we are trying to run a cypher query but we are not able to get the results we want.
It is important to note that we cannot make this work with subqueries because we are using Neo4j 3.5 and in this version, they are still not available.
The problem is that we have two parts for a query, the first one will fix the variables for the second part, and the second part consists of multiple matches, and it has to get the results of the previous query and if at least one of the matches return a result for a row, this row is not filtered out, else if none return result it is discarded.
More specifically, the query we are trying to run is similar to the following one:
//First part of the query where we want to fix variables with the match and where
MATCH (u:User)-[:ASSIGNED_TO]->(t:Task)-[:PENDING]->(ob:Object)<-[:HAS_OPEN_OBJECT]-(do:DataObject)<-[:ASOCIATED]-(:Module)-[:CAN_LIST]->(view:WidgetObject)
WHERE u.uid = 'user_uid'
AND view.uid = 'view_uid'
AND view.object_name = do.object_type
with do, t, ob
// In this second part of the query we want to maintain the variables of the previous part and if at least one matches the value should be returned
// we have tried with UNION but we will need pagination, but even with union it's not working
WHERE ac.name CONTAINS 'body'
WITH COLLECT({data_object_uid: do.uid}) as act_filter
WHERE c.body CONTAINS 'body'
WITH act_filter + COLLECT({data_object_uid: do.uid}) as comment_filter
WHERE at.name CONTAINS 'body'
WITH comment_filter + COLLECT({data_object_uid: do.uid}) as attachment_filter
UNWIND attachment_filter as row
return row.data_object_uid
We are not sure if in the second part, the second and third matches are maintaining the same subset of results coming from the first part of the query.
A funny behavior we have found is that if we remove the last match we are getting results but if we add it, we are not getting any results. We do not understand this behavior because if the second match is returning results and they are stored in a variable after a collect, appending this to the next collected results should return something.
For example, if the second match returns as comment_filter [{data_object_uid: "343dienmd3-dasd"}] and the third match is not returning anything, after the concatenation in the WITH clause it should return the same thing, but the result is empty.
We need some light here, we don't know if we are close and we are making a stupid mistake or we are getting all wrong and we need to change the approach completely.
Since you do not know which of the three matches in the second part will yield results, I would try something along the lines below:
(n:Action AND n.name CONTAINS 'body')
(n:Comment AND n.body CONTAINS 'body')
(n:Attachment AND n.name CONTAINS 'body')
RETURN COLLECT(DISTINCT {data_object_uid: do.uid})
I want to find method-pairs that read or write the same field, for this i wrote this query:
match (c:Class)-[:DECLARES]->(m1:Method), (c)-[:DECLARES]-(m2:Method), (c)-[:DECLARES]-(f:Field), (m1)-[:WRITES|READS]->(f), (m2)-[:WRITES|READS]->(f)
return m1.name, m2.name, f.name
Now i have the problem, that there are several duplicates in the results.
I want every "m1.name" and "m2.name" pair to be unique. Is there a way to filter out results that are swaped versions of other results?
If you enforce a specific ordering of the Method nodes' native IDs, that will produce distinct Method name pairs (assuming method names are unique):
WHERE ID(m1) < ID(m2)
RETURN m1.name, m2.name, f.name
I have the following params set:
:params "userId":"15229100-b20e-11e3-80d3-6150cb20a1b9",
"statements":[{"text":"oranges apples bananas","concepts":["orange","apple","banana"],
"mentions":[],"timestamp":15481867295710000,"name":"# banana","uid":"34232870-1e7f-11e9-8609-a7f6b478c007",
Then when I make the following query:
MATCH (u:User {uid: $userId})
UNWIND $contextNames as contextName
MERGE (context:Context {name:contextName.name,by:u.uid,uid:contextName.uid})
ON CREATE SET context.timestamp=$timestamp
MERGE (context)-[:BY{timestamp:$timestamp}]->(u)
WITH u, context
UNWIND $statements as statement
CREATE (s:Statement {name:statement.name, text:statement.text, uid:statement.uid, timestamp:statement.timestamp})
CREATE (s)-[:BY {context:context.uid,timestamp:s.timestamp}]->(u)
CREATE (s)-[:IN {user:u.id,timestamp:s.timestamp}]->(context)
WITH u, s, context, statement
FOREACH (conceptName in statement.uniqueconcepts |
MERGE (c:Concept {name:conceptName}) ON CREATE SET c.uid=apoc.create.uuid()
CREATE (c)-[:BY {context:context.uid,timestamp:s.timestamp,statement:s.suid}]->(u)
CREATE (c)-[:OF {context:context.uid,user:u.uid,timestamp:s.timestamp}]->(s)
CREATE (c)-[:AT {user:u.uid,timestamp:s.timestamp,context:context.uid,statement:s.uid}]->(context) )
WITH u, s
UNWIND $conceptsRelations as conceptsRelation MATCH (c_from:Concept{name: conceptsRelation.from}) MATCH (c_to:Concept{name: conceptsRelation.to})
CREATE (c_from)-[:TO {context:conceptsRelation.context,statement:conceptsRelation.statement,user:u.uid,timestamp:conceptsRelation.timestamp, uid:apoc.create.uuid(), gapscan:conceptsRelation.gapscan, weight: conceptsRelation.weight}]->(c_to)
But when I run it, I get this error:
Property values can only be of primitive types or arrays thereof
Anybody knows why it's coming up? My params seem to be set correctly, I didn't see they couldn't be used in this way... Thanks!
Looks like the problem is here:
FOREACH (conceptName in statement.uniqueconcepts |
MERGE (c:Concept {name:conceptName})
uniqueconcepts in your parameter is a list of objects, not a list of strings, so when attempting to MERGE conceptName, it errors out as conceptName isn't a primitive type (or array or primitive types). I think you'll want to use uniqueConcept instead of conceptName, and in your MERGE use name:uniqueConcept.name. Check for other usages of the elements of statement.uniqueconcepts.
This answer is for other n00bs like me that are trying to put a composite datatype into a property without reading the friendly manual, and get the error above. Google points here, so I felt appropriate to add this answer.
Specifically, I wanted to store a list [(datetime, event), ...] of tuples into a property of a relation.
Potential encountered errors are:
Neo.ClientError.Statement.TypeError: Property values can only be of primitive types or arrays thereof
Neo.ClientError.Statement.TypeError: Neo4j only supports a subset of Cypher types for storage as singleton or array properties. Please refer to section cypher/syntax/values of the manual for more details.
The bottom line is well summarized in this forum post by a Neo4j staff member:
Neo4j doesn't allow maps as properties (no sub-properties allowed, basically), and though lists are allowed as properties, they cannot be lists of maps (or lists of lists for that matter).
Basically I was trying to bypass the natural functionality of the DB. There seem to be 2 workarounds:
Dig your heels in as suggested here, and store the property as e.g. a JSON string
Rethink the design, and model these kind of properties into the graph (i.e. being more specific with the nodes)
After a little rethinking I came up with a much simpler data model that didn't require composite properties in relations. Although option 1 may have its uses, when we have to insist against a well-designed system (which neo4j is), that is usually an indicator that we should change course.
I am trying to get total number of db-hits from my Cypher query. For some reason I always get 0 when calling this:
String query = "PROFILE MATCH (a)-[r]-(b)-[p]-(c)-[q]-(a) RETURN a,b,c";
Result result = database.execute(query);
while (result.hasNext()) {
The database seems to be ok. Is there something wrong about the way of reaching such value?
ExecutionPlanDescription is a tree like structure. Most likely the top element does not directly hit the database by itself, e.g. a projection.
So you need to write a recursive function using ExecutionPlanDescription.getChildren() to drill to the individual parts of the query plan. E.g. if one of the children (or sub*-children) is a plan of type Expand you can use plan.getProfilerStatistics().getDbHits().
Using Cypher (Neo4j 2.1.2), it seems that array properties do not work well with aggregate functions.
For instance, I can have a RETURN clause like this:
RETURN meeting.title, count(participant) as number_part
Output: MyTitle 2
It well returns all the meetings's titles grouped by participants.
However, with an array as property rather than simple one like title, the output is strange:
RETURN meeting.arrayProperty, count(participant) as number_part
MyTitle [1,2,3] 1
MyTitle [1,2,3] 1 //not grouped by ...
Better than text, here's a graphgist I made to explain the issue, the workaround I found and what I really expect.
Does anyone know the reason? (maybe obvious...)
Just tried the following workaround: rebuild the array property as an collection:
RETURN extract(x in meeting.arrayProperty | x), count(participant) as number_part
Theory: the array property is handled as java native array whereas extract returns a collection (in Java sense). Comparing collections works based on comparing the elements whereas comparing a native array compares memory addresses which are different.