CodeSign Error: Code signing is required for product type "Application" - ios

Hey I'm trying to install a unsigned IPA on my jailbroken iPhone running iOS 8.1 but when I go to build it for my device (as done in this guide: I get the above error. I've set all the code signing things to not code sign but when I go to build I always get this error. I've done this in the past before (with the same guide) and I'm using the same project settings as I have in the past but nothing seems to work. Anyone have any ideas?

One way of installing your app on your jailbroken device is to use appcake from repo. First have your app.ipa file handy. Second install appcake from repo. Then Simply add Yourapp.ipa to var/mobile/Media/AppCake/Imported via ssh. Then navigate to the appcake application and go to the "Downloads" tab and then "Imported" tab on the top. You should see your application there. Press on it then press install. If you need more detailed instructions on how to ssh or extract the .ipa file from xcode let me know.


Codesign error with Flutter on iOS

So I have been trying to get into Flutter recently and I am having issues. When I create a new project and do flutter run it works just fine. If I completely close the application and re-run the app I get this error every time.
Failed to build iOS app
Error output from Xcode build:
Xcode's output:
/Users/zachstarnes/Documents/code/test_proj/build/ios/Debug-iphonesimulator/ resource fork, Finder information, or similar detritus not allowed
Command /usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1
Could not build the application for the simulator.
Error launching application on iPhone X.
I have no idea how to fix this. I tried opening the xcode project file and signing the project to my organization and rerun but that still does not change the outcome. Any ideas of what I need to do to fix this?
So after a long time if finally figured out how to fix it.
The way I was able to fix is to delete the build directory in the root of your flutter project. The folder just gets rebuilt without the files causing the problem.
I assume it has something to do with forking the fonts/images I was adding to the project.
Edit (6/4/2019) You can also use flutter clean and it will also solve the issue. Stated by #Luke Stanyer below!
flutter clean
in your command line.
For sure flutter clean helps, however, in my case, it was all about setting the Deployment Target to 9.0
Remember to also enable (uncomment or add) this line platform :ios, '9.0' at the top of your ios/Podfile file as long as you don't care about iOS versions below 9.0
There can be multiple reasons for this codesign failure.
Go to
Keychain Access -> Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certificate Authority certificate -> Get Info -> (expand) Trust settings
Then for the combo box for "When using this certificate:" make it System Defaults
I had this problem and this is what worked for me.
First off, let's just state the obvious, XCode was written to be the IDE version of the Tardis or maybe the Luggage from Terry Pratchett's Discworld series. It's bigger on the inside than it is on the outside and every time you open it you'll be shown something different.
Now, the root problem for me was that my Apple Developer sign in for my project needed to be refreshed. This is how I did that:
Open your Flutter project in XCode.
On top of the left panel there are some icons. One of them looks like a folder. If you hover over it, it will say "Show the Project navigator". Click that.
On left panel below those icons select Runner (should be at the top of a list). This will populate the center panel.
In the center panel, along the left-hand side, you should see a column with Project/Runner and Target/Runner. Select the Runner under Target. This will change the contents in the center panel right-hand side.
Across the top you should now see the following options: General, Signing & Capabilities, Resource Tags, Info, Build Settings, Build Phases, and Build Rules. Select Signing & Capabilities.
If you had the same problem as I had, you will now see prompt in the middle panel section asking you to sign in again and there will be a sign in button right there in the middle of the panel. Click it, sign in with your Apple Developer password.
Now build your project again. You may be prompted by macos to login to grant keychain permissions during the build.
Hopefully this will help some other people.
I have the exact same issue. I've tried multiple IDEs, messing with certificates in Xcode, even reinstalling my operating system (since other people that I work with in the same repository have no issues of this kind).
flutter clean
works for me, but only as a temporary fix.
For those who failed and scrolled till this answer, try to download and install the latest certificate from this link:
Before installing this updated certificate delete below certificate from keychain
Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority

Run app phonegap with xcode on jailbroken iPhone

I developed an app with phonegap, and I hate to try on a apple device. I've jailbroken my iPhone5s for try my app without pay apple.
I follow this guide, but seems does't work:
On your Jailbroken device install AppSync Unified 5.2-1 (or later)
from AngelXWind’s repo. Don’t use any other AppSync, and if you have
others, be sure to remove them. Open
and change AD_HOC_CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED to YES. You may need to
duplicate it to the desktop, change it, save it, then drag and drop
back into the original folder because OS X let you edit the file in
place. If XCode was running, restart XCode. Change your Project and
Target settings to “Ad Hoc Code Sign” in Build Settings Tell XCode to
run app on iPhone. At this point XCode will put app on your iDevice,
but can’t debug because it can’t attach to the process. The app will
start then close immediately. You can now manually start the app on
the phone now though. To enable debugging: In your project select
File>New File Property List and create a file called
“Entitlements.plist”. Add “Can be debugged” or “get-task-allow” (both
do the same thing) and set the value to YES. Now change your Project
and Target Code Signing Entitlements (In Build Settings) to
“Entitlements.plist” (you have to type it in). Now XCode can run and
debug the app. Good luck
This is the link of the guide.
When I run app, XCode tell me "Build Success", and on top it says :"Running on Iphone". If I open detail, it say: "Preparing to install " with a loading circle. It's 20 minute that is preparing to install my app.
How can I fix this problem?

Signing iOS application the command line way goes wrong

I need your help for some problem with the signature of my iOS application :
When I do it by "Product > Archive > Distribute" all is fine, my ipa is created and installation via iTunes works perfectly. (the ipa file weight 630Ko)
So I try to do it by command line and I encountered several problems (I tried this tutorials : here, here, here and here) :
1 - My path to the ".app" folder is really long and could be false because when I choose "show in finder" in Xcode it shows me "Debug-iphoneos" folder instead of "Release-iphoneos" folder.
2 - The .ipa file is smaller (550-557Ko according to the tutorial).
3 - When I install it throught iTunes, the icon stay dark and when I click on it the text change to "installation..." and nothing more happens.
Did someone ever ran into this situation and found a miracle solution ?
Use this GEM to generate builds by the terminal:
It handles most of the pain for you, but the problem your are reporting should be related with the provision profile. Check if the uuid of the device is in the provision profile and if the provision profile stills valid.

iOS application Ad Hoc installation stuck due to wrong configuration

My application got stuck on installation due to wrong configuration on my iPhone with iOS 7. Provisioning profiles, certificates, devices everything seems ok.
I found an example of how to prepare a web page to provide a download link for your iOS application. I completed the necessary steps with one small mistake. The mistake was my appName.ipa and appName.plist was different.
As a result, the link was look like working but was installing 2 apps because of this difference. Real app finished installing but other clone that comes from the wrong .plis file never finished installing.
I'm able to install/remove application but this second clone cannot be removed even there is an (X) symbol in edit mode. When I press the (X) symbol for deleting it shows the Alert View but not deleting the clone even I press Delete or Cancel.
I tried to delete it but couldn't find a way. I currently don't have any issues installing/removing my application but it just stuck there. Is there anyone has the same problem before or any ideas?
Did you try with iPhone Configuration utility (Win) / iPhone Configuration Utility (Mac) ?
I realised the problem, it's about the Bundle Identifier difference. I created a new app with the ghost icon's bundle identifier and run it from XCode, so XCode overrode it and successfully installed the test app.

IOS MDM Server IOS App OTA Deployment

We've built an MDM server using a mac mini.
We have 2 applications to push out to a number of users. One app will push and download on the remote devices with out a problem. The other displays an error "The app could not be installed at this time"
This second application is an older application.. however we are building it for 6.0. In the console we see this.
ipad SpringBoard[65] <Warning>: could not save thumbnail for downloading icon: image=(null) path='/var/mobile/Library/SpringBoard/DownloadingIconImageCache/
This app can be built an installed when a device is connected to the build computer. We have all of the signing the same as the first application. We can also archive the app without any errors. What would cause this app to not install, or what should we start with?
Several notes/ideas:
a) Take a look at this (they mention the same problem)
Trouble installing AD-HOC distribution through safari
iOs application crash on install
Ad-hoc distribution fail
b) Can you please post your manifest (if you are installing inhouse apps)?
Please double check that that if you pointing to icons in this manifest, the links are correct.
Ok this took days to figure this out... In my situation at some point another icon was added into the build settings. We did change the name of the bundle so I'm assuming that xcode automatically populates the icon information?
In the info tab check to make sure you only have one property for 'icon files' (to be clear you should have the ability to open the drop down menu and expose sub menus... What I had was 2 'icon file' sections.) After I deleted the second set of icon files it pushed fine.
Hope that helps others figure out a very frustrating situation
