iOS 8 -- Capture Screen Video - ios

I am trying to capture the on-screen activity of my app as a video (one that I can save/upload to Youtube).
There are many others who want to do this. Although the answers are generally sparse, there's no in-depth explanation of how to do this or why it can't be done.
There's a paid (and possibly sketchy?) option here.
There's this related, but again, not totally clear SO answer about taking lots of screenshots: link.
There's a Smule app called MadPad HD that "records" the user's actions and stitches them together (but it doesn't actually capture the screen, it just stitches actions together). Here's the output of a stitching: link.
My questions are as follows:
Is capturing the video output of the screen and turning it into video actually possible?
If not, is taking lots of screenshots and turning them into video feasible (performance-wise)?
If 1 and 2 are not true, is this impossible because of device constraints or because Apple doesn't want it?

Perhaps you've already found an answer for this, but I thought I'd answer if anyone else is interested: with iOS 9 this will, of course, be possible through the new ReplayKit by Apple. But if you need it sooner (and with backwards compatibility) there are a couple of alternatives that I know of: Kamcord and Everyplay. Both lets your users record video and share through multiple channels, YouTube included. Both should be Sprite-Kit compatible and easily integrated (at least according to their websites!). Hope this helps!


Flutter, IOS, how to prevent recording

Currently there is a flutter app and it needs to be protect from screenshot or recording
but when I search about this, there is no way to implement this in a official way
but it seems there are some tricks (like 60fps? I know the concept but I don`t know how to implement this)
you can see the black screen when record the video on Netflix also (they prevent in some ways)
how could I achieve this? thanks
there is a package called window manager which does just the thing that you are asking it restricts external apps from recording as well as does not allow screenshots to be taken
a detailed tutorial is given in this article.

Designing a library for Hardware-accelerated unsupported containers on iOS (and Airplay)

I'm trying to put together an open source library that allows iOS devices to play files with unsupported containers, as long as the track formats/codecs are supported. e.g.: a Matroska video (MKV) file with an H264 video track and an AAC audio track. I'm making an app that surely could use that functionality and I bet there are many more out there that would benefit from it. Any help you can give (by commenting here or—even better— collaborating with me) is much appreciated. This is where I'm at so far:
I did a bit of research trying to find out how players like AVPlayerHD or Infuse can play non-standard containers and still have hardware acceleration. It seems like they transcode small chunks of the whole video file and play those in sequence instead.
It's a good solution. But if you want to throw that video to an Apple TV, things don't work as planned since the video is actually a bunch of smaller chunks being played as a playlist. This site has way more info, but at its core streaming to Apple TV is essentially a progressive download of the MP4/MPV file being played.
I'm thinking a sort of streaming proxy is the way to go. For the playing side of things, I've been investigating AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer (more info here) as a way of playing the video track. I haven't gotten to audio yet. Things get interesting when you think about the AirPlay side of things: by having a "container proxy", we can make any file look like it has the right container without the file size implications of transcoding.
It seems like GStreamer might be a good starting point for the proxy. I need to read up on it; I've never used it before. Does this approach sound like a good one for a library that could be used for App Store apps?
Finally got some extra time to go over GStreamer. Especially this article about how it is already updated to use the hardware decoding provided by iOS 8. So no need to develop this; GStreamer seems to be the answer.
The 'chucked' solution is no longer necessary in iOS 8. You should simply set up a video decode session and pass in NALUs.

Taking and Saving a Picture in iOS 6

First time I have needed to use the camera sense iOS 6, seems as though some things have been been deprecated. Did some research and couldn't find anything but I know its out there. I just need to take a picture, or get from the camera roll and save it to an Image View. Thanks to anyone that has helpful information.
All the helpful information is in the Apple documentation.
Including the deprecated stuff (see Appendix A).
A more high level overview is the Camera Programming Topics guide:

Animations in flash to IOS

I am developing an application that presents different stories for kids.
These stories are already made ​​in flash.
My problem is how to add to the storys That app.
Initially one of the approaches was to create an app in Coco2D and make the animations in this language (converting the animations in pictures). However due to possess many animations and sounds, this process is very complicated
Thus, I asked opinions on what approach should I do to solve this problem.
Any opinion will help.
If you want to change the way you will solve the problem, you can try Adore Air which let you use Flash on iOS Apps : An example on how to do this
If you want to continue with Cocos2D, you can find good tutorials there for your project :
Good Tutorials to make a project with Cocos2D
If your stories doesn't have any interactive elements, you can try to convert your stories in Flash to Video Files with some softwares (try to enter it in Google).

ios take multiple pictures without user interaction

I have been researching for this and read different opinions but i wanted to ask you more specific questions.
In my application i want to take 3 or 4 frames from the camera stream to process them without making the user press a button multiple times (and as fast as posible), i do this already on the android version, because android provides a callback method that contains each frame of the camera feed.
I have seen some people using the iOS AVFoundation (classes AVCaptureDevice, AVCaptureInput) to perform this tasks, but as far as i know, this is supported from version 4.0 of iOS.
Is there another way to do this and support older iOS versions? like 3.X?
how fast can the different pictures be taken?
Are there still problems using this Framework to get Apps/updates accepted on the App Store?
Thanks a lot,
You should use the new way (AVCaptureInput), as only a few percent of users still use iOS 3. iOS adoption is much faster than android adoption. Early last winter about 90% had already upgraded to 4. At this point even 4.0 is likely in the small minority as well.
One pre-ios-4 way to do it was by opening a UIImagePickerController and taking screenshots. Depending on the exact version targeted, there are sometimes ways to disable the camera overlays.
I see this question: iPhone: Get camera preview
