add/remove buttons dynamically based on the device type , but I think it's not so pleasant to have to add all of the constraints by hand (programatically that is).
So to resume, I would appreciate a suggestion of a 'best' way to do this , best meaning a combination of 'not so hard' + ' not so long'. Also, some code example (or links) would be highly appreciated.
Thank you all in advance !
I think it all depends how sophisticated it gets what you are doing overall. When you look at developer's code for large app projects very little is actually done in interface builder since the apps are so dynamic it's just too much work in IB.
Using multiple storyboards 'sounds' like a good idea, but often isn't. If you want to update/change one, in most cases you then have to change the other ones as well.
What I think is handy:
Use one storyboard (or multiple but for different parts of you app and not parallel ones) and then put in very 'special' cases multiple ViewControllers of the same class for the different size into the single storyboard. That way you won't forget about updating the second (and third) because they are all right there.
I would only use multiple 'parallel' storyboards for apps that support iPhone and iPad and it makes sense to really split them up..
I would as fas as possible still use just one representation and derive the other 'versions' from that in code. If you build a structured user interface you can then reuse (or just inherit) the code that 'hides' parts of the first viewController in the next. That way your code AND your IB files won't get cluttered.
Also think about internationalisation (if that is part of your future plans), since multiple IB documents and multiple instances of the same viewController layout really don't help for that ;)

Use stock keyboard as template for custom iOS 8 keyboard

I was wondering if it is possible to get the stock Apple keyboard design as a file to make a own custom keyboard with only slight changes to the original one.
I would like to only change one Key and was hoping that I don't have to build the whole design myself and try to imitate the original design.
Thanks in advance
I built a custom keyboard with the same look as the system keyboard (except it has only one "letter" key!):
I'm sure you can start from there and adapt it to your need. Good luck!
There is another custom keyboard with all the keys here. Looks like the might be a bit hacked together but could be another good place to start.

How many textviews it is OK to create on iPhone?

I am developing non-standard rich text view to display output of some other program. I found it is very easy to do by just adding loads of UITextView into ScrollView, and then set various properties for each label. Like text size, color, transparency etc, etc. Some of them could be clickable buttons.
But now the logical question, how many TextViews iPhone can safely handle?
Of course, I can do some tests myself, (and will I do) but it might not be reliable, maybe someone knows better from experience or some documentation or calculations?
Maybe the question could be generalized to "how many views"? But I am interested mostly in TextViews so far.
I think you don't need to worry about the safe number of UITextView you can use. Because you know the screen of the iPhone is so small. Do you think you need so many UITextView on one screen that the iOS even can not handle?

iOS / xCode4: image sizes for TableViews and Pickers

Is there any indicator in xcode about the size of table cells and picker cells, so I can work out how big my images need to be in there, how much gap to leave for the edges etc. Just need some kind of guidelines indicator as to where my cursor is on the control I suppose. How do you guys deal with working out layouts?
Thanks (sorry if the question is a bit wooly).
Xcode does not provide any such guidelines to do so, but there are some other software that can be used.
You can use MockApp or omni graffle to design your apps. You can also use photoshop but it might be an over kill if your app is small or low budget or if you dont know how to use it.
