Twilio Basic + Global Conferencing in one app? - twilio

I have a Rails app successfully creating conferences using Twilio's API at I highly recommend Twilio.
I am looking at the page for Twilio Global Conferencing at (this page requires login).
I understand the difference between Basic vs. Global conferences described at that link, but it's not clear to me what happens when I select one. Three questions:
If I select Global Pricing, does that affect pricing for all phone calls happening on all my phone numbers listed at or just when I'm using the TwilML verb?
I will have some conference calls that will have more than 40 participants. In one Rails app, is there a way to use Global Conferencing for only those large phone calls so that I can use Basic Conferencing for the 90% of calls that have less than 40 participants?
Thank you!
config.twilio_auth_token = ENV['TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN']
config.twilio_app_sid = ENV['TWILIO_APP_SID']
if Rails.configuration.twilio_account_sid.present? && Rails.configuration.twilio_auth_token.present?

Twilio evangelist here.
The Basic vs Global conference setting is scoped to an account or subaccounts, so what you can do is create subaccounts and configure conference the setting on each independently.
Hope that helps.


Can twilio quick start sdk be used for a full fledged application or it is just for learning purpose?

I'm trying to develop a web application where users will be able to schedule a video call between them. I want to use twilio. I would like to know if the quickstart app of twilio can be used for it or it is just for learning purpose? If quickstart app can be used for this. How many group of (group of 2 users) can it support?
The Twilio Quickstart applications (in this case Programmable Video Quickstart) are a great way for developers to familiarize themselves with Twilio's SDK's and the various methods and properties. It helps with the understanding and creation of common capabilities.
Additionally, the Programmable Video Quickstart has an /examples route, which provides code snippets on further extending out functionality based on your particular use case.
Programmable Video has 3 different room types and their capabilities are best explained at the link below. The scaling is handled by Twilio, so that should not be an issue. If using Peer-to-Peer rooms, Twilio only handles the signaling and the media goes directly between the two Video end-points.
For your use case, Peer-to-Peer or Small Group Rooms could be viable based on the feature set you are looking for.
Understanding Video Rooms

Twilio voice <gather> with fieldtype

I'm trying to gather data from the caller like their email address.
In twilio autopilot \collect\ there is a fieldtype TWILIO.EMAIL where it will automatically detect email address in the speech and it really do well (also the other fieldtypes)
But in twilio voice \gather\ there's no fieldtype to do that job and it returns to john carlo at gmail com
Is there any way in the docs to apply fieldtype in \gather\?
btw, I'm using \gather\ because some questions are dynamic (depends on the answer on the previous question)
Twilio Developer Evangelist here. 👋
I don't think that's possible with gather (will double-check though).
Is there any way in the docs to apply fieldtype in \gather\? btw, I'm using \gather\ because some questions are dynamic (depends on the answer on the previous question)
Autopilot may do the job just fine though. Did you discover the redirect property? Using redirect you can dynamically route to different tasks depending on an answer. :)
Hope that helps. Let me know how it goes. 😊

Twilio creating confrence

Having trouble in creating conference. i need to achieve where when the agent is having conversation with a client the agent can add another person in the room. I research some documentation but it's just transferring the caller to the conference and the conference creator is not in the conference.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
The best thing to look at will be this blog post on warm transfers using Twilio. It is in Python, but the theory is the same.
The basic idea is that you get the first two people into a <Conference> first. Then you can make a new call to the third person you want to bring in and drop them into the same conference which adds them to the call.
Let me know if that helps at all.

Add a larger number of block users via one Twitter Api request

I just learn about Twitter for couple of days. I 'm facing a problems in building an app that add a large number of users to block list via Twitter Api (POST blocks/list ). But this Api is only work with one user per request, using it will lead to 'API RATE LIMIT'. That I want here is a method that can add a lot of users to the block list via one request Can anyone help me overcome this problem ? Thank and best regards. Like this site
You're getting two things confused.
There is GET blocks/list which allows you to receive a list of a blocked users.
On the other hand POST blocks/create allows you to block users from your twitter account. I believe that's the one you're wanting.
Either way they're both rate limited and you'll need to send multiple requests to the twitter API in order to reach whatever number you're looking into adding. As of now, until twitter decides to change it, it's only 1 user at a time.

EDITED:How to send payments to users every month?

I want to pay my users(share profit) automatically every month using PayPal.
I read a lot about PayPal and all features. I need to configure sending payments depends on some statistics from my database.
I'm using Rails and will appreciate all any help !
Can I rewrite or change something in recurrung bills gem to pay my users ?
There are several scheduling gems for this purpose:
If you are using a payment gateway such as paypal, they have support for reccuring billing. Most payment services support this. I don't know if it is possible to set up a timer like you describe in the question, but I would definitely not rely on it. What about performance and what if your app goes down?
Take a look at activemerchant and this railscasts episode.
Maybe this paypal documentation is helpful too.
On the PayPal product family, take a look at Adaptive Payments. One of the features is the ability to do what's called Implicit Payments. Essentially this feature givves you the ability to programmatically send money out of your own account, to pay somebody else.
You simply need to write the script to determine the receiver's email address, the amount you want to send them, and make the API call with that information.
Check out page 25:
Although it's probably easier to write your own API call (It's basically and HTTP POST request, with some additional headers), you could probably tweak the ActiveMerchant library to do it for you.
