Use template to create multi-page ruby on rails web application - ruby-on-rails

Is there any way to create a webpage template that I will be applying to all my webpages?
I am new to ruby on rails, I have gained enough knowledge to understand how flow works in it but can't find out the way to use the same page-template for all pages on the site.
I am using RubyMine but can work on command prompt if required.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

app/views/layout/application.html.erb this is a common layout in which you will found <%= yield %> which render all the pages in <body> tag. Now as per your requirement you want some common template to show on all pages.
So better to make one partial file..For example, Header and Footer remains same in whole site. For doing this, make one partial file called _header.html.erb for header part and _footer.html.erb for footer part. Put these files under app/views/layout/_your_partialfile.html.erb
Then render them like:
<%= render partial: "/layouts/header" %>
<%= yield %>
<%= render partial: "/layouts/footer" %>
For more info refer :
I hope this makes you clear to understand now. :)

In general, rails projects have a file in app/layouts/application.html.haml that's applied to every single page you load. You can put navbars there, login links, etc.


Rails - multiple views for one controller

I would like to give my application 2 different views (HTML, CSS, JS):
for an unauthorized user (nice looking one)
only for an authorized user (raw tables with all model data and
its available actions buttons)
and make possible for the authorized user to switch between them.
As for now I have 2nd and I'm going to create user authorization (probably with CanCan gem) and then 1st. " Choosing Layouts at Runtime" describes nice way to switch between layouts but it's not enough for me I think.
In my case both layouts would look the same or almost the same:
<!DOCTYPE html>
# layout depended JS and CSS maybe
<body class="container">
<%= render 'layouts/navbar' %>
<%= render 'layouts/flash' %>
<%= yield %>
What I'm interested in is to decide somehow which folder will be used to fill yield above.
I have slides_controller.rb and /app/views/slides/* and I would like to create one more, let say /app/views/slides_nice/* and use same slides_controller to decide which one should be used for rendering.
I think what you need is to authenticate in controller and give different template to render.
such as (assuming there is current_user helper from devise or your own authentication solusion):
if current_user
render "template_1"
render "template_2"
Also CanCan is currently outdated as R Bates no longer updating it. It does not work with new rails releases. And i'm not sure if role based authorization is what you want, you seems just want to hide something from guest users.

RoR, where do I put generally used templates?

I am new to Ruby on Rails. I know that for each controller you have a specific views folder that holds all of it's views. I also know there is the layout folder for the layouts.
But what if I have a bit of a template that keeps popping up in many templates across the system but it's not a footer or header or otherwise layout related.
I want to refer to it using the <%= render.... %> command but where should I put this template?
Is there a generally agreed upon location?
Can I just create a directory under views and store it there?
Rails will automatically look in 'views/application' and in the folder that contains the current parent view.
That said, you can place partials anywhere you like, and refer to them like so:
<%= render 'foo/bar' %>
As #apneadiving suggests, 'shared' is a good name for the folder.
<%= render 'shared/bar' %>

Keeping track of which view a partial is called from

I call the same partial from multiple views in Rails, the show page and the edit page. How can I keep track of which view the partial is called from? More specifically, I would like to adapt the partial slightly depending on which page it is rendered from. I have tried to request the uri using url_for(:only_path => true) and if-else statements to determine if the partial is rendered on the show or edit page, but this is a bit cumbersome. Is there a better approach?
you can try to use current_page? helper, i.e. if current_page?(root_path)
We put this in our application.html.erb template which shows the current controller, view and more debug information:
<%= debug(params) if Rails.env.development? %>
I think we got this from the Rails site:

ruby rails print specific elements from multiple partial files residing in a directory

I have a directory filled with partials. I'm looking to list ONLY the first h1 tags in each partial. The methods to accomplish this task could probably be modified to grab other elements as well.
Right now I use ruby to open each file, print out the first few characters, close file, and repeat. My ruby file parsing skills are limiting me. Here's the code I have at the moment:
<% Dir["app/views/partials/show/*.html.erb"].each do |f1| %>
<% aFile =, "r") %>
<% if aFile %>
<% content = aFile.sysread(20) %>
<p><%= content %></p>
<% else %>
<%= "Unable to open file!" %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
I also think I'm opening the entire partial in memory? Wondering If I can just read up until I find my h1 tag then close file and move on? Again I'm only reading first 20 characters because I haven't yet grasped a way to search for the first h1 tag.
I'll make edits as I work through the open, parse, piece... I appreciate any guidance and direction you can offer. Thanks!
Based on comments below there may be a far better way to accomplish my task. So I'm providing some additional background to get direction on other solutions.
This is for a slide show based on partials in a directory. The slide show is controlled with a navigation element which I would like to populate by the h1 tags in the partials. I'm not going to manually enter these things every time a change is made! I want the end user to simply drag and drop partials into a directory (with a certain name convention and h1 tag description for navigation) and let the slide show do everything else.
I could impose a class on the h1 tag "forNavigation" and on the content "sliderContent" and then use jquery to create a post load <ul> but that doesn't seem right. Plus they'll all be part of the same rendered div.
I guess I'm not clear why reading the first 50 characters of a partial, copying whats in the h1 tags, and putting it in a isn't the most elegant solution?
Like I said, above does everything needed except copy and print whats between the first h1 tag... With an xml parser or some regexp it'll be done. I'm just no good with parsing files.
Please let me know other methods to approach this. Right now I still think it's best to parse the partial (with or without rendering) and put what I need where I want it as needed.
Partials are not meant to be "parsed", but to be rendered inside other partials and templates. If you need to grab a part of a partial, you should probably extrat that part as a further partial, and use that inner partial in both the "listed" partial and in the "aggregated" view.

How do you handle widgets in rails?

StackOverflow, for example, has a user's reputation displayed up top. Clearly, this is grabbed from the database, and it's displayed on every page. Of course, this isn't in every controller action on every page, because that would be incredibly redundant.
How do you handle this kind of situation in rails? The only way I can think of it is to use before_filters to pass the models into the page, but that just seems like abuse of that feature. There seems to be the cells gem that does what I want, but I'd imagine this is a common problem and there must be a simple solution for it in rails without having to resort to plugins or gems.
What you are looking for is the layout. In rails this is where you define headers, footers, and sidebars that frame your site. Look for app/views/layouts/application.html.erb in your generated rails code. Towards the bottom you will see:
<%= yield %>
The yield is where rest of the app gets invoked. Everything before and after the yield will appear on every page. So, using your example, you might query the database and set the instance variable #reputation in the application controller:
#reputation = User.find( current_user ).reputation
then display it in the layout like this:
<%= #reputation %>
<%= yield %>
This is covered thoroughly in the book "Agile Web Development With Rails". If you are going to develop in Rails I recommend getting the latest edition.
I would just make a partial with the widget in it and render it in the layout(s) where you want it to appear. Let it do whatever it needs to do, eg connect to the db, run some js to connect to an external site, etc.
If you're concerned about optimisation then deal with it when it becomes a problem.
I guess, you can put the code you need into a view helper. And then render some partial, like it was said before, in the layouts where you want it to appear, calling helper's function.
Look here:
Rails view helpers in helper file
