Undefined symbols for architecture in watchKit - ios

The error that Im running into is Undefined symbols for architecture arm64:. Below I have provided more in-depth screenshots. The source of the error according to Xcode is within the watchKit extension within the interfaceController. The Class is referenced from a dynamic library. If I actually CMD+Click the framework that Im importing Im taken to the framework in Swift thats fully ported over to Swift, it is originally written in Objective-C. The second image shows my import statement for the class, and the 3rd image shows how I have setup the import statements within the .h of the framework file.

On the right sidebar when those files are selected, under Target Membership, is your app (with the little pencil icon) checked as a Target Membership?
That should fix your problem.

It's look like dynamic library doesn't have arm64 architecture is it. In order to verify please use following command against the static library of your dynamic library.
lipo -info <libraryName>.a
Please make sure that library is added into extension target.
If your library is not static library, and it is framework like .framework, please follow following step.
1. Go to framework using cd command
cd /Users/<User>/<Path>/<Library_Name>.framework
2. Use ls command and list out all the files within framework file. You will see three files named as "Library_Name, Headers and Versions".
3. Use following command to display all architecture that library has.
lipo -info <Library_Name>
4. You can see list of all architecture that library was build for.


Duplicate symbol(s) for architecture(s) [arm7, arm64]

I have imported a new version of a framework in my SDK. Anyway, I am not able to build on iPhone 6 running iOS 9.0.1 because of the following error that's driving me crazy:
duplicate symbol _IPDJobStatus in:
/Users/akiki/Desktop/iOS 9 Test/MPSDK/iPD.framework/iPD(IPDDevice.o)
/Users/akiki/Desktop/iOS 9 Test/MPSDK/iPD.framework/iPD(IPDAdministration.o)
ld: 5 duplicate symbols for architecture arm7
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
This is happening for the same symbol _IPDJobStatus being found twice in 5 files. The same is happening on iPhone 4S running iOS 9.1 with arm64 architecture. To import the framework, I deleted the old one from the project, imported the new one and check into the Link Binary with Library section wether the framework reference links to the correct updated file. Before asking I have tried to perform the following actions:
I searched for the duplicate symbol inside the project scope with no result.
I'm not importing a .m file by accident.
The Compile Sources of the Build Phases project settings doesn't include any duplicate file.
The framework headers references in Headers of the Build Phases project settings link to the proper files.
I tried to clean the project, empty the Derived Data folder, quit and relaunch Xcode.
I added the -ObjC linker flag (in this case the duplicate symbols goes from five to only one).
I switched the No Common Blocks compiler setting to NO, though it has the same error with or without it.
I created a new empty project and imported the framework there. In this case I was able to build, so the problem must resides in my SDK.
Could someone please give me some help?
You can check your project directory may be there available framework. If available then delete it.
I was able to solve the same problem with the following code.
Add this to the Library Search Paths in Build Settings and make sure you select recursive, delete other library paths which might be absolute paths.
May be it will help you.
You can not make constant type variables of same name & type in two or more classes.
_IPDJobStatus is this constant type variable?
change it to some other name for different classes.
Here you can see the same issue
It means in you project multiple copy of same View Controller instance (i,e means duplicate).
Possible observation:
This IPDJobStatus variable contains in the class IPDDevice or IPDAdministration of the framework is duplicate. Please check this.
Note: You should not have/create a class which already have in any other framework either Xcode's default or 3rd party framework.
For example: UIkit framework have class name "UIApplication" (i.e UIApplication.h, and UIApplication.m). So, if you create you class name "UIApplication". this error will occur. Same case for also 3rd party framework.

Creating a framework with mixed Swift & Objective-C code

I have a project with mixed code (objective-c and Swift) that I need to package as a framework. It also uses some external frameworks.
My umbrella header has many imports to different headers of the frameworks I use, as well as to the objective-c source code in my project (so that it's accessible by the Swift code). I also have a swift file, e.g. MyFramework.swift, that has some code that I'd like to expose to users of the framework.
The framework compiles, however, when I try to use it in another Swift project, I cannot access the contents of MyFramework.swift. That is the case even though the file exists (with the Swift source code) in the framework product!
Yet, I am able to access the objective-c code from the public headers. So I tried to write the code in MyFramework.swift in objective-c instead (MyFramework.h & MyFramework.m), because I thought it might be a problem exposing code in both objective-c and swift (though from what I read - it shouldn't be). That did the trick in terms of accessing the objects inside this class, but then I got a linker error:
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
"_OBJC_CLASS_$_MyObject", referenced from:
in ViewController.o ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
This actually happens for every public swift class I try to reference. I made sure these files exist in the "Compile Sources" list under Build Phases of the project settings, so that's not the problem.
I'm pretty clueless. Any ideas?
To solve your project there's 2 things to check.
Do you have the correct "valid architecture" in your project
(1st picture below), and
Do you have a BridgingHeader properly
created for working with Swift and Obj-C in the same project (2nd
picture below)?

Xcode - Created an iOS framework but can't use it in a project

I've created an iOS framework with this tutorial: http://www.raywenderlich.com/65964/create-a-framework-for-ios#comments
When I add it to a completely new project, I can import my public header and I can build it successfully. The problem comes when I try to create an instance of an object from the framework; when building it, fails with 40 errors:
All errors are displayed like this:
Apple Mach-O Linker Error "_OBJC_CLASS_$_AVPlayerItem < this is an example.
At the bottom it shows this message > Symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64
At first I thought the problem was that the framework I created wasn't supporting arm64. I executed the following line in Terminal to check which architectures were supported by my framework:
xcrun lipo -info MyFramework
The output is > Architectures in the fat file: MyFramework are: armv7 i385 x86_64 arm64
I'm using Xcode 6.4.
Thank you.
UPDATE: Here are some images of the error list:
I could be wrong but I think that in your MyFramework project you used several iOS frameworks like AVFoundation and also C++ standard library (libstdc++.6.dylib). In your fat library you don't have them. You need to add this dependencies manually to that project.
Another good tutorial about creating iOS Framework is iOS Framework Tutorial
Go to Build Phases in your Xcode settings. Select Target Dependencies. Add your framework Target (with Tests target). And Clean the project and delete your all derivedData and Run project. Very Easy.

Adding static library to project >> Undefined symbols

I have created a static library which I added to another project in the same workspace in XCode. The library builds fine, both for Simulator and an actual device.
All errors refer to classes in the library, so it's not about another framework.
I get two undefined symbols errors that both refer to "_OBJC_CLASS_$_Campaign"
When I build for an actual device I get Undefined symbols for architecture armv7s
When I build for a simulator I get Undefined symbols for architecture i386
I tried creating a fat library: same issue.
I toggled "build for active architecture only" on and off: doesn't help.
I deleted and rebuilt the XCode workspace: no solution.
I'm very sure I added the correct .m files to the "compile sources" of the library, and I properly added the library to the other project through "Link binary with libraries". I also tried just dragging the .lib to the Frameworks folder.
I added the header file of the .lib to the project.
I would be glad with any suggestion!
The problem is likely caused by the fact that your static library import something from another library.
You need to figure out what symbols are missing exactly and add library that defines them. Build log output should be very helpful in this regard.
EDIT: Based on discussion in comments, problem is caused by the fat that there's no implementation for Campaign class. Without implementation, compiler doesn't generate class and this results in linking error. There are no compile-time errors because interface of the class is declared though.
You should add such implementation, either in a separate Campaign.m file, or in one of already existing files.

Creating a Static Library in Xcode 5

Hi guys I'm having a bit of trouble creating a static library in xcode 5. Most of the tutorials out there are done in xcode 4 and thanks to apples incredibly easy to use gui, that makes it so easy for users to transition from one program to another, so I haven't been able to make one and use it.
So I get that the first step is to make the cocoa ios static library project and then to add the header and implementation files (.h and .m) that you want in your library.
Next you supposed to set the header files that you want to be accessible by the user. Is it possible to set up the library in such a way that importing one header file also imports all of the other header files? Do the other header files need to be public to do this?
My main problem is how do I actually set the classes which I want to be public/private and finally how do I implement this library into one of my applications?
A HelloWorldLibrary example would be great!
After using the link: github.com/jverkoey/iOS-Framework
I am now having a problem with the locating of the Framework:
ld: warning: directory not found for option '-L/Users/Harry/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SampleFramework-efznryzmlxnimoaaazjfbqjirzxq/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos'
ld: framework not found SampleSubproject
There are steps to create static library.
I have not created in xCode 5, but have created in 4.x..
Create new project and select Cocoa touch static library under iOS.
Add Class files/Resources to your created project.
Set Installation Build Products Location to $(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)
Copy headers in Build Phases
Set headers to Public in Target Membership
Build for Archiving/Profiling
got it from derived data (Release iphonesimulator, Release-iphoneos)
now merge both .a files using
lipo command from terminal like lipo -create libForDevice.a
libForSimulator.a -output UniversalLib.a
Now copy this lib to your main xCode project and include your perticular class.
You can find more details from here
