z3: What might be the reason for timeout (rise4fun) - z3

The problem is: timeout when I try it in rise4fun:
I already tried not to use "forall", but it doesn't work too.
(declare-const x Real)
(declare-const y Real)
(declare-const t Real)
(declare-const u Real)
(declare-const v Real)
(declare-const w Real)
(declare-fun f (Real) Real)
(assert (forall ((x Real) (y Real)) (<= (+ (f x) (f y)) (* 2 (f (/ (+ x y) 2))))))
(assert (<= (+ 2 (f (* 2 (+ t u))) (f (* 2 (+ v w))) (f (+ t u v w))) (+ 2 (* 3 (f (+ t u v w))))))
Can anybody help?

The example uses both non-linear arithmetic, functions and quantifiers.
Z3 does not handle this combination in any particular way.
The latest version of Z3 does terminate quickly in default mode without the quantifier, but mainly by being lucky as opposed to using a
decision procedure, in this case. With the quantifier, however, tZ3 enters
a search space where it is unable to solve for the function f.


Incremental input and assertion sets in Z3

I have a program that runs Z3 version 4.8.8 - 64 bit, with incremental input: the program starts Z3 once, executes many rounds of input-output to Z3, and then stops Z3. For performance reasons, running Z3 without incremental input is not an option.
Each round, the program inputs some (assert ...) statements to Z3, inputs (check-sat) to Z3, then gets the output of (check-sat) from Z3.
I have two rounds of input-output: the first round of inputs is as in z3.sat:
(declare-fun f () Int)
(declare-fun n () Int)
(assert (< 1 n))
(assert (<= 2 f))
(assert (= (+ (+ 1 f) 1) (+ n n)))
(assert (not false))
which means: f is an even Int greater or equals to 2.
And the second round of inputs is as in z3.unsat:
(declare-fun f () Int)
(declare-fun n () Int)
(assert (< 1 n))
(assert (<= 2 f))
(assert (= (+ (+ 1 f) 1) (+ n n)))
(assert (not (exists ((alpha Int)) (= (* 2 alpha) f))))
which means: if f is an even Int greater or equals to 2, then there exists an alpha where alpha=f/2.
I assume that running Z3 with incremental input is similar to concatenating the two rounds of input, z3.sat and z3.unsat, into one input, as in z3.combined:
(declare-fun f () Int)
(declare-fun n () Int)
(assert (< 1 n))
(assert (<= 2 f))
(assert (= (+ (+ 1 f) 1) (+ n n)))
(assert (not false))
(declare-fun f () Int)
(declare-fun n () Int)
(assert (< 1 n))
(assert (<= 2 f))
(assert (= (+ (+ 1 f) 1) (+ n n)))
(assert (not (exists ((alpha Int)) (= (* 2 alpha) f))))
z3 -smt2 z3.sat outputs sat
z3 -smt2 z3.unsat outputs unsat
z3 -smt2 z3.combined outputs errors, because the (assert ...) statements from the first round do not disappear:
(error "line 8 column 21: invalid declaration, constant 'f' (with the given signature) already declared")
(error "line 9 column 21: invalid declaration, constant 'n' (with the given signature) already declared")
So it seems (push 1) and (pop 1) statements are needed for Z3 to forget previous assertion sets, so I added these statements at the start and end of z3.sat and z3.unsat, and re-concatenated z3.pushpop.sat and z3.pushpop.unsat to get z3.pushpop.combined.
(push 1)
(declare-fun f () Int)
(declare-fun n () Int)
(assert (< 1 n))
(assert (<= 2 f))
(assert (= (+ (+ 1 f) 1) (+ n n)))
(assert (not false))
(pop 1)
(push 1)
(declare-fun f () Int)
(declare-fun n () Int)
(assert (< 1 n))
(assert (<= 2 f))
(assert (= (+ (+ 1 f) 1) (+ n n)))
(assert (not (exists ((alpha Int)) (= (* 2 alpha) f))))
(pop 1)
(push 1)
(declare-fun f () Int)
(declare-fun n () Int)
(assert (< 1 n))
(assert (<= 2 f))
(assert (= (+ (+ 1 f) 1) (+ n n)))
(assert (not false))
(pop 1)
(push 1)
(declare-fun f () Int)
(declare-fun n () Int)
(assert (< 1 n))
(assert (<= 2 f))
(assert (= (+ (+ 1 f) 1) (+ n n)))
(assert (not (exists ((alpha Int)) (= (* 2 alpha) f))))
(pop 1)
However, now running:
z3 -smt2 z3.pushpop.sat outputs sat
z3 -smt2 z3.pushpop.unsat outputs unknown
z3 -smt2 z3.pushpop.combined outputs:
Why does z3 -smt2 z3.pushpop.unsat output unknown?
As Malte mentioned, the presence of pus/pop triggers "weaker" solvers in z3. (There are many technical reasons for this, but I agree from an end-user view-point, the change in behavior is unfortunate and can be rather confusing.)
But there are commands that let you do what you want without resorting to push and pop. Instead of it, simply insert:
when you want to "start" a new session, and this will make sure it'll all work. That is, drop the push/pop and when you concatenate, insert a (reset) in between.
A slightly better approach
While the above will work, in general you only want to forget assertions, but not definitions. That is, you want to "remember" that you have an f and an n in the environment. If this is your use case, then put the following at the top of your script:
(set-option :global-declarations true)
and when you want to "switch" to a new problem, issue:
This way, you won't have to "repeat" the declarations each time. That is, your entire interaction should look like:
(set-option :global-declarations true)
(declare-fun f () Int)
(declare-fun n () Int)
(assert (< 1 n))
(assert (<= 2 f))
(assert (= (+ (+ 1 f) 1) (+ n n)))
(assert (not false))
(assert (< 1 n))
(assert (<= 2 f))
(assert (= (+ (+ 1 f) 1) (+ n n)))
(assert (not (exists ((alpha Int)) (= (* 2 alpha) f))))
which produces:
All of this is documented in the official SMTLib document. See Section 3.9, pg. 44, for the descripton of global-declarations, and Section 4.2.2, pg. 59, for the description of (reset-assertions).
Incremental mode forces Z3 to use different theory subsolvers, as explained by one of the developers in this SO answer. These "incremental mode" subsolvers are often less effective than the "regular" ones, or at least may behave differently. As far as I know, Z3 switches to incremental mode whenever an SMT program contains push-pop scopes or multiple check-sats.
You initially say that not using incremental mode is not an option, but at least your file z3.pushpop.combined looks easily splitable. Another option might be to reset Z3 (I think the SMT command (reset) exists for that purpose) in between, instead of having push-pop blocks. If what I claim above is correct, however, this wouldn't prevent Z3 from staying in non-incremental mode. You could consider asking the developers via a "question issue" on Z3's issue tracker.

Why is this simple Z3 proof so slow?

The following Z3 code times out on the online repl:
; I want a function
(declare-fun f (Int) Int)
; I want it to be linear
(assert (forall ((a Int) (b Int)) (
= (+ (f a) (f b)) (f (+ a b))
; I want f(2) == 4
(assert (= (f 2) 4))
So does this version, where it is looking for a function on the reals:
(declare-fun f (Real) Real)
(assert (forall ((a Real) (b Real)) (
= (+ (f a) (f b)) (f (+ a b))
(assert (= (f 2) 4))
It's faster when I give it a contradiction:
(declare-fun f (Real) Real)
(assert (forall ((a Real) (b Real)) (
= (+ (f a) (f b)) (f (+ a b))
(assert (= (f 2) 4))
(assert (= (f 4) 7))
I'm quite unknowledgeable about theorem provers. What is so slow here? Is the prover just having lots of trouble proving that linear functions with f(2) = 4 exist?
The slowness is most likely due to too many quantifier instantiations, caused by problematic patterns/triggers. If you don't know about these yet, have a look at the corresponding section of the Z3 guide.
Bottom line: patterns are a syntactic heuristic, indicating to the SMT solver when to instantiate the quantifier. Patterns must cover all quantified variables and interpreted functions such as addition (+) are not allowed in patterns. A matching loop is a situation in which every quantifier instantiation gives rise to further quantifier instantiations.
In your case, Z3 probably picks the pattern set :pattern ((f a) (f b)) (since you don't explicitly provide patterns). This suggests Z3 to instantiate the quantifier for every a, b for which the ground terms (f a) and (f b) have already occurred in the current proof search. Initially, the proof search contains (f 2); hence, the quantifier can be instantiated with a, b bound to 2, 2. This yields (f (+ 2 2)), which can be used to instantiate the quantifier once more (and also in combination with (f 2)). Z3 is thus stuck in a matching loop.
Here is a snippet arguing my point:
(set-option :smt.qi.profile true)
(declare-fun f (Int) Int)
(declare-fun T (Int Int) Bool) ; A dummy trigger function
(assert (forall ((a Int) (b Int)) (!
(= (+ (f a) (f b)) (f (+ a b)))
:pattern ((f a) (f b))
; :pattern ((T a b))
(assert (= (f 2) 4))
(set-option :timeout 5000) ; 5s is enough
(get-info :reason-unknown)
(get-info :all-statistics)
With the explicitly provided pattern you'll get your original behaviour (modulo the specified timeout). Moreover, the statistics report lots of instantiations of the quantifier (and more still if you increase the timeout).
If you comment the first pattern and uncomment the second, i.e. if you "guard" the quantifier with a dummy trigger that won't show up in the proof search, then Z3 terminates immediately. Z3 will still report unknown, though, because it "knowns" that it did not account for the quantified constraint (which would be a requirement for sat; and it also cannot show unsat).
It is sometimes possible to rewrite quantifiers in order to have better triggering behaviour. The Z3 guide, for example, illustrates that in the context of injective functions/inverse functions. Maybe you'll be able to perform a similar transformation here.

Bitvector arithmetics on Z3

I'm trying to use Z3 to solve arithmetic equations using bitvector arithmetic. I was wondering if there is a way to handle also Real numbers. For example if I can specify a constant different from #x1 and use real number instead.
(set-option :pp.bv-literals false)
(declare-const x (_ BitVec 4))
(declare-const y (_ BitVec 4))
(assert (= (bvadd x y) #x1))
Yes, both SMT-Lib (and Z3) fully support real numbers: http://smtlib.cs.uiowa.edu/theories-Reals.shtml
You can simply write your example as follows:
(declare-const x Real)
(declare-const y Real)
(assert (= (+ x y) 1))
You can also mix/match Int/Real/Bitvector, so long as everything is properly typed. Here's an example showing how to use Ints and Reals together:
(declare-const a Int)
(declare-const b Int)
(declare-const c Int)
(declare-const d Real)
(declare-const e Real)
(assert (> e (+ (to_real (+ a b)) 2.0)))
(assert (= d (+ (to_real c) 0.5)))
(assert (> a b))
However, note that conversion from bit-vectors to integers is usually uninterpreted. See here for a discussion: Z3 int2bv operation

Z3 : strange behavior with non linear arithmetic

I am just starting to use Z3 (v4.4.0), and I wanted to try one of the tutorial examples :
(declare-const a Int)
(assert (> (* a a) 3))
(echo "Z3 will fail in the next example...")
(declare-const b Real)
(declare-const c Real)
(assert (= (+ (* b b b) (* b c)) 3.0))
As said, the second example fails with "unknown", and by increasing the verbose level (to 3) I think I understand why : some problem with the simplifying process, then the tactic fails.
In order to have a better idea of the problem (and a shorter output), I decided to remove the first part of the code to test only the failed part :
(echo "Z3 will fail in the next example...")
(declare-const b Real)
(declare-const c Real)
(assert (= (+ (* b b b) (* b c)) 3.0))
But magically, now I get "sat". I am not sure about how Z3 chooses its tactic when it is about non linear arithmetic, but can the problem be from Z3 choosing a tactic for the first formula that is useless for the second one ?
Thanks in advance
The second encoding is not equivalent to the first, hence the different behavior. The second encoding does not include the constraint (assert (> (* a a) 3)), so Z3 can find it is satisfiable that b^3 + b*c = 3 for some choice of reals b and c. However, when it has the constraint that a^2 > 3 for some integer a, it fails to find it's satisfiable, even though the two assertions are independent from one another.
For this problem, it's essentially that Z3 by default will not use the nonlinear real arithmetic solver (which is complete) when it encounters reals mixed with integers. Here's an example of how to force it using qfnra-nlsat (rise4fun link: http://rise4fun.com/Z3/KDRP ):
(declare-const a Int)
;(assert (> (* a a) 3))
(echo "Z3 will fail in the next example...")
(declare-const b Real)
(declare-const c Real)
(assert (and (> (* a a) 3) (= (+ (* b b b) (* b c)) 3.0)))
(check-sat-using qfnra-nlsat) ; force using nonlinear solver for nonlinear real arithimetic (coerce integers to reals)
(assert (= (+ (* b b b) (* b c)) 3.0))
Likewise, if you just change (declare-const a Int) to (declare-const a Real), it will by default pick the correct solver that can handle this. So yes, in essence this has to do with what solver is getting picked, which is determined in part by the sorts of the underlying terms.
Related Q/A: Combining nonlinear Real with linear Int

Z3 timeout after replacement of uninterpreted sort to Int

For formula with uninterpreted sort B Z3 prints unsat but when I replace sort B to Int it prints timeout(second script). I would like to understand the reason for it.
(declare-sort A)
(declare-sort B)
(declare-fun f (B) A)
(declare-fun f-inv (A) B)
(declare-const b0 B)
(declare-const b1 B)
(assert (forall ((x B)) (= (f-inv (f x)) x)))
(assert (not (= (f b0) (f b1))))
(declare-sort A)
(declare-fun f (Int) A)
(declare-fun f-inv (A) Int)
(assert (forall ((x Int)) (= (f-inv (f x)) x)))
(assert (not (= (f 0) (f 1))))
The reason is that Z3 is not able to decide neither "first" and "second".
For "first" I am obtaining : "sat".
For "first" when the line
(assert (not (= (f b0) (f b1))))
is replaced by
(assert (= (f b0) (f b1)))
the result is "sat". In other words Z3 is not able to decide "first". The effective result from Z3 is "timeout" for "first" and "second".
Z3 has problems with combinations of uninterpreted functions.
Do you agree?
Both versions are now sat when tried online on Compsys tools.
