I would like to terminate a Delphi application without executing any other code line and I'm wondering about which is the proper way to do this. Furthermore, I would like to know if there's something wrong in what I'm actually doing at the moment.
Basically, my code looks like this:
//Freeing all objects (Obj1.Free, etc..)
Is this the right way to stop a Delphi application or should it be done in another way?
Application.Terminate() breaks the message loops in TApplication.Run() and TForm.ShowModal(), allowing the main thread to exit normally, perform necessary cleanups, etc.
Ends application execution.
Call Terminate to end the application programmatically. By calling Terminate rather than freeing the application object, you allow the application to shut down in an orderly fashion.
Terminate calls the Windows API PostQuitMessage function to perform an orderly shutdown of the application. Terminate is not immediate.
Terminate is called automatically on a WM_QUIT message and when the main form closes.
Halt(), on the other hand, is an immediate abnormal termination. Basically, ripping the process out of memory. Use it only in extreme situations where no other option is available.
Initiates the abnormal termination of a program.
Halt performs an abnormal termination of a program and returns to the operating system.
To perform a normal termination of a Delphi application, call the Terminate method on the global Application object. If the application does not use a unit that provides an Application object, call the Exit procedure from the main Program block.
I would like to terminate a Delphi application without executing any other code.
Neither Application.Terminate nor Halt will achieve that. The former performs an orderly termination. Lots of code will execute. Calling Halt is more hopeful. That is an abnormal termination. But unit finalization code is executed.
If you wish to exit as quickly as possible, executing the minimum amount of code along the way, call ExitProcess. That's the final step of Halt and by calling ExitProcess directly you avoid all the steps that Halt takes before it calls ExitProcess.
I had some problems with Application.Terminate, because I had to start the Form Close procedure, so I did only:
I found a new solution inside .dproj
ReportMemoryLeaksOnShutdown := True;
Application.CreateForm(TFormMain, FormMain);
if Not(VerifyCode()) then
ShowMessage('Software unregistered!');
Just to leave a point on a extra problem if code must be on main form OnCreate.
Try such code on the Main Form OnCreate event. It does not work as expected, main form is shown, then the application is finished.
To be able to see it, add another form and put on its creation a long loop.
It seems like all the Application.CreateForm on the main project source are executed.
Sample code:
procedure TMyMainForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
ShowMessage('[1] This must allways be shown');
if mrOK=MessageDlg('Exit?',mtConfirmation,[mbOK,mbCancel],0)
then begin
ShowMessage('[2] This must not allways be shown');
procedure TMyOtherForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
ShowMessage('[3] This must not allways be shown');
With that code messages [1] and [3] are allways shown.
Only way to not show [3] is to call Halt.
Note: Why such code on MainForm OnCreate? Simple answer could be, the exe checks conditions to be run and see they are not meet (missing files, etc), rude one (sorry for that), just because i want/need to.
I know this is an old thread, but would appreciate comments on this addition to the thread if anyone is still listening.
For quite some time I have called Application.Terminate followed by ExitProcess(0). My theory is that Application.Terminate does the graceful cleanup, but ExitProcess prevents any other code from executing. It seems to work, and I don't get reports of memory leaks or other ill effects. Code would be something like:
Procedure (KillTheApp);
I've got some very old code (15+yr) that used to run ok, on older slower machines with older software versions. It doesn't work so well now because if fails a race condition. This is a general question: tell me why I should have known and expected the failure in this code, so that I can recognise the pattern in other code:
procedure TMainform.portset(iComNumber:word);
windows.outputdebugstring(pchar('portset ' + inttostr(icomnumber)));
with mainform.comport do
if open then open := False; // close port
if open then mainform.statusb.Panels[5].text:=st[1,langnum] {Port open}
else mainform.statusb.Panels[5].text:=st[2,langnum]; {port set OK}
on E: exception do begin
windows.OutputDebugString('exception in portset');
windows.outputdebugstring('portset exit');
Note that flushinbuffer is protected with EnterCriticalSection(); AFAIK Nothing else is protected, and AFAIK there are no message handling sections. BUT
When this code is called from a click event, it gets part way through, then is interupted by a paint event.
The only tracing I have done is with outputdebugstring. I can see the first string repeated on entry before the second string is shown on exit. Is that real, or is it an illusion?
The trace looks like this:
4.2595 [4680] graph form click event
4.2602 [4680] portset 1 'from click event handler'
4.2606 [4680] graph form paint event
4.2608 [4680] portset 1 'from paint event handler'
4.2609 [4680] portset exit
4.3373 [4680] portset exit
This is a race condition: The paint event handler of the form is called before the click event handler code finishes, which causes failures. Serial code is AsyncPro. No thread code. Yes, there is more code, no it doesn't do anything in particular before "portset 1" but it does write to a form before it gets there:
with graphform do begin
if not waitlab.Visible then begin
Don't hold back: What is it doing wrong, what should I be looking for?
This is expected behaviour - opening or closing a TApdComPort will service the message queue, specifically by calling a function it names SafeYield:
function SafeYield : LongInt;
{-Allow other processes a chance to run}
Msg : TMsg;
SafeYield := 0;
if PeekMessage(Msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE) then begin
if Msg.Message = wm_Quit then
{Re-post quit message so main message loop will terminate}
else begin
{Return message so caller can act on message if necessary}
SafeYield := MAKELONG(Msg.Message, Msg.hwnd);
The TApdComPort is an async component - the com port is managed on background threads and opening or closing the port requires either starting or signaling those threads to stop. While waiting for them to free the component services the message queue in case it takes some time for things to synchronize (for example) :
if Assigned(ComThread) then
{Force the comm thread to wake...}
{... and wait for it to die}
while (ComThread <> nil) do
You haven't really show us enough of your own code to say why this is problematic in your case, however. I think David's point about com ports being manipulated in a paint handler is valid... we need to see the broader picture and what, exactly, the problem is that you are having.
A standard paint event cannot happen on its own, it can only be triggered by message retrieval. So the only way the code you showed could be interrupted the way you describe is if either the Serial component itself, or an event handler you have assigned to it, is doing something that pumps the calling thread's message queue for new messages.
Since you are closing the port in the beginning of your event handler, if there is any chance of triggering the event twice (i.e. by calling Application.ProcessMessages anywhere from your code, or calling TMainform.portset() directly from a worker thread), the new instance will close your port while the older one tries to communicate trough it, which will result in an error. AFAIS there are two solutions:
The faster but least bearable one is to protect your entire function with a Mutex (or event which is not a syncronisation object but can be used as one), but this only hides the coding error you have made.
The more pro solution is to find where the race condition gets raised, then fix your code. You can do it by searching all references to Application.ProcessMessages() and TMainform.portset(), and make sure that they won't get called paralelly. If no reference can be found on either mentioned function, the problem could still be caused by running multiple instances of your code ('cause it will not create multiple com ports :) ).
Remy Lebeau gets the credit for answering the question, because, as I asked for, it was a general reply to a general question. But it would have been inadequate without his comments in response to Uwe Raabe.
And what conclusively demonstrated that Remy Lebeau was correct was the exceptional answer from J, pointing out the specific point where the code failed.
Thanks also to David Heffernan for asking "why does code that responds to WM_PAINT call portset", which also makes a general point. And yes, the quick fix was just to block the path from the paint event handler to the comms code, but I'd done that without recognising the more general point.
I'll be having a look at the comms code, to see if there are more problems like this, and I'll be looking at the event handlers, to see if there are more problems like this, so thanks to everyone who read and considered the question.
The problem is that as my first executable statements I want to check if I can read from a databse. If I can't, I call MessageDlg to explain so, then I Halt;.
However, after closing the dialog, I still see the application in the tak manager (and if I stop it and re-run the application, the same thing occurs).
Any idea what I am doing wrong?
Global.ADQuery1 is an AnyDac database access component. I access the d/b by IP address. The code works fine when I set my PCs address to the d/b address and gives the reported problem when I change my IP address (hence, can't access the d/b, which throws an exception).
procedure TMainForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
Global.ADQuery1.Open('SHOW DATABASES');
On E: Exception do
MessageDlg('Database access problem', mtError, [mbOK], 0);
[update] when I run in the IDE, after catching
(EMySQLNativeException) : "[AnyDAC][Phys][MySQL] Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (10060)"
I catch an EIdWinSockStubError either the program has not called wsastartup or wsastartup failed - but I don't udnertsand how it is thrown ... I guess that Application.Terminate calls may main form's FormClose, which doesn't do anything with my Indy components, but I guess that when the parent form is destroyed then its children will be too.
[further update]
My TMainForm.FormCreate now says only
PostMessage(Handle, UM_PROGRAM_START, 0, 0);
And I moved all the code into the stat of function that handles that. Surely everything is created at that time? So, why does my Indy component throw an exception?
Maybe I should put the PostMessage() in my [application].pas after Application.Run(); ?
(Aside: 1) how do others generally handle application start in this way? 2) does anyone have an application skeleton? I was thinking of creating one with options to handle minimize to system tray, only allow one instance, recent files menu, etc, etc) - although that might be better as a separate question
The Halt procedure is not the immediate process-killer we sometimes mistake it for. It calls the unit-finalization sections of all your program's units, so your program might be stuck in one of those, perhaps waiting for something to happen to your form, which isn't going to happen since your OnCreate handler hasn't returned yet.
You could use the debugger to find out what your program is doing or waiting for.
To really get out of a program as fast as possible, skip Halt and go straight to ExitProcess. That's the final thing Halt calls.
Application.Terminate is actually farther from the point where any real termination occurs since it's really just an advisory command; the application won't terminate until it reaches the message loop.
Better yet, find a more graceful way to exit your program. For example, test your database before creating your form so you're not left in the awkward position of having a half-created form that you don't really want anymore.
I have a simple Delphi program that I'm working on, in which I am attempting to use threading to separate the functionality of the program from its GUI, and to keep the GUI responsive during more lengthy tasks, etc. Basically, I have a 'controller' TThread, and a 'view' TForm. The view knows the controller's handle, which it uses to send the controller messages via PostThreadMessage. I have had no problem in the past using this sort of model for forms which are not the main form, but for some reason, when I attempt to use this model for the main form, the message loop of the thread just quits.
Here is my code for the threads message loop:
procedure TController.Execute;
Msg : TMsg;
while not Terminated do begin
if (Integer(GetMessage(Msg, hwnd(0), 0, 0)) = -1) then begin
case Msg.message of
// ...call different methods based on message
To set up the controller, I do this:
Controller := TController.Create(true); // Create suspended
Controller.FreeOnTerminate := True;
For processing the main form's messages, I have tried using both Application.Run and the following loop (immediately after Controller.Resume)
while not Application.Terminated do begin
I've run stuck here - any help would be greatly appreciated.
I tested your code basically as-is and it worked fine. Try adding a call to GetLastError after GetMessage returns -1 to see what the problem is.
It's not completely clear from the code whether you're creating windows within the controller thread, but if not, I'd suggest passing -1 instead of 0 as the HWND to GetMessage, and remove the TranslateMessage/DispatchMessage calls, since the case statement that follows them should handle any messages you receive.
Also, you don't need to do "Synchronize(Terminate)" on an error. Terminate just sets the "Terminated" boolean to true, so you don't need to synchronize it, and you could just as easily use "Break" to break out of the loop with the same effect.
Where's the "end" for the while loop?
I think you're missing and end. So maybe (depending on the actual code), you're stuck in the while not Terminated do looping endlessly on a single statement.
i want to halt my application when my bitmap is completely saved?
Unless you are calling that method in a separate thread I'm fairly certain that it will be completely saved at the point at which the method returns:
// file is completely saved at this point
What is it that leads you to believe that it isn't completely saved at this point?
The only wrinkle might be that with "lazy writes" Windows itself might not yet have completed the business of physically writing the file to the disc, but as far as your application (or any other application) is concerned, that is irrelevant. If you attempt to access the file before Windows has completed committing it to disc that application will simply "block" until it can safely access the file, but you don't need to specifically handle this, it "just works".
If you want to halt your application cleanly there are several options:
1) Close the main form. When you close the main form, the application will close.
procedure TForm1.SaveAndClose(Filename:String);
2) Call Application.Terminate. This shuts down your application abruptly, but does run any finalization code. It is normally invoked when the application receives a WM_Quit message or the main form closes.
procedure TForm1.SaveAndClose(Filename:String);
3) Post wm_Close to your application/main form. This has the added advantage that any other messages in queue for the application are processed. It is equivalent to pressing CTRL-F4 or pressing the "X" in the upper right on your main form. The only issue is that if the message queue is full then it may not ever reach the form (rare).
procedure TForm1.SaveAndClose(Filename:String);
4) Call Halt( ExitCode:Integer ). This is a bit more extreme and will terminate the application. Finalization code will still be run, but memory is not guaranteed to be freed. Optionally you can set an exit code that will be returned back to the calling application.
procedure TForm1.SaveAndClose(Filename:String);
I am trying to extend a 3rd party application so that it can be invoked via command line in addition to using the windows form GUI (mixed mode is desired). It's a fairly simple program which basically loads a file and then you click a button it starts sending UDP network packets.
I need to invoke the application from another and would like to pass in an argument and need to be able to return the ExitCode to the calling app. From what i've read, in order to do so you need to add the compiler directive {APPTYPE CONSOLE}.
I did this and my application worked as I wanted it to except sending the network packets slowed down to a crawl. I found that whenever I moved my mouse around on the form. That the network transfer rate increased significantly. I suspect there is some type of Windows Message queue problem and moving mouse is causing interrupts which in turn is causing the message queue to be processed?
I have googled around and tried calling Application.ProcessMessages and PeekMessages in a Timer with a 1ms interval and that didn't help at all. I found in this user manual for some other application it says that Indy 10 is supported in both APPTYPE CONSOLE and GUI types. Quite frankly this just confuses me as I would have assumed that all network library would work in both modes... but like I said I'm not familiar with Delphi.
I am positive that the issue is isolated to a single line in my application and that is whether or not {APPTYPE CONSOLE} is included or not.
Anyone have any ideas?
Version Info:
Delphi 7 Personal (Build 4.453)
Indy 9.0.4
If you add {APPTYPE CONSOLE} to your application even though you desire mixed mode execution, then you will have to live with a console even when the application is in GUI mode. You can of course close the console, but this will cause some flicker and feels a bit hackish to me.
You should be able to do what you want without a console program. A small test program proves that the exit code can be read from a GUI program:
procedure TForm1.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
ExitCode := 42;
Timer1.Interval := 1000;
Timer1.Enabled := TRUE;
If this is executed with the following cmd file:
#echo off
start /WAIT project1.exe
the program shows its main form for 1 second, closes, and the script prints 42 to the console window.
Now for capturing the output - doing this from a GUI program is actually easier than doing it from a console program, if you allow for the use of a temporary file. You need to start the program with a command line parameter anyway, so why not give it the name of a temporary file, wait for the application to finish, read in the file and delete it afterwards?
If you want an application to return an "error" code there is no need to make it a console application. You only need to set the ExitCode, e.g.
ExitCode := 10;
in a batch file
#Echo off
echo %errorlevel%
Will display the application, then display 10 when.
Note: It is also possible to create a console window dynamically from the windows API using AllocConsole or to attach using AttachConsole.
I created an object wrapper for this once, but no longer have the code available. From memory it didn't support redirection (because I didn't need it).
If I understand you correctly, then you want your app to have two modes:
If no argument is passed, run in GUI mode
Run in non-GUI mode otherwise
The easiest is if you can centralize your logic so it can be called from one method (CoreLogic in my example).
The below app then should work fine.
Two tricks:
Application.ShowMainForm := False; that will not make the MainForm show at all.
ExitCode := 327; which will set your return code (like mghie and Gerry already mentioned).
A few notes:
because the CoreLogic does not process any windows messages, anything in your application that depends on Windows messages being processed will stall.
if you need windows message processing, then just all Application.ProcessMessages() inside your CoreLogic
if you need your form to be visible, then you change the logic inside your MainForm to test for the commandline parameters, and exit when it's work as been done (by calling Application.Terminate()). The best place to put that logic in is the event method for the MainForm.OnShow event.
Hope this helps :-)
program VCLAppThatDoesNotShowMainForm;
MainFormUnit in 'MainFormUnit.pas' {MainForm},
{$R *.res}
procedure CoreLogic;
ExitCode := 327;
procedure TestParams;
if ParamCount > 0 then
MessageBox(0, CmdLine, PChar(Application.Title), MB_ICONINFORMATION or MB_OK);
Application.ShowMainForm := False;
Application.MainFormOnTaskbar := True;
Application.CreateForm(TMainForm, MainForm);
A timer with 1ms will only fire about every 40 ms (due to Windows limitations), so it won't help. I have seen effects like you describe with mixed console and GUI apps, another is that they don't minimize properly.
Instead of enabling the console in the project, you could probably use the CreateConsole API call (Not sure whether the name is correct) to create one after the programm was started. I have seen no adverse effects in the one (!) program I have done this.
But this is only necessary if you want to write to the console. If you only want to process command line parameters and return an exit code, you do not need a console. Just evaluate the ParamCount/ParamStr functions for the parameters and set ExitCode for the return value.
If some threads in your console application call Synchronize (and I guess the Indy stuff is actually doing that), you have to make some preparations:
Assign a method to the WakeMainThread variable. This method must have the signature of TNotifyEvent.
Inside this method call CheckSynchronize.
For additional information see the Delphi help for these two items.