i want to handle date picker class in android, unlike pickerwheel for ios.
Do we have some methods given by appium to handle datepicker for android?
I am using react-native-datetimepicker (#react-native-community/datetimepicker) for my android/ios app. I need to disable user from changing the date for some occasions.
In android since picker is only modal, anyway I have to show a label with date and I can disable user with onPress method logic.
But in ios a default label is given from the picker component and I need to disable it. I found following discussion on disabling the underlying ios component - Disable / Enable UIDatepicker
I need to disable ios picker from react-native-datetimepicker/datetimepicker library.
I use component of Native Base and test it on iOS. And I can't show confirm and cancel buttons. For example here "clear" and "done":
I know about other datepickers, such as:
React Native DateTimePicker
React Native DatePicker by xgfe
React Native Date Picker by Henning Hall
But I want to resolve my issue with standart Native Base functionality without extra components added.
It is possible?
I want to create a date and slot picker in iOS like the Meru cab mobile application on Android.
Can we create a control like that?
I have a UIWebView and I'd like to use the internal datepicker on iOS that is used when I have the <input type=date> tag.
I have some UIViews in iOS that I want to modify based on if that input changes.
How do I detect this change? I'm hoping there is a delegate I can use but based on my research, that doesn't seem possible.
If I understand you correctly, you want to catch datepicker value changed event? If it is, you can simply create IBAction method and connect it to datepicker valueChanged event in interface builder.
This may can help you
Invoke native date picker from web-app on iOS/Android
There are some plugins that simulates the uidatepicker style in javascript.
Do jQuery Mobile widgets supports the look and feel of native device like iOS7, Android and WP8+. Is there any way in the jQuery Mobile widgets Framework that will help to develop such widgets with the look and feel of native device?
By widget's the look and feel of native device, i mean on iOS7 device a widget like datepicker should open a in iOS7 style, it's interface for selection date be same as native iOS7 style. If same page accessed on Android it should look and feel like android's style.
There are a couple of answers here. First, the easiest thing for you to do is simply take your iOS device, open up mobile Safari, and go to jQuery Mobile. The site has online demos of all the widgets and you can see how things look.
Second - jQM automatically enhances widgets to look nicer on mobile, but if you do NOT want it to enhance, you can use a data attribute to tell jQM to leave it alone. So if you have input type=date and wanted the native date picker to fire, you could use that option. (FYI, it is data-enhance="false" on the page level, but you can also turn it off globally.)