How to display Facebook post in native iOS app? - ios

How do I display a Facebook post in a native View in an iOS App? Is there something like TweetKit for Twitter (
If not, how can I fetch the data for a Facebook post? Is this possible without logging in?

Without login, you can't get any information regarding the facebook.
I think this link will help you
Good luck


Facebook comments on ios app using sdk

I have a website which uses the web(Social) plugin for facebook comments for each post/article on the website.
On my iOS app, the same are presented in a webview.
The users on the app are logged in with Facebook but I can't find a way to enable them to post comments.
I looked up the OpenGraph documentation but it doesn't say anything about this.
How is it possible to maintain a relation between the facebook object on the web and the app and how do I show the people the option to comment?

Posting to a specific facebook user's timeline from ios xcode

I'm trying to figure out how to post from xcode to a specific user's timeline. I found a lot of posts but they seemed to be for older versions of the facebook sdk.
I'm looking here:
And the only option I'm seeing is to use url redirection.
I'm looking here for options here:
But I'm not seeing any way to specify it to post to a different user's timeline.
So is the url redirection the only way to do it? What I want to do is press a button on my ios app, and then have it post to a facebook wall. If I use url redirection, it will open up a browser... do the posting and then redirect somewhere... where I assume I will have javascript code to close the browser.
Are there any other options? Thanks.
You can only post to the timeline of the logged in user. Posting to the timeline of one or more friends of the user is not supported.

salesforce login in ios native App

I am quite new to iOS and i am trying to post something from my App on salesforce(like we share something on twitter). For that i want to first display the login screen if user is already not logged in and if user is logged in he can post on salesforce from my app. Please guide me to a tutorial or some sample code. i have done a hell lot of searching on web but didn't find any good tutorial. i have already added the SDK to my project but not able to figure out how implement all this.
Thank you.
what about this : SalesForce on iOS login without using the SalesForce Webview?
The post point to SFDC API for iPhone. May be you will found what you need.

App requests in Facebook without re-logging and use session in Social Framework

I've successfully connected in Facebook using Social Framework, also able to get list of my friends. However, I need to invite friend to use my app, I have been reading some articles and stackoverflow, that this need to use Facebook SDK.
Now, I able to achieve this using Facebook SDK. but then I need to re-logging (show pop up or direct to FB app). What I want is, to use session or outhToken that I have while I connected using Social Framework and use it in Facebook SDK. what I know, I have outhToken already. how to use this maybe to pass in FBSession or whatever class object to show app request ?
below is sample of app request.
For those who stumbled this question,
Facebook now remove graph API to grab friends that doesn't install the app. hence we cannot invite friends who doesn't install app.
even using Facebook SDK. if anyone has better solution or any updates on this, please share.

Likes on official page on facebook in ios

I'm trying to search approach to get like on official page on facebook in my native iOS app.
I read many questions and answers and the resume is no method for this in iOS SDK, but I found that facebook can open access for this method in API.
Where can I send my request for?
I'm sorry if I'm asking in wrong place. I don't know where I can ask.
