Sprite edge cut off on right side - ios

I'm making a game using Cocos2D and my sprites are kept in a TexturePacker sprite sheet. A couple of days ago I realized that nearly all of my sprites are missing a column of one to two pixels off their right side. The sprite png files and the texturepacker file display the sprites correctly, but ingame they look sliced. It looks like the sprite image itself is offcenter of its textureRect. This doesn't seem to happen with all the sprites, but I'm noticing it with enough of them that it may be.
So far I've tried messing around with TexturePacker settings but nothing is fixing it. Any ideas?


Issues with batch drawing with atlas files and SpriteKit

So I ran into a problem with lag on a platformer game I'm building. So I'm researching how to improve performance.
I'm trying to do batch drawing, so that there is less draw calls. I'm having issues though. So with a brand new project:
I have 4 hero sprites, all images are stored in a .atlas folder. so there is a 1/2/3x image for each sprite in the atlas folder.
I drag and drop that into the xcassets folder. Then I go to my sks file create 4 sprites and change the texture accordingly.
By default they all have the same blend mode. I have the default rule set to true for ignoring sibling order. All sprites are on the default z 0 layer. and I have it set to show draw count.
I would expect to see 1 draw since all images are in the same atlas file, but I see 4.
Is there something I'm missing?
Just curious how I get this to work properly. Thanks for any help!!!
There was a bug with xcassets on iOS 9 where draw calls wouldn't be reduced even if images were placed in xcassets. Apparently that was fixed with later versions, but since then I never bothered with xcassets. Instead I place images in a seperate .atlas folder in the project, which does reduce the draw calls.
Try to place 4 sprites with the same texture and see what the draw calls are then. It shouldn't be 4 if the sprites are using the same texture. I would also suggest to add 8 sprites (4 different textures * 2 sprites each) and see if the draw calls increase to 8.
If the draw calls don't increase, then I would assume that 4 draw calls is what it takes to draw your 4 different sprites (if they are very complex ones). If the draw calls do increase, try removing the images from xcassets and place them into a seperate .atlas folder in your project, and compare draw calls then.

SpriteKit sktilemapnode vertical line glitch

I am making a 2d platformer and I decided to use multiple tilemapnodes as my backgrounds. Even with 1 tile map, I get these vertical or horizontal lines that appear and disappear when I'm moving the player around the screen. See image below:
My tiles are 256x256 and I'm storing them in a tileset sks file. Not exactly sure why I'm getting this or how to get rid of this and it is quite annoying. Wondering if others experience this as well.
Considering to not use the tile maps, but I would prefer to use them if I can.
Thanks for any help with this!!!
I had the same issue and was able to solve it by "extruding" the tiled image a couple pixels. This provides a little cushion of pixels to use when the floating point issue occurs instead of displaying nothing (hence the gap). This video sums it up pretty well.
Unity: extruding tile map images
If you're using TexturePacker to generate your sprite atlas' there is an option to add this automatically without having to do it to your tile images yourself.
Hope that helps!
Sort of like the "extruding" suggested by #cheaze, I simply make the tile size in the drawing code a tiny amount larger than the required tile size. This means the assets themselves do not have to be changed.
Eg. if you assets are sized 256 x 256 and all of your calculations are based on that; draw the textures as 256.02 x 256.02 pixels in size:
[SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithTexture:texture size:CGSizeMake(256.02, 256.02)];
Only adding .02 pixel per side will overlap your tiles automatically and remove the line glitches, depending on your camera speed and frame rate.
If the problem is really bad, you can even go so far as to add half a pixel (+0.5) or an entire pixel to remove the glitches, yet the user will not be able to see the difference. (Since a one pixel difference on a retina screen is hard to distinguish).

Xcode SpriteKit Designer Clear Background Red X

I'm not sure what the issue is, but I'm trying to design a level in Apple's Sprite Kit editor, and I'm running into a problem with SKSpriteNodes that have a transparent background. Sometimes the background doesn't appear as clear. Instead, SpriteKit seems to load a Red X as a background image.
Naturally, I can't have this. Also, it's a problem because I really should be doing all of the level design in the editor instead of manually adding sprites in my Scene code.
Has anyone come across this problem? Could it be a bug in SpriteKit Designer? (There are a number of issues I've had with it since starting to use the tool).
Here is a photo of what it looks like:
I found a kinda hacky way to solve it. Basically, as uchuugaka said, the Red X appears when Sprite Kit fails to load a texture. If you want a clear background, you have to load a clear png file as the background of the sprite. There is no "No Texture" option currently available in the Sprite Kit designer.
Take these steps.
1.) Open any .png file with some transparency in it.
2.) Copy an arbitrary rectangular section of pixels.
3.) Create a new file with said arbitrary pixels.
4.) Save this file as your "clear.png" and import it into your project.
5.) Click on the sprite node with the Big Red X so you can see its setting. Take a screenshot of its position, size, etc. using preview. These settings will get erased when you swap the texture over to clear.png
6.) Swap the texture to clear.png
7.) Re-enter the sprite settings from your screenshot.
8.) Because SpriteKit Editor is currently horribly terribly flawed (see post above), you will need to reset your sprite's physics properites. Set the physics body to none. Then set it to bounding box or circle or alpha mask or whatever you had earlier.
9.) I hope you remembered your collision mask, category mask, and other physics body properties because they just got reset to the default. Re-enter what you had earlier or you will get a very unexpected result.

cocos2d load random image from sprite sheet

Ok so I am conceptualizing for a game I want to make and have played a little bit but ran in to a problem. I am learning iOS programming and learning cocos2d also.
I have about 20 images. They are all the same size 64x64. Basically they are grouped as 5 different shapes (square, circle, etc.) each in 5 different colors. What I want to be able to do, is randomly drop them down the screen in portrait. There will only ever be one per column falling. There can be duplicates across the screen, I actually want that. While it is random, I want to control the introduction of a new color.
I have been really racking my brain to figure out how to do this. As I said, I am pretty new to this so any help would be really great.
If I could be so bold, can any answers be in a format to "Explain it like I'm 5 I have only been doing this for about 1 year"
First, have a look at this tutorial about sprites sheets: it will show you how to create your sprite sheets and load them into memory.
(Since the tutorial aims at building an animation, you can skip points 4 and 5).
Now, if you have your sprite sheets in place, what you do to create a sprite is:
CCSprite* sprite = [CCSprite spriteWithSpriteFrameName:#"frameName.png"];
and then you can add it to your layer/scene.
About the random selection: you can keep a list of image names (say, an NSArray) and then randomly (i.e., use srand to generate a random index) select the #"frameName.png" value from it.
When using Cocos2D the best way to use sprites is with Sprite Sheets. That is, a combination of two type of files:
A plist file with all the coordinates of N sprites and all different data about the sprites, size, name, etc.
A png file with all the sprites
You can make a sprite sheet with different types of software, like:
Sprite Helper
Sprite Packer
Sprite Master
Texture Packer
About performance, when using a sprite sheet you will need to use CCSpriteBatchNode, as the API documentation states (read here):
A CCSpriteBatchNode can reference one and only one texture (one image file, one texture atlas). Only the CCSprites that are contained in that texture can be added to the CCSpriteBatchNode. All CCSprites added to a CCSpriteBatchNode are drawn in one OpenGL ES draw call. If the CCSprites are not added to a CCSpriteBatchNode then an OpenGL ES draw call will be needed for each one, which is less efficient.
THe code to use Sprite Sheet:
[[CCSpriteFrameCache sharedSpriteFrameCache] addSpriteFramesWithFile:#"sprite.plist"];
CCSpriteBatchNode *spriteSheet = [CCSpriteBatchNode batchNodeWithFile:#"sprite.png"];
[self addChild:spriteSheet];
Hope this helps.

CCSprite has weird white pixels around the border

I'm facing a weird problem in cocos2d for my iPhone game. I have created a PNG file as below
In cocos2d, I use CCSpriteSheet to get each ball all of the with PNG file. It works well until then.
However, the weird thing is that on the iPhone's screen, the ball has weird white pixels around the border, as shown in the below screenshot
I have done so many researches on the web. But every suggestion like using TexturePacker or reset the glBlendFunc didn't work :(
Do you have any idea?
Update: I try to used normal CCSprite with separate PNG file of only one ball, the problem is still! I guess that I have to configure the cocos2d sourcecode some how to get it worked.
I have figured out the issue. Not because of the graphic itself. It's because of the box2d create an outline for the b2Fixture on the back of the CCSprite. Here I posted a question for that specific question!
