How do you determine within Ant whether verbose is enabled? - ant

Within an ant build.xml, I want to influence a child process's verbose flag based on whether ant itself was run with verbose enabled. Is there a variable set to determine this? Or otherwise, can I parse the raw Ant command line somehow to check whether -v is passed?

The property contains command line options
<project >
<echo message="${}" />
<condition property="">
<contains string="${}" substring="-v" />
<echo message="${}" />


Force Ant to substitue a substitution variable

I use a software (Drops) based on ant script.
I try to dynamically generate the destination path of a file that I want to copy. To do this I execute a linux command line.
In my application, I have this properties :
I expected Ant to replace ${environment.props.environment_name} by its value at runtime. But it doesn't.
Here is the Ant script that I wrote :
<project xmlns:drops="antlib:com.arcadsoftware.mmk.anttasks" name="deployJar" basedir="." default="main">
<taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml"/>
<taskdef resource="com/dropssoftware/drops/ant/antlib.xml"/>
<target name="main">
<!-- get the value of the property "" -->
<propertycopy name="target.dir" from=""/>
<!-- I expect this to print target.dir=/opt/recette/gmao-ws but it print target.dir=/opt/${environment.props.environment_name}/gmao-ws -->
<echoproperties />
<!-- Supposed to copy from /opt/drops/storage/afile.jar to /opt/recette/gmao-ws but the property "target.dir" is wrong -->
<exec executable="sudo">
<arg value="/bin/cp"/>
<arg value="${param.artifacts.root}/${param.jar.root}"/>
<arg value="${target.dir}"/>
With this input :
It is supposed to copy a file from the artifacts directory to the /opt/recette/gmao-ws directory. But Ant tried to copy it to /opt/${environment.props.environment_name}/gmao-ws.
I don't understand why Ant doesn't replace ${environment.props.environment_name} by its value.
Is it possible to force Ant to replace the substitution variable by its value ?
Not entirely clear what you're trying to do. The propertycopy task is not part of normal Ant, coming from a 3rd party extension called ant-contrib
I suspect what you're trying to do can be done with normal property substitution. I have provided an example.
A simple example of how to pass in parameters to a build file by setting properties:
$ ant -Dparam.from=AAA
[echo] sudo
[echo] /bin/cp
[echo] /opt/drops/storage/AAA
[echo] /opt/drops/storage/BBB
Note the 3 properties declared at the top? These are effectively the default values available for override.
<project name="demo" default="build">
<property name="param.artifacts.root" value="/opt/drops/storage"/>
<property name="param.from" value="fromDir"/>
<property name="" value="toDir"/>
<target name="build">
I think that I find the answer to my question in ant document :
Normally property values can not be changed, once a property is set, most tasks will not allow its value to be modified.
In the case of the software that I use : Drops, it loaded the application properties BEFORE the environment properties.
So is set BEFORE environment.props.environment_name and the ${environment.props.environment_name} cannot be replace.
The answer to my question is seems to be NO, it's not possible to force Ant to replace the substitution variable by its value.
It's done automatically if the variables are loaded in the good order.

Condition based on environment in Ant buildfile

I am new to Ant and any help will be appreciated.
What I want to do is:
<target name="run-tenantManagement" depends="jar"
description="Running TestNG Tests">
<if> ... SIMV3.1 env variable set
<property name="" value="tenantManagementV3"/>
<property name="" value="tenantManagement"/>
Basically I am setting one env variable
setenv SIMV3.1 true
I want to put a check in the Ant target if this variable is set and has value=true, then set to a particular value, else set it to another value.
Kindly help. I have googled through many Ant tutorials but everything seems ambiguous.
There's a few ways to do this, for example using an Ant <condition> task:
<property environment="env" />
<condition property="" value="tenantManagementV3"
<istrue value="${env.SIMV3.1}" />
There are a number of other tests you can use and combine in the task, see Conditions for the list.
Also: I'd avoid using an environment variable name with an embedded dot - it won't work in all shells.

Avoid Printing Build Successful after ant exits a target

I have an ant script which calls a target from another script. When this target is fully executed, the second script exits with a "Build Successful" message, which is a bit confusing to the users. I dont want the second ant script to echo "Build Successful" on its exit.
My code is
<target name="startRemoteJboss" description="Starts Remote Instance of Jboss">
<echo message="starting Remote Jboss" />
<sshexec output="remoteJboss.txt" trust="true" host="${}" username="${jboss.remote.username}" password="${jboss.remote.password}" command="ant -f build.xml startJboss" port="${jboss.remote.port}" failonerror="no"/>
The second build file target looks like
<target name="startJboss" description="Starts Jboss">
<echo message="starting Jboss" />
<exec executable="${jboss.home}/bin/" spawn="true">
<arg line="-b -c default" />
<sleep seconds="150" />
<echo message="Jboss is UP" />
When the startJboss completes it execution, i would like it to not print "Build Successful"
[sshexec] Total time: 10 seconds
Since you're capturing the output to a file (<sshexec output="remoteJboss.txt" ...), then you should be able to strip these lines from it, e.g.:
<fileset dir="." includes="remoteJboss.txt" />
<linecontains negate="true">
<contains value="[sshexec] BUILD SUCCESSFUL"/>
<linecontains negate="true">
<contains value="[sshexec] Total time:"/>
To printout to the user (assuming you're using concat already), or use the destFile attribute to specify a copy of the output file where these lines are stripped out:
<concat destfile="remoteJboss_short.txt" >
Best practice is to use macrodef for sharing functionality, means make a macrodef of your startJboss target instead of starting another ant instance with new project scope.
This will also avoid the BUILD SUCCESSFUL output.
The "BUILD SUCCESSFUL" string comes from ant's DefaultLogger#getBuildSuccessfulMessage(). You may write your own logger that returns an empty string or any other string instead, see ant manual listeners and loggers for details.

ant script not expanding property value in exec arguments

i have an ant script as shown below:
<project name="nightly_build" default="main" basedir="checkout">
<target name="init">
<exec executable="C:/Work/Searchversion.exe"/>
<property file=""/>
<property file="C:/Work/"/>
<format property="suffix" pattern="yyyyMMddHHmmss"/>
<target name="main" depends="init">
<exec executable="C:/Program Files/True Blue Software/SnapshotCM/wco.exe">
<arg line='-h -S"/mobile/6.70_Extensions/6.70.102/ANT_SASE_RELEASE_${Version_Number}" /'/>
i created the above script to replicate a command: wco -h -S"/mobile/6.70_Extensions/6.70.102/ANT_SASE_RELEASE_6.70.102.014" /
and is found inside file in the form of:
Version_Number =
and this file is obtained when i execute C:/Work/Searchversion.exe
but when i execute this ant script using cruisecontrol, in my log file,
[Thread-24] INFO ScriptRunner - [exec] Cannot open snapshot '${Version_Number}': No such snapshot
where ${Version_Number} should have been
How do i tackle this issue?
after trial and error and substituting with a built in property ${ant.version}, i realise that my property file could be loaded in correctly over here. can anyone point out my mistake? i dont see anything wrong though
Just additional infomation... This is actually a delegate ant script for cruisecontrol(used to perform nightly build). Here is my config.xml file for per minute build:
<project name="dms" buildafterfailed="true">
<currentbuildstatuslistener file = "logs/dms/status.txt"/>
<modificationset quietperiod="60">
<schedule interval="60">
<ant buildfile="nightly_build.xml" target="main"/>
<log dir="logs/dms">
<merge dir="checkout/dms/build/test-results" />
should properties file be loaded in config.xml?
Try breaking your arguments to wco.exe into separate child elements like this:
<exec executable="C:/Program Files/True Blue Software/SnapshotCM/wco.exe">
<arg value="-h" />
<arg value="" />
<arg value="-S" />
<arg value="/mobile/6.70_Extensions/6.70.102/ANT_SASE_RELEASE_${Version_Number}" />
<arg value="/" />
I think ant isn't expanding ${Version_Number} because it is inside ' "..." ' in the version you posted.
As mentioned in the docs for <exec> you should avoid use of the <arg line=...> form.
You could add assertions in your init target that the required properties file exists and that the property is defined. For example:
<property name="version.file" value="C:/Work/"/>
<available file="${version.file}" property="version.file.available"/>
<fail unless="version.file.available" message="file [${version.file}] is not available"/>
<property file="${version.file}"/>
<fail unless="version" message="property [version] is not defined"/>
<echo message="version: ${version}"/>
I think that will help you spot that the file does not exist.
I took a look at your other question about this script you're putting together. In the code which writes the version number to file, you use filename
TextWriter latest = new StreamWriter("C:\\Work\\");
In your Ant script, you are loading a different filename
Unless you've fixed it since then, that will be your problem. (If you modified your external script to take the filename as a parameter, and defined the filename once as an Ant property - as in my sample above - it would help you avoid this kind of problem.)
Regarding your discovery that you need to wait for your external script before continuing in Ant, take a look at the Sleep task.

In Ant, how do I get the return value from an exec?

<target name="CheckState">
<exec executable="${App.path}"/>
In this task, the executable will return a value which will indicate the state of my app. How could I get the value returned in the Ant build file. I will use this value to determine some behaviour.
Use the resultproperty and failonerror attributes of the exec task, e.g.:
<target name="CheckState">
<exec executable="${App.path}"
<echo message="App state was: ${App.state}" />
Quoting from the exec task docs Errors and return codes:
By default the return code of an exec
is ignored; when you set
failonerror="true" then any return
code signaling failure (OS specific)
causes the build to fail.
Alternatively, you can set
resultproperty to the name of a
property and have it assigned to the
result code (barring immutability, of
If the attempt to start the program
fails with an OS dependent error code,
then halts the build unless
failifexecutionfails is set to false.
You can use that to run a program if
it exists, but otherwise do nothing.
What do those error codes mean? Well,
they are OS dependent. On Windows
boxes you have to look at the
documentation; error code 2 means 'no
such program', which usually means it
is not on the path. Any time you see
such an error from any Ant task, it is
usually not an Ant bug, but some
configuration problem on your machine.
Here is a generic way to check the result and display the output of the execution only if the process returns a failure code.
<fail message="ERROR: ${}">
<equals arg1="${}" arg2="0"/>
<delete file="${my.project.tmp.exec.output}"/>
