Jenkins Grails plugin does not list lastest versions of Grails - grails

When installing a new Grails from Jenkins web UI, a user is given the choice of some versions - up to 2.4.4 and 3.0, but 2.4.5 and 2.5 are missed.
How to add 2.4.5 to that list?
P.S. Jenkins 1.598, Grails plugin 1.7 (latest)

There is an automated process within the Jenkins project infrastructure which updates the list of available versions daily.
Your Jenkins installation periodically downloads this file and uses it to populate the version list in the web UI.
Unfortunately, at the time of asking this question, that automated process was broken.
You can either wait for the bug to be fixed (it is now), or there should be the option to "Install from .zip/.tgz" instead of "Install from mirrors", where you can enter the URL to the Grails 2.4.5 zip file.

You have to go to "Manage Jenkins"/"Configure System"/"Grails installations" and put there the path where your installation is.


Some plugins could not be loaded due to unsatisfied dependencies. Fix these issues and restart Jenkins

I was working on jenkins and working fine but i don't know what happened Jenkins shows following errors and no jobs are visible to me after that:
I am new in jenkins please help me to solve this.
As I understand the problem it could happened in cause of downgrading jenkins version or updating plugins "Pipeline: Node and Processes".
You need to restore previous jenkins version or downgrade plugin.
Additionally you can configure jenkins to get plugins' versions which fit your jenkins version in "Manage Jenkins" -> "Manage plugins" -> "Advanced" -> "Update site" and set the version you are currently using (for example
Jenkins plugins are dependent on Jenkins LTS versions in use. Best way is while installing the Jenkins take latest (but stable) version of plugins.
Since you are using 1.176 version and trying to upgrade the plugins, the latest plugins do not support the older version of Jenkins (since Jenkins follow Parallel incremental development).
You can resolve the problem in 2 ways.
1. Downgrade the plugins and keep the LTS Jenkins version as it is. (not preferred solution since you will not be able to use latest functionality of the plugins and using old plugins is not secured).
Downgrade of plugins will also be suggested by Manage Jenkins --> Manage Plugins --> Installed
2. Upgrade Jenkins version (LTS 2.24x.x)
It is time taking option, but if you are heavely using jenkins for your work it is more suggested to upgrade the version. Besides new plugins have more secured and vast functionalities.
You can check the Changelog and can decided which version is good for you.
Take a reference of Upgrading Jenkins link.
To understand plugins and Jenkins LTS version dependency, use Jenkins wiki(Confluence Page).
e.g. Pipeline:Node and Processes plugin wiki indicates that for version 2.29 you need to have Jenkins version 1.150.1 or higher.
Note: Latest Jenkins version supports HTTPS instead of HTTP URL for advanced proxy options under Manager Jenkins.

Jenkins plugin upgrade

I have a large fleet of Jenkins instances running in a cluster, all having the LDAP plugin version 1.6 (Jenkins version 1.611). I want to fleet-upgrade the LDAP plugin version to 1.7 (to incorporate environment variables in my plugin configuration). How do I achieve this without manually uploading 1.7 version through UI for each Jenkins instance?
I tried writing a script which basically performs these operations for each Jenkins instance:
Replace the existing .jpi/.hpi file in $JENKINS_HOME/plugins for ldap plugin with the correct .hpi file (of the 1.7 version)
Edit config.xml under $JENKINS_HOME which has the version number
Safe restart Jenkins
It works fine till step 2 but as soon as I perform safe restart, Jenkins magically puts in the original .jpi/.hpi file (the 1.6 version file) back inside $JENKINS_HOME/plugins. Jenkins instance has the 1.6 plugin version again in the UI. Is there a better way to perform fleet plugin upgrades in general? I want to mention that I want the 1.7 plugin version, not the latest
How do I fix this? I even tried using curl (mentioned at but didn't help.
Got a working answer on Google groups.
"As you are on 1.x create an empty ldap.jpi.pinned file as a sibling and that marker will instruct Jenkins not to replace with the bundled plugin."
Came across the documentation for it as well -

Jenkins: cannot automatically install gradle. No version list from

in Jenkins, I have always used the option to install Gradle automatically from the server (Manage Jenkins -> Configure System -> Gradle Installations.
Now I have set up a new Jenkins installation on an Ubuntu 14 System.
I installed the Gradle plugin, but now, when I choose "Install automatically" in the Gradle configuration, I am not able to choose the Gradle version that should be downloaded. Usually you get a select box with all available Gradle versions, but in my case, I only get an empty text field under "Install from".
Please see the screenshot
The list of available Gradle versions shown in that UI is download perodically by Jenkins.
However, for Jenkins versions older than 1.619, the list was not fetched after installing a plugin for the first time.
So if you just have the empty text field, most likely the downloading has failed, or you have an older Jenkins version.
As a workaround, you can visit Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins > Advanced, and click on Check now at the bottom of the page. This will trigger an update of the Gradle versions.
Using Check now button did not work for me.
Nor re-installing the Gradle plugin.
I only got an empty text field under "Install from".
Although, changing browser from Firefox to Chrome helped.
I've lost 2 hours with this when I've finally figured this out. :)

Upgrade grails within ggts

Is there any way to upgrade project to newer version of Grails from within GGTS ?
Settings at
Window > Preferences > Groovy > Grails
changed settings only to newly created projects. Even if I set the newer version, if I run "grails upgrade" then it wants to upgrade to the older version.
I know, that I could do it from console, however messing with GRAILS_HOME on Windows is not the most pleasurable feeling in the world for me ...
I'm pretty sure that GGTS don't download Grails versions. For Unix based systems you have the great GVM tool, and you can use it on Windows with Cygwin.
If this is not an option to you, there's the Gravy, but be aware that:
Gravy has no intention of competing with GVM and its rich
functionality set. Instead, it only addresses the task of switching
locally present Grails versions within the active command shell.
So it means that you have to manually download the Grails versions, and the bat will handle the switch from one to another.

Updating jenkins plugin from source

I currently have Build User Vars Plugin 1.1 installed in my Jenkins. Since version 1.1 of the plugin, there has been some important changes to the plugin code, and I want to pick them up. The question is what is the least amount of work to package up the hpi/jpi file that I can push on my Jenkins install that will contain latest changes.
It's fairly easy to build a plugin locally; you can then upload the hpi/jpi file to Jenkins via the Advanced tab in the plugin manager.
See the Jenkins plugin tutorial for detailed steps.
