Upgrade grails within ggts - grails

Is there any way to upgrade project to newer version of Grails from within GGTS ?
Settings at
Window > Preferences > Groovy > Grails
changed settings only to newly created projects. Even if I set the newer version, if I run "grails upgrade" then it wants to upgrade to the older version.
I know, that I could do it from console, however messing with GRAILS_HOME on Windows is not the most pleasurable feeling in the world for me ...

I'm pretty sure that GGTS don't download Grails versions. For Unix based systems you have the great GVM tool, and you can use it on Windows with Cygwin.
If this is not an option to you, there's the Gravy, but be aware that:
Gravy has no intention of competing with GVM and its rich
functionality set. Instead, it only addresses the task of switching
locally present Grails versions within the active command shell.
So it means that you have to manually download the Grails versions, and the bat will handle the switch from one to another.


Jenkins Upgrade via WAR file but Win Installed list shows original version

When upgrading Jenkins via replacement WAR file when we go into Jenkins all is showing correctly as the new updated version. However, The Windows Control Panel "Programs & Features" Still shows as the original version which was fully installed.
is there a way this can be updated (registry) as I'm concerned that an future scans of our system for old software will still flag this up.
This has turned out to not be an issue as the health checking software does not look at this.

Jenkins Grails plugin does not list lastest versions of Grails

When installing a new Grails from Jenkins web UI, a user is given the choice of some versions - up to 2.4.4 and 3.0, but 2.4.5 and 2.5 are missed.
How to add 2.4.5 to that list?
P.S. Jenkins 1.598, Grails plugin 1.7 (latest)
There is an automated process within the Jenkins project infrastructure which updates the list of available versions daily.
Your Jenkins installation periodically downloads this file and uses it to populate the version list in the web UI.
Unfortunately, at the time of asking this question, that automated process was broken.
You can either wait for the bug to be fixed (it is now), or there should be the option to "Install from .zip/.tgz" instead of "Install from mirrors", where you can enter the URL to the Grails 2.4.5 zip file.
You have to go to "Manage Jenkins"/"Configure System"/"Grails installations" and put there the path where your installation is.

Intellig IDEA x Grails

I tested several IDEs for developing grails applications. Tested the Spring IDE, did not like because I thought slow and crashes every time.
Tested by netbeans, and the result was the same as before.
Was reading about IntelliJ IDEA. Current problem, even doing the command "grails integrate-with --intellij" mentioned on the website https://grails.org/IDEA+Integration not enabled the option of creating projects in grails .
After running the command above returns nothing.
What should I do?
you will need the ultimate edition of IntelliJ to get grails support
With ultimate you can simply open an existing grails project (see this answer) or create a project from the File/New Project... menu.
grails integrate-with --intellij creates three files in the directory (yourproject.(iml|ipr|iws)). You can open the .ipr file with IntelliJ and have the project loaded (it might ask to convert the file).
Also you can just create new project (pick Gradle and then Grails) or you can just use the directory as existing source where you create-app-ed your project and IntellIj will see, that it is Grails.
Be aware, that it will only work with the Ultimate Edition and not the Community Edition

How do I configured GGTS 3.4.0 to use the internally shipped Grails runtime?

I've been using a previous version of GGTS with an externally configured Grails 2.1.1 runtime path. Upgrading to GGTS 3.4.0 I'd like to use the Grails that ships with GGTS (2.2.4), but I don't know how to configure the preferences to use the internally shipped grails version.
I skip the option to install Grails from GGTS/STS when I install it - I prefer to manage that myself. Go to Window|Preferences and then to the Grails node under the Groovy node. You can easily add as many Grails installations as you want from there, and choose which one is the default.
I found the answer. I did a brand new install and noticed that a brand new install creates a grails-2.2.4 sub-directory. The upgrade does not give you the option and I assumed it would.

JBoss Server and Grails 2.1.0 within STS

I've been working with a grails 1.3.7 project within STS for the last few months.
Our test and production environments use JBoss 5.1.
I upgraded our grails app to 2.1.0 recentlly and it all ran ok locally.
Major problems occured when I deployed it to our test environment (Jboss issues).
So in order to avoid this in future I would like to develop locally using JBoss also.
Is there a Eclipse/STS plugin I can use for this?
Don't think there's a specific plugin for jboss
Seems your only options now are tomcat and jetty, if you need to stick with the 'run-app' command
If you can give up the debug console and check your test info at the browser, then you can probably write a small script to auto-deploy to a local jboss server, which you can set up through eclipse workspace
