How to add OnComplete event to bitmap.SaveToFile('img.bmp'); - delphi

i want to halt my application when my bitmap is completely saved?

Unless you are calling that method in a separate thread I'm fairly certain that it will be completely saved at the point at which the method returns:
// file is completely saved at this point
What is it that leads you to believe that it isn't completely saved at this point?
The only wrinkle might be that with "lazy writes" Windows itself might not yet have completed the business of physically writing the file to the disc, but as far as your application (or any other application) is concerned, that is irrelevant. If you attempt to access the file before Windows has completed committing it to disc that application will simply "block" until it can safely access the file, but you don't need to specifically handle this, it "just works".

If you want to halt your application cleanly there are several options:
1) Close the main form. When you close the main form, the application will close.
procedure TForm1.SaveAndClose(Filename:String);
2) Call Application.Terminate. This shuts down your application abruptly, but does run any finalization code. It is normally invoked when the application receives a WM_Quit message or the main form closes.
procedure TForm1.SaveAndClose(Filename:String);
3) Post wm_Close to your application/main form. This has the added advantage that any other messages in queue for the application are processed. It is equivalent to pressing CTRL-F4 or pressing the "X" in the upper right on your main form. The only issue is that if the message queue is full then it may not ever reach the form (rare).
procedure TForm1.SaveAndClose(Filename:String);
4) Call Halt( ExitCode:Integer ). This is a bit more extreme and will terminate the application. Finalization code will still be run, but memory is not guaranteed to be freed. Optionally you can set an exit code that will be returned back to the calling application.
procedure TForm1.SaveAndClose(Filename:String);


Delphi, form release, preventing Application.MessageBox execution

so there have been a hundred questions whether to Release vs Free forms in Delphi.
I have encountered an interesting issue that I couldn't explain, below is the (over-simplified) pseudo-code:
procedure SomeProc;
var vForm: TForm;
vForm := create;
// more stuff
Application.MessageBox ('some message');
expected behavior:
upon closing my modal form, the messagebox would show up.
actual behavior:
Messagebox doesn't show, and execution proceeds as if user pressed 'No' ('No' is the default in the actual code)
tracing it:
ShowModal ends, no problems here
release is called, CM_RELEASE is posted in the event queue
MessageBox executes // begin internals of MessageBox code, VCL.Forms unit
TaskActiveWindow := ActiveWindow; // a handle to the active window is saved. who is the active window?
MessageBox invokes Application.ProcessMessages
our modal form destructor is finally invoked.
external call to Windows, with the saved handle TaskActiveWindow
If the call to Release is replaced by Free, the issue never occurs. Since the form is a Modal (internally, busy looping processing messages), there is no harm in calling Free, so that solves the immediate problem.
However it does not explain what is actually going on under the hood.
I can assume, but cannot prove, that the active window was still the modal form upon saving the handle. And since the handle's underlying form is then freed, this is why the MessageBox is not showing?
Would love some opinions / insights on the above.
PS: copy-pasting this may not reproduce the issue at your end, but what is definitely true is, no issues are faced when calling Free instead of Release.

Delphi 7 Occasional deadlock changing TLabel.Font.Style from IdHTTPListener event

Wondered if anyone could help with a really tricky sporadic (not consistently reproducible) issue - possibly to do with threads. I'm in Delphi 7 (it's old code...), running an IdHttpListener (Indy). Code below is copied from a large cumbersome app - but hopefully enough to explain. An incoming HTTP request runs the following event - where web_lock is a TCriticalSection I define at the top. I do it in a critical section as the web requests causes changes that I need to be atomic.
procedure TFWebServer.WebServerCommandGet(Thread: TIdPeerThread;
RequestInfo: TIdHTTPRequestInfo; ResponseInfo: TIdHTTPResponseInfo);
var S,PageString : string;
PageString:=' ';
if (copy(RequestInfo.Document,1,15)='/_Request_Part_') then begin
end; // Lots more else cases here...
and then, my FMainGui.doFunction(s) does something like this:-
procedure doFunction(s : String);
var i,j : integer;
for j:=1 to Pages do begin // Pages is dynamic - but correctly set
if (j=i) then // Pagelabs[j] is always a visible TLabel
else Pagelabs[j].Font.Style:=[];
Bit simplified - Pagelabs is a set of dynamically created TLabels that I display on a page, and the one you've selected using the web request gets made bold.
THE PROBLEM: Occasionally, and unpredictably, I get some kind of deadlock dealing with the web request - it just freezes, with circular swirly mouse pointer, and doesn't recover. If I'm debugging it in Delphi, the call stack is empty, and I can only step through the assembly code - afraid I'm not up to working what that means! I tracked it down to the Pagelabs[j].Font.Style:=[fsBold] line above, by writing one line text files between every single line of code... so while the error was sporadic, when it did occur, it was always that line it locked up on.
I appreciate this is a snippet of a large app, but is there anything obvious I'm doing wrong? Eg - should it be safe to change GUI properties from a thread triggered by the HTTP Listener? Or is there something different I should be doing?
Any ideas much appreciated,
You cannot manipulate UI controls from worker threads, only from the main GUI thread!
You have two options:
You may block your HTTP threads and temporary switch to main thread by TThread.Synchronize() procedure. Like in this example:
You may prefer delayed out-of-sync execution via
Windows messages ( use PostMessage and avoid SendMessage )
AsyncCall library
thread-queues approach with something like OmniThreadsLibrary
First option might slow you down, for any long processing in the GUI thread would also freeze your HTTP handlers.
Second options would require making a "snapshot" copy of any required data and passing it along with the deferred call request ( as the VCL update code might be executed at any random time AFTER (or during) the HTTP handler (or several HTTP handlers). It would be normal when several HTTP handlers would request GUI updates and you would have to check which of them passed the most recent data and skip other requests for example.

Which is the proper way to terminate a delphi application?

I would like to terminate a Delphi application without executing any other code line and I'm wondering about which is the proper way to do this. Furthermore, I would like to know if there's something wrong in what I'm actually doing at the moment.
Basically, my code looks like this:
//Freeing all objects (Obj1.Free, etc..)
Is this the right way to stop a Delphi application or should it be done in another way?
Application.Terminate() breaks the message loops in TApplication.Run() and TForm.ShowModal(), allowing the main thread to exit normally, perform necessary cleanups, etc.
Ends application execution.
Call Terminate to end the application programmatically. By calling Terminate rather than freeing the application object, you allow the application to shut down in an orderly fashion.
Terminate calls the Windows API PostQuitMessage function to perform an orderly shutdown of the application. Terminate is not immediate.
Terminate is called automatically on a WM_QUIT message and when the main form closes.
Halt(), on the other hand, is an immediate abnormal termination. Basically, ripping the process out of memory. Use it only in extreme situations where no other option is available.
Initiates the abnormal termination of a program.
Halt performs an abnormal termination of a program and returns to the operating system.
To perform a normal termination of a Delphi application, call the Terminate method on the global Application object. If the application does not use a unit that provides an Application object, call the Exit procedure from the main Program block.
I would like to terminate a Delphi application without executing any other code.
Neither Application.Terminate nor Halt will achieve that. The former performs an orderly termination. Lots of code will execute. Calling Halt is more hopeful. That is an abnormal termination. But unit finalization code is executed.
If you wish to exit as quickly as possible, executing the minimum amount of code along the way, call ExitProcess. That's the final step of Halt and by calling ExitProcess directly you avoid all the steps that Halt takes before it calls ExitProcess.
I had some problems with Application.Terminate, because I had to start the Form Close procedure, so I did only:
I found a new solution inside .dproj
ReportMemoryLeaksOnShutdown := True;
Application.CreateForm(TFormMain, FormMain);
if Not(VerifyCode()) then
ShowMessage('Software unregistered!');
Just to leave a point on a extra problem if code must be on main form OnCreate.
Try such code on the Main Form OnCreate event. It does not work as expected, main form is shown, then the application is finished.
To be able to see it, add another form and put on its creation a long loop.
It seems like all the Application.CreateForm on the main project source are executed.
Sample code:
procedure TMyMainForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
ShowMessage('[1] This must allways be shown');
if mrOK=MessageDlg('Exit?',mtConfirmation,[mbOK,mbCancel],0)
then begin
ShowMessage('[2] This must not allways be shown');
procedure TMyOtherForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
ShowMessage('[3] This must not allways be shown');
With that code messages [1] and [3] are allways shown.
Only way to not show [3] is to call Halt.
Note: Why such code on MainForm OnCreate? Simple answer could be, the exe checks conditions to be run and see they are not meet (missing files, etc), rude one (sorry for that), just because i want/need to.
I know this is an old thread, but would appreciate comments on this addition to the thread if anyone is still listening.
For quite some time I have called Application.Terminate followed by ExitProcess(0). My theory is that Application.Terminate does the graceful cleanup, but ExitProcess prevents any other code from executing. It seems to work, and I don't get reports of memory leaks or other ill effects. Code would be something like:
Procedure (KillTheApp);

EAccessViolation exception!!! (detailed, With images)

Well, here I am again, trying to resolve an old problem.
Briefly, I get an AV when I try to free a modal form which does not have any owner, and didnt have been freed before.
frmItensVenda := TfrmItensVenda.Create(nil);
frmItensVenda.vtipo := vtipo;
frmItensVenda.vcontrole := strtoint(edit1.Text);
frmItensVenda.Ednota.Text := Edit5.Text;
frmitensvenda.lbvend.Caption := combobox3.Text;
frmitensvenda.lbnome.Caption := combobox1x.Text;
frmItensVenda.limite := limite;
if label10.caption <> '' then
frmItensVenda.vcli := strtoint(label10.caption);
If I just activate it and then close(without doing a thing), no AV happens. Putting a break-point before the 'free' command, it shows me the variable inside the form if I put the mouse cursor on it.
But if I insert one item in the grid, using the breakpoint at the same place, when I move the cursor to the same line, it doesnt show the variables anymore, but says 'inacessible value'.
And if I proceed running the code, as the next line has the 'free' command I get an AV.
What makes me believe there is some piece of code on that procedure that is doing something unexpected to the code, but I can tell you that there is no 'free' or similar command to the form in question there.
My solution(temporary) was to just comment the '.free' command, but if I run MadException I got a memory leak when I close the application (hey, anything is better than this EAccessViolation thing for me right now..)
Any sugestions?
Ok, found the answer, finally.
The problem was a global array.
It was declared
vm1 : array[1..100] of currency;
but it was assigned a value at position 0.
To my despair, there was no error when the variable was assigned, just when I tried to free the form.
So simple when you find it.. (!!!)
Well, at least I figured it out. Thanks everyone for the support!
OP : frmItensVenda is a global variable automatic created(but not initialized).
I see you do frmItensVenda := TfrmItensVenda.Create(nil);
Look for Application.CreateForm(TfrmItensVenda, frmItensVenda); in your .dpr file.
If it is there you creating a new instance !
{$R *.RES}
Application.Title := 'AServer';
Application.CreateForm(TfrmItensVenda, frmItensVenda);
And yes, dynamic form management is a must really (expecially in large applications.).
At trouble with large Forms, part of my solution was to, as much as possible to create dynamic.
Only when they are needed and then free them straight after.
frmItensVenda := TfrmItensVenda.Create(nil);
OP : My solution(temporary) was to just comment the '.free' command,
don't do that : use instead
The "Method Release" removes the form and frees its associated memory.
Release procedure;
With release, you can remove the form from memory.
Release is the form to be taken until after the execution of event handlers of the form and its child components is completed.
In all event handlers release should be used instead free to avoid access violations.
The cases where you need to use Release are times when you're in the middle of an event handler (eg, OnClick), where further processing after the event will have to access the form.
In that case calling Release instead posts a WM_RELEASE message which doesn't free the event until the event handler is done and control has returned to the message pump (ProcessMessages/Application.Run).
Reading the delphi help though, it is recommended that you use the release command.
As for the Release v.s Free method. My understanding is that "Release" is specific to forms, and allows form-related even-handlers to finish before freeing resources.
Whereas "Free" is a generic method of freeing an object from memory (so should also work with forms.)

Program still in taskmanager after calling Halt

The problem is that as my first executable statements I want to check if I can read from a databse. If I can't, I call MessageDlg to explain so, then I Halt;.
However, after closing the dialog, I still see the application in the tak manager (and if I stop it and re-run the application, the same thing occurs).
Any idea what I am doing wrong?
Global.ADQuery1 is an AnyDac database access component. I access the d/b by IP address. The code works fine when I set my PCs address to the d/b address and gives the reported problem when I change my IP address (hence, can't access the d/b, which throws an exception).
procedure TMainForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
Global.ADQuery1.Open('SHOW DATABASES');
On E: Exception do
MessageDlg('Database access problem', mtError, [mbOK], 0);
[update] when I run in the IDE, after catching
(EMySQLNativeException) : "[AnyDAC][Phys][MySQL] Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (10060)"
I catch an EIdWinSockStubError either the program has not called wsastartup or wsastartup failed - but I don't udnertsand how it is thrown ... I guess that Application.Terminate calls may main form's FormClose, which doesn't do anything with my Indy components, but I guess that when the parent form is destroyed then its children will be too.
[further update]
My TMainForm.FormCreate now says only
PostMessage(Handle, UM_PROGRAM_START, 0, 0);
And I moved all the code into the stat of function that handles that. Surely everything is created at that time? So, why does my Indy component throw an exception?
Maybe I should put the PostMessage() in my [application].pas after Application.Run(); ?
(Aside: 1) how do others generally handle application start in this way? 2) does anyone have an application skeleton? I was thinking of creating one with options to handle minimize to system tray, only allow one instance, recent files menu, etc, etc) - although that might be better as a separate question
The Halt procedure is not the immediate process-killer we sometimes mistake it for. It calls the unit-finalization sections of all your program's units, so your program might be stuck in one of those, perhaps waiting for something to happen to your form, which isn't going to happen since your OnCreate handler hasn't returned yet.
You could use the debugger to find out what your program is doing or waiting for.
To really get out of a program as fast as possible, skip Halt and go straight to ExitProcess. That's the final thing Halt calls.
Application.Terminate is actually farther from the point where any real termination occurs since it's really just an advisory command; the application won't terminate until it reaches the message loop.
Better yet, find a more graceful way to exit your program. For example, test your database before creating your form so you're not left in the awkward position of having a half-created form that you don't really want anymore.
