How to get total number of db-hits from Cypher query within a Java code? - neo4j

I am trying to get total number of db-hits from my Cypher query. For some reason I always get 0 when calling this:
String query = "PROFILE MATCH (a)-[r]-(b)-[p]-(c)-[q]-(a) RETURN a,b,c";
Result result = database.execute(query);
while (result.hasNext()) {;
The database seems to be ok. Is there something wrong about the way of reaching such value?

ExecutionPlanDescription is a tree like structure. Most likely the top element does not directly hit the database by itself, e.g. a projection.
So you need to write a recursive function using ExecutionPlanDescription.getChildren() to drill to the individual parts of the query plan. E.g. if one of the children (or sub*-children) is a plan of type Expand you can use plan.getProfilerStatistics().getDbHits().


(Neo4j 3.5) Executing query with two parts and the second one consists on a group of matches where at least one needs to be fulfilled

we are trying to run a cypher query but we are not able to get the results we want.
It is important to note that we cannot make this work with subqueries because we are using Neo4j 3.5 and in this version, they are still not available.
The problem is that we have two parts for a query, the first one will fix the variables for the second part, and the second part consists of multiple matches, and it has to get the results of the previous query and if at least one of the matches return a result for a row, this row is not filtered out, else if none return result it is discarded.
More specifically, the query we are trying to run is similar to the following one:
//First part of the query where we want to fix variables with the match and where
MATCH (u:User)-[:ASSIGNED_TO]->(t:Task)-[:PENDING]->(ob:Object)<-[:HAS_OPEN_OBJECT]-(do:DataObject)<-[:ASOCIATED]-(:Module)-[:CAN_LIST]->(view:WidgetObject)
WHERE u.uid = 'user_uid'
AND view.uid = 'view_uid'
AND view.object_name = do.object_type
with do, t, ob
// In this second part of the query we want to maintain the variables of the previous part and if at least one matches the value should be returned
// we have tried with UNION but we will need pagination, but even with union it's not working
WITH COLLECT({data_object_uid: do.uid}) as act_filter
WHERE c.body CONTAINS 'body'
WITH act_filter + COLLECT({data_object_uid: do.uid}) as comment_filter
WITH comment_filter + COLLECT({data_object_uid: do.uid}) as attachment_filter
UNWIND attachment_filter as row
return row.data_object_uid
We are not sure if in the second part, the second and third matches are maintaining the same subset of results coming from the first part of the query.
A funny behavior we have found is that if we remove the last match we are getting results but if we add it, we are not getting any results. We do not understand this behavior because if the second match is returning results and they are stored in a variable after a collect, appending this to the next collected results should return something.
For example, if the second match returns as comment_filter [{data_object_uid: "343dienmd3-dasd"}] and the third match is not returning anything, after the concatenation in the WITH clause it should return the same thing, but the result is empty.
We need some light here, we don't know if we are close and we are making a stupid mistake or we are getting all wrong and we need to change the approach completely.
Since you do not know which of the three matches in the second part will yield results, I would try something along the lines below:
(n:Action AND CONTAINS 'body')
(n:Comment AND n.body CONTAINS 'body')
(n:Attachment AND CONTAINS 'body')
RETURN COLLECT(DISTINCT {data_object_uid: do.uid})

Cypher query with literal map syntax & dynamic keys

I'd like to make a cypher query that generates a specific json output. Part of this output includes an object with a dynamic amount of keys relative to the children of a parent node:
"parent_keystring" : { : : : : :
I've tried to create a cypher query but I do not believe I am close to achieving the desired output mentioned above:
MATCH (n)-[relone:SPECIFIC_RELATIONSHIP]->(child_node)
RETURN AS id, AS name,
labels(n)[0] AS type,
}) AS rel_two_representation
} AS parent_keystring
I had planned for to be a count of how many occurrences of each particular relationship/child of the parent. Is there a way to make use of the reduce function? Where a report would generate based on analyzing the array proposed below? ie report would be a json object where each key is a distinct RELATIONSHIP and the property value would be the amount of times that relationship stems from the parent node?
Thank you greatly in advance for guidance you can offer.
I'm not sure that Cypher will let you use a variable to determine an object's key. Would using an Array work for you?
COLLECT([,]) AS rel_two_representation
I think, Neo4j Server API output by itself should be considered as any database output (like MySQL). Even if it is possible to achieve, with default functionality, desired output - it is not natural way for database.
Probably you should look into creating your own server plugin. This allows you to implement any custom logic, with desired output.

What are collections in Cypher / Neo4J?

I do not really understand what is the difference of collections from other type of output in Cypher. Can somebody explain this to me, please?
For instance the query
match (c:Context) where"health" or"opinion" return collect(c);
returns 1 row, while the query
match (c:Context) where"health" or"opinion" return c;
returns 6 rows (I have 6 nodes in my database that match the criteria).
This seems to be the only difference.
So then, is it just about the way the data is represented? Or is there some sort of advantage to use collections?
Thank you for your help!
Collections return the entities in an array, instead of an individual "row" for each result.
The benefit of this is, for example: I want to get all addresses associated to a contact.
Match (c:Contact)-[:AddressRelation]->(a:Address)
return c,collect(a)
This would return a group of addresses for each contact, whereas without collect, it would return duplicate contact items (one for each address they have)
Collect returns something like this:
row = { name:"fred" } , [{address1},{address2},...]
Without collect:
row = { name:"fred"} , {address1}
row = { name:"fred"} , {address2}
There are a lot of other things you can do, like return a property in an array, loop through each node in a foreach loop, etc.

Cypher Query combining results that can be ordered as a whole

I have a Cypher query that combines two result sets that I would like to then order as a combined result.
An example of what I am trying to do is here:
Which gives the error:
Cached(nf of type Collection) expected to be of type Map but it is of type Collection - maybe aggregation removed it?
Is there a way to collect multiple results into a single result that can be paged, ordered, etc?
There are many posts about combining results, but I can't find any that allow them to be treated as a map.
Thanks for any help.
You can collect into a single result like this:
Start n=node(1)match n-[r]->m
with as outf, n
match n<-[r]-m
with as inf, outf
return collect(outf) + collect(inf) as f
Unions are covered here: (not available right now).
I haven't seen anything about specifically sorting a collection.

how to get a random set of records from an index with cypher query

what's the syntax to get random records from a specific node_auto_index using cypher?
I suppose there is this example
START x=node:node_auto_index("uname:*") RETURN x SKIP somerandomNumber LIMIT 10;
Is there a better way that won't return a contiguous set?
there is no feature similar to SQL's Random() in neo4j.
you must either declare the random number in the SKIP random section before you use cypher (in case you are not querying directly from console and you use any upper language with neo4j)
- this will give a random section of nodes continuously in a row
or you must retrieve all the nodes and than make your own random in your upper language across these nodes - this will give you a random set of ndoes.
or, to make a pseudorandom function in cypher, we can try smthing like this:
START x=node:node_auto_index("uname:*")
WITH x, length(x.uname) as len
WHERE Id(x)+len % 3 = 0
or make a sophisticated WHERE part in this query based upon the total number of uname nodes, or the ordinary ascii value of uname param, for example
