Cannot unpause game when bringing app back to Foreground - ios

SpriteKit is automatically pausing my app when it goes into the background. This is fine, except it stays paused when the app becomes active again. I'm trying to un-pause the game in the appropriate application events, to no avail. I'm manually un-pausing the two SKViews and the game Scene that constitute the app. From inside the AppDelegate file:
func applicationWillEnterForeground(application: UIApplication) {
if let vw = self.window?.rootViewController {
let gc = vw as! GameViewController
let parView = gc.view as! SKView
parView.paused = false
println("paused = \(gc.gameScene.paused)")
func applicationDidBecomeActive(application: UIApplication) {
if let vw = self.window?.rootViewController {
let gc = vw as! GameViewController
let parView = gc.view as! SKView
parView.paused = false
println("paused = \(gc.gameScene.paused)")
At the end I print the pause state. If I hit the device's Home key and then return to the app, it prints false as desired. However, somewhere (not by my code) this is being immediately set back to true, and the game remains paused.
I overrode the scene's paused property, and it is definitely being set back to true after I un-pause in the given events. Confusing, because from reading other questions, the typical behavior of sprite kit is to automatically un-pause the game when the app is reactivated. Yet it's doing the exact opposite for me.

Well, I basically gave up on trying to control whether the game pauses/resumes during the app's state changes. Instead I overrode the scene's paused property, so now I can just detect whenever sprite kit decides to pause or resume, and handle that accordingly. My suspicion is that my hierarchy of SKViews in my app might not be conventional, and maybe caused sprite kit difficulty in controlling the scene state, but that's only a guess.

Related not working until program execution paused/resumed

First time using SpriteKit - tapping a start button calls startLevel method in GameScene that has a player sprite fire two statements in a SKAction.sequence. The startLevel method has a completion block that triggers a message to the console and updates game state.
Tapping start displays the message, but the statements don't work unless I first pause program execution, and then click resume before tapping the start button. If I stop the level and tap a retry button, the same startLevel method is called, and it works fine without pausing execution.
Here's the method (player, marker, and door, are all optional objects that store their sprites; when tapping start, I verified that none of the sprites are nil, none of them are paused, and GameScene and SKView are not paused):
func startLevel(finished: () -> ()) {
guard let player = player,
let marker = marker,
let door = door else {
}[{ marker.pop(appear: true) }),{ door.slide(open: true) }),
Here's the GameScene code that calls startLevel:
startLevel(finished: { () -> () in
print("ALERT: startLevel finished")
levelStarted = true
I tried adding a run method completion block with a console message, and the message never prints. It seems that the method is simply ignored (unless I pause execution first), and I don't understand why. Thanks for your help.
BTW - all the code above is outside GameScene’s update method, and the marker and door methods above are both used in didBegin() and didEnd(), and they work fine there.
In iOS 11 Apple made Spritekit Scenes and objects paused by default.
What I do to combat this is...
in my SKScene
override func didMove(to view: SKView) {
//this ensures that the scene is not paused
self.isPaused = false
and in each of my custom objects setup or init
self.isPaused = false

How do I only allow one instance of an SKSpriteNode on screen at one time?

This is my first ever post - I have searched for a long time and could not find the answer.
I am making a game with SpriteKit and want the player to be able to only launch one bomb at a time- i.e they can't fire again until the previous bomb has exploded or gone off screen. Currently when the player taps the screen, they can launch as many bombs as they want.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Steve's idea works out well and is better than mine, but here is a more novice-friendly explanation IMO... Put this in your gamescene :)
var canFireMissile = true
func fireMissile() {
guard canFireMissile else { return }
canFireMissile = false // So you can't fire anymore missiles until 0.5secs later
let wait = SKAction.wait(forDuration: 0.5) // the duration of the missile animation (example)
let reset = { canFireMissile = true } // lets us refire the missile
let sequence = SKAction.sequence([wait, reset])
override func mouseDown(with event: NSEvent) { // touchesBegan on iOS
Create a SKSpriteNode property for your misssile.
Create an SKAction for the movement of the missile and give the action a key so you can refer to it by name).
When the fire button is pressed, check to see if the named action is already running; if it is, do nothing, otherwise run the ‘fireMissile’ action.

Swift SpriteKit: Game won't restart properly? Whats going?

I have this game so that when my player dies I should just be able to tap the screen and the game should restart, but instead nothing moves no matter how many times I tap. There are no errors.
Here is the code for my restart function: (willing to post any other necessary code)
func restart() {
let newScene = GameScene(size: view!.bounds.size)
newScene.scaleMode = .AspectFill
So, an easy solution is to transition from your current scene to your current scene. By doing this, your code will run from the beginning of the file. You can also add fancy transitions. Here is the code:
let transition = SKTransition.fadeWithDuration(1.0) //create a transition
let gamePlayScene = GamePlayScene(fileNamed: "GamePlayScene") // create a new scene from your file (let variableName = NameOfGameFile(fileNamed: "NameOfGameFile")
self.view?.presentScene(gamePlayScene, transition: transition) // present the scene with the transition
Just put this in the touches began method and have a conditional that if the clouds have been stopped and the user touches the screen, transition to current game scene.
Hope this helped and good luck.

Resetting Whole Scene (Swift, SpriteKit)

I'm trying to create a replay button for my game, but whenever I go back to the game scene, It seems as if nothing ever stopped. The time is a negative number and the game will just crash. I tried...
if timeInt < 0 {
let retryScene = RetryScene(size: self.frame.size)
///// end game
timeInt = 45
I figured removing all children would work and resetting the time would work too. I used a function that updates every second to make the time work. So all functions keep going as if the scene never ended. What should I do?
All the time i whant to restart game I'am presenting Game scene. (starting game scene from begining)
It should look like this
if ( == "ReplayButton") {
var gameScene = GameScene(size: self.size)
var transition = SKTransition.doorsCloseHorizontalWithDuration(0.5)
gameScene.scaleMode = SKSceneScaleMode.AspectFill
self.scene!.view?.presentScene(gameScene, transition: transition)
I fixed it by stopping the timer that makes the update function.
if time < 0 {

SKView paused automatically resumes

I am designing a SpriteKit game in swift, and inside my gameplay SKScene I have a method called when I want to pause the game. It looks like this:
func pause() {
view?.paused = true
The game pauses perfectly, but after a seemingly arbitrary amount of time (1 second to 120 seconds), the game just unpauses/resumes gameplay, without ever calling my resume() method. I am aware that sprite kit resumes gameplay automatically upon the app becoming active, but I have set a breakpoint in applicationDidBecomeActive, and it is not called. Does anyone know why this is happening?
I know I could set my own paused property and check it every update loop, but I much prefer this elegant solution if I could get it to work!
The problem was my implementation of ADBannerViewDelegate. Here is the culprit:
func bannerView(banner: ADBannerView!, didFailToReceiveAdWithError error: NSError!) {
skView.paused = false
println("bannerView:didFailToReceiveAdWithError called inside GameViewController class")
I solved the problem by putting those println calls inside every method that had a .paused = false statement. Most of the time the banners load fine, but every once in a blue moon they fail and call that method.
