Resetting Whole Scene (Swift, SpriteKit) - ios

I'm trying to create a replay button for my game, but whenever I go back to the game scene, It seems as if nothing ever stopped. The time is a negative number and the game will just crash. I tried...
if timeInt < 0 {
let retryScene = RetryScene(size: self.frame.size)
///// end game
timeInt = 45
I figured removing all children would work and resetting the time would work too. I used a function that updates every second to make the time work. So all functions keep going as if the scene never ended. What should I do?

All the time i whant to restart game I'am presenting Game scene. (starting game scene from begining)
It should look like this
if ( == "ReplayButton") {
var gameScene = GameScene(size: self.size)
var transition = SKTransition.doorsCloseHorizontalWithDuration(0.5)
gameScene.scaleMode = SKSceneScaleMode.AspectFill
self.scene!.view?.presentScene(gameScene, transition: transition)

I fixed it by stopping the timer that makes the update function.
if time < 0 {


How do I only allow one instance of an SKSpriteNode on screen at one time?

This is my first ever post - I have searched for a long time and could not find the answer.
I am making a game with SpriteKit and want the player to be able to only launch one bomb at a time- i.e they can't fire again until the previous bomb has exploded or gone off screen. Currently when the player taps the screen, they can launch as many bombs as they want.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Steve's idea works out well and is better than mine, but here is a more novice-friendly explanation IMO... Put this in your gamescene :)
var canFireMissile = true
func fireMissile() {
guard canFireMissile else { return }
canFireMissile = false // So you can't fire anymore missiles until 0.5secs later
let wait = SKAction.wait(forDuration: 0.5) // the duration of the missile animation (example)
let reset = { canFireMissile = true } // lets us refire the missile
let sequence = SKAction.sequence([wait, reset])
override func mouseDown(with event: NSEvent) { // touchesBegan on iOS
Create a SKSpriteNode property for your misssile.
Create an SKAction for the movement of the missile and give the action a key so you can refer to it by name).
When the fire button is pressed, check to see if the named action is already running; if it is, do nothing, otherwise run the ‘fireMissile’ action.

iOS SpriteKit - countdown before game starts?

Just getting into SpriteKit on iOS using Swift. I have a 'Breakout' game from a tutorial and I want to implement a countdown before every ball launches, by putting an SKLabel in the middle of the screen which counts down from 5 to 1 before removing itself and the game starting. Whilst the countdown is going on, you can see the full games screen with the wall, stationary ball etc.
I can't work out where in the game loop to do this. If I do the countdown in didMoveToView (where I create the wall and initialise the ball and paddle), I never see it, but I see my debugging messages in the log. I guess that didMoveToView is called before the SKScene is presented.
I tried to use a flag to call the countdown function the first time 'Update' is called, but again I saw the countdown executed before anything appeared on screen - i think 'update' is called initially before the scene is rendered.
I could implement a 'Tap screen to start' screen in a another SKScene, but I really wanted a countdown on the screen with the wall and the (stationary) ball ready to go. I could create this countdown scene using a background image of the game screen, but this seems awkward.
Any suggestions gratefully received,
Added these functions and a call to countdown(5) at the end of didMoveToView
func countdown(count: Int) {
countdownLabel.horizontalAlignmentMode = .Center
countdownLabel.verticalAlignmentMode = .Baseline
countdownLabel.position = CGPoint(x: size.width/2, y: size.height*(1/3))
countdownLabel.fontColor = SKColor.whiteColor()
countdownLabel.fontSize = size.height / 30
countdownLabel.zPosition = 100
countdownLabel.text = "Launching ball in \(count)..."
let counterDecrement = SKAction.sequence([SKAction.waitForDuration(1.0),
runAction(SKAction.sequence([SKAction.repeatAction(counterDecrement, count: 5),
func countdownAction() {
countdownLabel.text = "Launching ball in \(count)..."
func endCountdown() {
ball.physicsBody!.applyImpulse(CGVectorMake(20, 20))
So I create and set up the text of the countdown and then create and run an SKAction that waits for 1 second before decrementing the countdown and updating the label. It repeats this 5 times and then removes the countdown label before finally giving the ball an impulse to start it moving and so the game proper can start.
Seems to work ok...
This is where NSTimers really come in handy. An NSTimer basically activates a function every so often (you specify how often).
Update: Sometimes it's better not to use an NSTimer; see here:
Here's a code sample, using NSTimer:
class ViewController: UIViewController {
var countdownTime = 5
var countdownTimer = NSTimer()
// above, setting your timer and countdown time as global variables so they can be accessed in multiple functions.
func PlayerPressesStart() {
countdownTime = 5
countdownTimer = NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(1, target: self, selector: "Countdown", userInfo: nil, repeats: true) // calls the function "Countdown" every second.
func Countdown() { // this is the function called by the timer every second, which causes your "countdownTime" to go down by 1. When it reaches 0, it starts the game.
if countdownTime > 0 {
placewhereyoudisplaycountdown.text = String(countdownTime)
if countdownTime == 0 {
// call the function where game action begins here, or call the function that makes the game begin here.
} // closing bracket for the View Controller, don't include this if you're copying and pasting to your already existing View Controller.

Swift app development (game w/ SpriteKit) I want some visual changes to appear on the screen and then disappear after a given period of time

I am making a game using Swift and SpriteKit. I have written something of this sort:
node.alpha = 0
node.alpha = 1
where node is an SKSpriteNode. Instead of making node invisible, freezing the running of the program for one second and making node visible again, what this code does is it simply freezes the running of the program for one second. I figured that all visual changes take place periodically, maybe after each update. How can resolve this and make the node disappear for one second, having the program frozen?
Thank you!
This answer is going to assume you want to just pause the scene, and not the entire program.
What you want to use is the SKActions sequence and waitForDuration,
and the nodes pause variable.
You essentially want to move the entire scene into a separate node, and let another node control the pausing of it.
Set your scene nodes like this:
let sceneWorld = SKNode() //make this available to the entire class
let timerNode = SKNode()
override func didMoveToView()
scene.addNode(sceneWorld) //sceneWorld is where you will be adding all gfx sprites now
func pauseWorld()
let wait1sec = SKAction.waitForDuration(1)
let unpause = SKAction.runBlock({sceneWorld.pause = false;showNodes(true)})
sceneWorld.pause = true;
func showNodes(show : Boolean)
let alpha = (show) : 1.0 ? 0.0
//set all nodes that need to hide here with alpha
The solution of luk2303 has worked perfectly for me in my apps.
you can create a timer like this:
node.alpha = 0
NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(1, target: self, selector: "makeNodeVisible", userInfo: nil, repeats: false)
func makeNodeVisible(){
node.alpha = 1
For some reason using the sleep function won't work in SpriteKit because it is meant for the ViewController or something like that.

Swift SpriteKit: Game won't restart properly? Whats going?

I have this game so that when my player dies I should just be able to tap the screen and the game should restart, but instead nothing moves no matter how many times I tap. There are no errors.
Here is the code for my restart function: (willing to post any other necessary code)
func restart() {
let newScene = GameScene(size: view!.bounds.size)
newScene.scaleMode = .AspectFill
So, an easy solution is to transition from your current scene to your current scene. By doing this, your code will run from the beginning of the file. You can also add fancy transitions. Here is the code:
let transition = SKTransition.fadeWithDuration(1.0) //create a transition
let gamePlayScene = GamePlayScene(fileNamed: "GamePlayScene") // create a new scene from your file (let variableName = NameOfGameFile(fileNamed: "NameOfGameFile")
self.view?.presentScene(gamePlayScene, transition: transition) // present the scene with the transition
Just put this in the touches began method and have a conditional that if the clouds have been stopped and the user touches the screen, transition to current game scene.
Hope this helped and good luck.

Cannot unpause game when bringing app back to Foreground

SpriteKit is automatically pausing my app when it goes into the background. This is fine, except it stays paused when the app becomes active again. I'm trying to un-pause the game in the appropriate application events, to no avail. I'm manually un-pausing the two SKViews and the game Scene that constitute the app. From inside the AppDelegate file:
func applicationWillEnterForeground(application: UIApplication) {
if let vw = self.window?.rootViewController {
let gc = vw as! GameViewController
let parView = gc.view as! SKView
parView.paused = false
println("paused = \(gc.gameScene.paused)")
func applicationDidBecomeActive(application: UIApplication) {
if let vw = self.window?.rootViewController {
let gc = vw as! GameViewController
let parView = gc.view as! SKView
parView.paused = false
println("paused = \(gc.gameScene.paused)")
At the end I print the pause state. If I hit the device's Home key and then return to the app, it prints false as desired. However, somewhere (not by my code) this is being immediately set back to true, and the game remains paused.
I overrode the scene's paused property, and it is definitely being set back to true after I un-pause in the given events. Confusing, because from reading other questions, the typical behavior of sprite kit is to automatically un-pause the game when the app is reactivated. Yet it's doing the exact opposite for me.
Well, I basically gave up on trying to control whether the game pauses/resumes during the app's state changes. Instead I overrode the scene's paused property, so now I can just detect whenever sprite kit decides to pause or resume, and handle that accordingly. My suspicion is that my hierarchy of SKViews in my app might not be conventional, and maybe caused sprite kit difficulty in controlling the scene state, but that's only a guess.
