Why have my storyboards become transparent? - ios

I'm sure I screwed something up here, but my storyboard backgrounds have all become transparent. Is there something I could have done to have done this accidentally? The color settings show that I have full opacity, so can anyone tell me why this is happening? I've done nothing programmatically, regarding the background. I'm using Xcode 6.3.1.


Main.storyboard is pitch black

I've been coding in Xcode for a long time but I've never used the storyboard. When I opened it up I got this pitch-black.
Does any one know how to fix this ?
A lot can cause a black screen. I think, most likely, you are currently previewing dark mode. You can switch back to light mode by clicking View as and changing the appearance.
Or, the background color of the view might be set to black (probably not the case though). You can change this in the attributes inspector.
Black color
System background color
System Background Color is white in light mode, and black in dark mode.
And there's always the possibility that Xcode is glitching. In that case, quit and relaunch.
For me, I had a datepicker set to inline mode, and it messed things up. I'd try and recall if you did anything that Xcode didn't like before it went black, and try and reverse that.

iOS custom keyboard blur view as background

This is really simple, but maybe not easy?
I'm trying to build a custom keyboard app for iOS, and so far I've made a concept work pretty well. But I really want to have the whole container/background view to be a blur view (frosted glass effect built in iOS), much like the system keyboard. It's very subtle, but I really want that effect.
Any idea how to apply it? Help!
One solution I found (which is great but not ideal) is to simply set the background color of the ViewController to transparent. By giving it a color with alpha = 0, it has the same color as the system keyboard background.
But this doesn't let you go any further in terms of transparency, so the blur is very subtle.

UIPopoverController with UIVisualEffectView over UISplitViewController - background is not getting blurred on iPhone 6 plus

I am trying to display a popover controller over UISplitViewController.
The popover is displayed correctly. However, the visual effect view, which I have added to it, is not being displayed correctly on iPhone 6 plus (the background is not getting blurred). Here is the result which I am getting:
I have no clue how to resolve this issue.
The most similar question I was able to find is this. However, none of the solutions worked for me.
I have also tried modifying the presentation styles but it does not help as well. Setting the background for popover to clearColor also doesn't help...
I have uploaded a project to GitHub which you can find here.
Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions!
This is the normal behaviour, if you want to blur the background while the popup is presented, you should use UIPresentationController and it's delegates.
You can find the documentation here and a top notch tutorial here.
Here you will find an example of what you're trying to achieve.

How to access the system selected menu item blue color?

I'm working on an app that has a custom NSView on a NSStatusBar which performs all of the drawing when the user clicks it. But here's the problem, the color I'm currently drawing as the view's background color is not the same as the system blue color.
My app's color:
Twitter's menu item color (system):
As you clearly see, my blue color is way lighter than the system. This is the code I'm currently using (and worked perfectly on versions older than Yosemite):
[[NSColor selectedMenuItemColor] set];
I've even tried color picking the menu item's color but it seems like the color is affected by the wallpaper below the menu bar.
Any ideas on how to achieve the system look?
As you said, in Yosemite, docks, status bars etc. are affected by whatever is behind them. Try enabling System Preferences > Accessibility > Display > Reduce Transparency and you'll see what your color looks like without this feature./
Here is an idea - Maybe you should use the Vibrancy effect and derive from NSVisualEffectView. I knew that I've seen a very similar thread somewhere here in the past, and it took me quite some time to find it. Here it is:
Trouble matching the vibrant background of a Yosemite NSMenuItem containing a custom view
I think Matthes' answer to that question would lead you to the resolution of your issue. Be sure to check it out. I hope it will help - Good luck and report back!

UIActionSheet missing background in iOS7

EDIT: This is intended behavior, but that was not obvious from the UI Transition Guide from Apple. I found a much better example here: http://iosandmacbuddy.wordpress.com/2013/07/30/ios-7/
In iOS7, the background has disappeared from my UIActionSheet. I know the UIActionSheetStyle constants are no longer used, but I wasn't using them before! In the UI Transition Guide (Page 45), the sample appears like this:
Mine, however appears without the grey background box, instead appearing as floating buttons with no background:
Am I misunderstanding and the grey box on the guide is the view behind the UIActionSheet? (and therefore my behavior is expected)
Honestly there is nothing wrong with that.
It looks perfectly fine to me.
