HID client implement in iOS - ios

Can we used our iPhone as a HID client in iOS by using Bluetooth? We want to make HID communication with a Bluetooth Dongle. Our iPhone will send keys to dongle like a Keyboard, mouse , joystick etc.
The same we can done between a keyboard and a Dongle. But How it will possible when we are using ios device and dongle?
Please help to clarify my doubts If I am wrong anywhere.
Thanks in advance!!

iOS only provides HID Host, but not HID Peripheral. You may be able to capture the keypresses in an iOS application, and send the equivalent data (ASCII or HID frames) via Bluetooth Low Energy. A custom application on the dongle/device will be required to receive the data and convert/execute to HID if desired.


Nativescript ios: open vitrual keyboard when connected to bluetooth scanner

I have a bluetooth scanner connected to iPad.
ios doesn't support bluetooth spp mode, so I have to set scanner into HID.
However, after that, the virtual keyboard disappear.
I tried [ios keyboard] plugin.1 No luck.
I assume this may be a common case if your app work with bluetooth device(keyboard).
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance

How to control BLE speakers with iOS app programmaticaly?

I have BLE supported speakers which can get connected with iOS device via BLE. I wanted to get the events of speakers such as volume up/down, play/pause in iOS device programmatically. Can anyone please suggest me whats the logic behind this and how can I proceed to achieve the same.
Thanks in advance!

Background mode for Bluetooth PAN accessory

I have an accessory which receives internet connection via iPhone Personal hotspot.
And I developed a service on the device from which I plan to pull updates every 1 minute. Or as an alternative it keeps consistent websocket connection.
I know that I can communicate to my device through Bluetooth PAN is possible however I would like to do it in background while the device is connected.
If someone is interested I asked a question before about this: Is possible to communicate via Bluetooth PAN in iOS with tethered devices
What background mode could be used to keep consistent connection with my accessory through Bluetooth PAN network? Could modes "bluetooth-central" or "bluetooth-peripheral" or "external-accessory" be used without using CoreBluetooth or ExternalAccessory framework?

Bluetooth connection in iOS

Is it possible to programatically pair an iOS device with a Bluetooth device?
I would have the device's MAC address and also the Bluetooth Pin.
I know it's possible to do on an Android device without any pairing screen/dialogue appears, but can it be done in iOS?
Thanks for any pointers.

How to detect if a bluetooth device is connected

Is there anyway to detect if a HID blue tooth device is connected to the device using Delphi XE5, for an iOS application.
Ideally, I would like to show an indicator light if a scanner is connected or not.
Yes, the scanner is iOS supported and does connect and work as keyboard.
