LLVM: intermediate bytecode vs binary - clang

I'm confused about one aspect of LLVM:
For all the languages it supports, does it support compiling both to the intermediate code AND to straight binary?
For instance, if I write something in C, can LLVM (or Clang?) compile to either binary (like GCC) or intermediate code?
Or can only some languages be converted to intermediate? I guess it goes without saying that this intermediate requires some type of LLVM runtime? I never really hear bout the runtime, though.

LLVM is a framework for manipulating LLVM IR (the "bytecode" you're alluding to) and lowering it to target-specific binaries (for example x86 machine code). Clang is a front-end for C/C++ (and Objective C) that translates these source languages into LLVM IR.
With this in mind, answering your questions:
For all the languages it supports, does it support compiling both to
the intermediate code AND to straight binary?
LLVM can compile IR (intermediate code) to binary (or to assembly text).
For instance, if I write something in C, can LLVM (or Clang?) compile
to either binary (like GCC) or intermediate code?
Yes. Clang can compile your code to a binary directly (using LLVM as a backend), or just emit LLVM IR if you want that.
Or can only some languages be converted to intermediate? I guess it
goes without saying that this intermediate requires some type of LLVM
Theoretically, once you have LLVM IR, the LLVM library can convert it to binary. Some languages require a runtime (say Java, or Python), so any compiler from these languages to LLVM IR will have to provide a runtime in one way or another. LLVM has some support for connecting to such runtimes (for example - GC hooks) but carries no "runtime of its own". The only "runtime" project related to LLVM is compiler-rt, which provides fast implementations of some language/compiler builtins and intrinsics. It's mainly used for C/C++/Objective C. It's not officially part of LLVM, though full toolchains based on Clang often use it.


How can I use LLVM IR within Cling (or another REPL-like interactively)?

I'm learning LLVM IR, and would like to use it interactively.
Cling supports interactive Clang, and works very well. Cling supports the asm directive, allowing you to use native ASM interactively. Cling also advertises to support "any language Clang does". Yet, I cannot figure any way to make Cling work with LLVM IR. (Although Clang can assemble LLVM IR, it doesn't seem to have an inline LLVM IR directive, only an inline asm directive.)
lli is one shot only, not interactive.
Is there a way to use LLVM IR with Cling?
If not, is there another way to use LLVM IR interactively?

Is there a way to use sqrt when using clang and web assembly target

I'm compiling c++ to web assembly using clang --target=wasm32 --no-standard-libraries. Is there a way to convince clang to generate sqrt? It's not finding <math.h> with this target.
Do you already tried to compile without the flag --no-standard-libraries? If you remove it, the clang probably will find math.h library (because its a standard library).
This is because wasm32-unknown-unknown is a completely barebones targets in Clang, and doesn't have any standard library - that is, no math.h, no I/O functions, not even memcpy.
However, you can usually get away with using --target wasm32-wasi + WASI SDK instead: https://github.com/WebAssembly/wasi-sdk
It includes the whole standard library, including even functions for interacting with the filesystem via the WASI standard in compatible environments.
If your code doesn't depend on filesystem / clock / other I/O, then you can safely use WASI-SDK to get math.h, memcpy, malloc and other standard functions, and the resulting WebAssembly will be compatible with any non-WASI environments as well.

How to get bitcode llvm after linking?

I am trying to get LLVM IR for a file which is linked with some static libararies.
I tried to link using llvm-link . It just copy the .bc files in one file ( not like native linking).
clang -L$(T_LIB_PATH) -lpthread -emit-llvm gives an error: emit-llvm can not be used with linking. When passing -c option, it gives warning that the linking options were not used.
My main goal is to get .bc file with all resolved symbols and references. How can I achieve that with clang version 3.4.?
You may have a look at wllvm. It is a wrapper on the compiler, which enable to build a project and extract the LLVM bitcode of the whole program.
You need to use wllvm and wllvm++ for C and C++, respectively (after setting some environment variables).
Some symbols come from source code via LLVM IR. IR is short for intermediate representation. Those symbols are easy to handle, just stop in the middle of the build process.
Some others come from a library and probably were generated by some other compiler, one that never makes any IR, and in any case the compiler was run by some other people at some other location. You can't go back in time and make those people build IR for you, even if their compiler has the right options. All you can do is obtain the source code for the libraries and build your entire application from source.

Is the clang serialized AST portable?

I'm using the python bindings to walk the clang AST...
When I encounter an error, I would like to dump the AST to a file, so that I can later load it from that file and debug the walker.
This works fine, if I dump and then load using the TranslationUnit.save() and Index.read() bindings, however this does not work if I move the AST file between platforms Linux -> Windows or Windows -> Linux.
Is this expected?
Is there a way to make the AST files "portable"?
Not "portable" if you have some template C++ code that is accepted by MSVC, but typically diagnosed by Clang as invalid.
From Clang Documentation:
Third, MSVC accepts some C++ code that Clang will typically diagnose as invalid. When these constructs are present in widely included system headers, Clang attempts to recover and continue compiling the user’s program. Most parsing and semantic compatibility tweaks are controlled by -fms-compatibility and -fdelayed-template-parsing, and they are a work in progress.
Compare your saved AST files to check if they have the same nodes (the raw pointer address could be different). If not, fixed with the mentioned flags -fms-compatibility, -fdelayed-template-parsing.

Clang compiler stages

Clang Compiler is built based on LLVM infrastructure, Clang frontend takes the C/C++ source code and generates the LLVM-IR, who does the job of using the Optimizer and the code generation?
Since the optimizer pass libraries are to be strategically placed and called in an order to generate the optimized code, where is the order specified, also who generates the target code? Is this part of Clang fronted program or is there any other program that does this optimization and generation?
There are actually two clangs, so to speak.
One is a front-end: it just does parsing, builds an Abstract Syntax Tree(AST), and applies various semantic checks. It also can do some static analysis and other helpful things. One can access the front-end using -cc1 option, e.g.: clang -cc1 -ast-dump
Second one is a driver: it takes AST from front-end and emits LLVM IR while applying some optimizations, and then making all the other magic such as building object files and linking various components together. This is what usually happens when one calls clang main.c or similar command.
Please, consider looking at help provided by both clangs:
clang -help
clang -help-hidden
clang -cc1 -help
clang -cc1 -help-hidden
