I want to create a date and slot picker in iOS like the Meru cab mobile application on Android.
Can we create a control like that?
i want to handle date picker class in android, unlike pickerwheel for ios.
Do we have some methods given by appium to handle datepicker for android?
I am using react-native-datetimepicker (#react-native-community/datetimepicker) for my android/ios app. I need to disable user from changing the date for some occasions.
In android since picker is only modal, anyway I have to show a label with date and I can disable user with onPress method logic.
But in ios a default label is given from the picker component and I need to disable it. I found following discussion on disabling the underlying ios component - Disable / Enable UIDatepicker
I need to disable ios picker from react-native-datetimepicker/datetimepicker library.
I want to modify UI, like i want to add some event to particular date.
I want to perform some action like Holidays button which will open some having displaying upcoming holiday?
Is it possible?
I am having a event starting from june 1st to june 10th daily 10 am to 5 pm.After creating the event programatically it needs to add in calendar from june 1st to 10th in between 10 to 5 only.I don't want to enable the all day option.I want to use repeat daily option.And it needs to show in the dates given and time mentioned in blue colour (how event will display).
Create an instance of EKEvent for the event, and an instance of EKRecurrenceRule that describes the way the item repeats. Add the rule to the event using the -addRecurrenceRule: method from EKCalendarItem (which EKEvent inherits).
The color used to display the event is determined by the calendar, not by the event. If you must use a certain color, it's probably best to create a new calendar.
Is there any way to use the native picker views instead of the ST2 based picker view in the application consisting of ST2 and phonegap.
Unfortunately you can't. If you use the ST2 you can work only with it components.
If you're trying to change the default layout or the position and order of the ST2 Picker, you can put it inside a layout or container. The Picker object is highly adjustable in ST2.