Parse large and multiple fetches for statistics - ios

In my app I want to retrieve a large amount of data from Parse to build a view of statistics. However, in future, as data builds up, this may be a huge amount.
For example, 10,000 results. Even if I fetched in batches of 1000 at a time, this would result in 10 fetches. This could rapidly, send me over the 30 requests per second limitation by Parse. Specifically when several other chunks of data may need to be collected at the same time for other stats.
Any recommendations/tips/advice for this scenario?

You will also run into limits with the skip and limit query variables. And heavy weight lifting on a mobile device could also present issues for you.
If you can you should pre-aggregate these statistics, perhaps once per day, so that you can simply directly request the details.
Alternatively, create a cloud code function to do some processing for you and return the results. Again, you may well run into limits here, so a cloud job may meed your needs better, and then you may need to effectively create a request object which is processed by the job and then poll for completion or send out push notifications on completion.


Difference between CKQueryOperation and Perform(Fetch...)

I'm new to working with CloudKit and database fetching and I've looked at the CKDataBaseOperation calls, so I'm trying to understand the real differences between adding an operation to a database and using "normal" function calls on that database if they both produce, more or less, the same results.
Why would adding an operation be more desirable over a function call and in what situations?
Thanks for helping me understand this. I'm trying to learn as much as I can about Swift.
In CloudKit most of the tasks have 2 ways of doing things:
Convenience APIs (functions with completion handlers)
1. Convenience APIs
As the name implies, they are convenient to use
Usually requires more server requests.
Can't build dependencies
2. Operations:
More configurable and more options.
Requires lesser server requests (Better for your server request quota)
It is built using Operation, so you get all the capabilities of Operation like dependencies (you will need them in a real app)
It is not so convenient to use, you need to create the operation. It takes a little more time to code but well worth it.
Example 1 (Fetch):
If you use CKDatabase.fetch, you would need to specify the record IDs that you want to fetch.
If you use CKQueryOperation, you can query based on field values.
Example 2 (Save / Update):
If you use, you can save 1 record with every function call. Each function call would result in a separate server request. If you want to save 200 records, you would have to run it in a loop and would make 200 server requests which is not very efficient. CloudKit also has a limit on the number of server requests you can make per second. This way you would exhaust your quota very quickly.
If you use CKModifyRecordsOperation, you can save 200 records all at once*, by passing it as an array. So you would be making far lesser server requests.
*Note: The server imposes a limit on the number of records it can save in 1 request but it is definitely better than creating a separate request to save each record.
Watch WWDC CloudKit videos
Might help to learn and watch WWDC videos about Operation (earlier used to be referred as NSOperation)

How to optimise computation intensive request response on rails [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do I handle long requests for a Rails App so other users are not delayed too much?
(3 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I have an application, which does a lot of computation on few pages(requests). The web interface sends an AJAX request. The computation takes sometimes about 2-5 minutes. The problem is, by this time AJAX request times out.
We can certainly increase the timeout on the web portal, but that doesn't sound like right solution. Also, to improve performance:
Removed N+1/Duplicate queries
Implemented Caching
What else could be done here to reduce the calculation time?
Also, if it still takes longer, I was thinking of following solutions:
Do the computation beforehand and store it in DB. So when the actual request comes, there is no need of calculation. (Apprehensive about this approach. Since we will have to modify/Erase-and-recalculate this data, whenever there is some application logic change.)
Load the whole data in cache when application starts/data gets modified. But for the first time computation has to be done. Also, can't keep whole data in the cache when the application starts. So need to store it in the cache as per demand.
Maybe, do something like Angular promise, where promise gets fulfilled when the response comes from the server.
Do we have any alternative to do this efficiently?
Depending on user input, the calculation might happen in few seconds. And also it might take 2-5 minutes. The scenario is, user imports an excel. The excel has been parsed and saved in DB. Now on another page, user wants to see the report/analytics graph derived with few calculations on the imported data(which has already been saved to db with background job). The calculation has to be done with many factors, so do not want to save it in DB(As pointed above). Also, when user request the report/analytics graph, It'll be bad experience to tell him that graph will be shown after sometime. You'll get email/notification etc.
The extremely typical solution is to enqueue a job for background processing, and return a job ID to the front-end. Your front-end can then poll for completion using that job ID, or you can trigger a notification such as an email to be sent to the user when the job completes.
There are a multitude of gems for this, and it is such a popular and accepted solution that Rails introduced its own ActiveJob for this exact purpose.
Here are a few possible solutions:
Optimize your tables with indexes to reduce data fetching time.
Preload all rows you'll be dealing with at the beginning, so you won't do a query each time you calculate something... it's faster/easier to { |r| r.blah } than to Thing.where(conditions)
Instead of all that, just do the computing in PLSQL on the database side. Sure, it's not the same as writing Ruby code but it could be faster.
And yes, cache the whole results set into memcache or redis or something (and expire when something change)
Run the calculation in the background (crontab?) and store the results in a JSON somewhere, or cache the entire HTML file (if you're not localizing or anything)
PS: I'm doing 1,2,3 combined with 5 (caching JSON results into memcache and then pulling the array and formatting/localizing) for a few M records from about 12 tables... sports data mainly.

Making use of workers in Custom Sink

I have a custom sink which will publish the final result from a pipeline to a repository.
I am getting the inputs for this pipeline from BigQuery and GCS.
The custom writer present in the sink is called for each in all workers. Custom Writer will just collect the objects to be psuhed and return it as part of WriteResult. And then finally I merge these records in the CustomWriteOperation.finalize() and push it into my repository.
This works fine for smaller files. But, my repository will not accept if the result is greater than 5 MB. Also it will not accept not more than 20 writes per hour.
If I push the result via worker, then the writes per day limit will be violated. If I write it in a CustomWriteOperation.finalize(), then it may violate size limt i.e. 5MB.
Current approach is to write in chunks in CustomWriteOperation.finalize(). As this is not executed in many workers it might cause delay in my job. How can I make use of workers in finalize() and how can I specify the number of workers to be used inside a pipeline for a specific job (i.e) write job?
Or is there any better approach?
The sink API doesn't explicitly allow tuning of bundle size.
One work around might be to use a ParDo to group records into bundles. For example, you can use a DoFn to randomly assign each record a key between 1,..., N. You could then use a GroupByKey to group the records into KV<Integer, Iterable<Records>>. This should produce N groups of roughly the same size.
As a result, an invocation of Sink.Writer.write could write all the records with the same key at once and since write is invoked in parallel the bundles would be written in parallel.
However, since a given KV pair could be processed multiple times or in multiple workers at the same time, you will need to implement some mechanism to create a lock so that you only try to write each group of records once.
You will also need to handle failures and retries.
So, if I understand correctly, you have a repository that
Accepts no more than X write operations per hour (I suppose if you try to do more, you get an error from the API you're writing to), and
Each write operation can be no bigger than Y in size (with similar error reporting).
That means it is not possible to write more than X*Y data in 1 hour, so I suppose, if you want to write more than that, you would want your pipeline to wait longer than 1 hour.
Dataflow currently does not provide built-in support for enforcing either of these limits, however it seems like you should be able to simply do retries with randomized exponential back-off to get around the first limitation (here's a good discussion), and it only remains to make sure individual writes are not too big.
Limiting individual writes can be done in your Writer class in the custom sink. You can maintain a buffer of records, and have write() add to the buffer and flush it by issuing the API call (with exponential back-off, as mentioned) if it becomes just below the allowed write size, and flush one more time in close().
This way you will write bundles that are as big as possible but not bigger, and if you add retry logic, throttling will also be respected.
Overall, this seems to fit well in the Sink API.
I am working with Sam on this and here are the actual limits imposed by our target system: 100 GB per api call, and max of 25 api calls per day.
Given these limits, the retry method with back-off logic may cause the upload to take many days to complete since we don't have control on the number of workers.
Another approach would be to leverage FileBasedSink to write many files in parallel. Once all these files are written, finalize (or copyToOutputFiles) can combine files until total size reaches 100 GB and push to target system. This way we leverage parallelization from writer threads, and honor the limit from target system.
Thoughts on this, or any other ideas?

Use Sidekiq to keep a cache of results full

Say I have a particularly expensive calculation to perform during a specific user request. The plus side is that this calculation can be performed ahead of time, and pushed in a general queue for people to pull from.
Is there a way to use Sidekiq in a Ruby/Rails backend to keep this cache of results full to a certain level? Where would I store the results of this calculation?
On server load, calculate 20 sets of results, and cache somewhere.
On user request, pop off a result to allow for immediate server response.
Regenerate one set of results in the background to fill back up to 20 in the queue.
Obviously may need to use a different number than 20 depending on how long the computation takes, and rate of user requests, but I think you get the idea.
I'm curious to know what kind of calculation actually fits this profile but that's not really important.
Since you are using Sidekiq (or would like to use Sidekiq) it means you have a Redis database. A Redis database is a great place to put this kind of info.
So you can just create a LIST in Redis of your results. During application startup fire of 20 sidekiq jobs to create your calculations. The worker doing the calculation can push the result onto the list in Redis.
As you handle requests, just pop a result off the list and queue another sidekiq job to make yourself a new calculation.

Use it for JSON data transfer

I am trying to use RabbitMQ for a distributed system that would work something like:
a producer puts in a queue a JSON-formatted list of order ids
several consumers pull out of that queue, do the business logic with that order ids and the result (JSON formatted) as well is put back into another queue
from the second queue, another consumer will take the data and pass it back to the caller
I am still very new to RabbitMQ and I am wondering if this model is the right approach, given the fact that the data should be back as fast as possible (sometimes in the matter of seconds, max 5) so there are real time requirements.
Also, how large can the message passed to a queue can be? The JSON that the producer will get back will be fairly large, based on what the consumer does.
Thanks for any ideas!
See page 47 in this presentation (InfoQ) for a great comparision between different messaging formats.
There's nothing wrong with the design you suggested.
The slight wrinkle is that enforcing "real time requirements" isn't straightforward. For instance, it's not currently possible to expire messages within a queue, so this would need to be handled by the clients when consuming messages.
The total size of messages in RabbitMQ <=1.8.1 was bounded by the amount of available RAM. As of 2.0.0, it's bounded by the amount of available disk space (i.e. rabbit will page messages to disk if it's running low on memory). Individual message sizes are recorded as 32-bit integers (IIRC), so individual messages cannot be larger than ~4GB; if this is a problem, consider saving the JSONs to network storage and passing some ID to them in the messages. Other than this, there aren't any constraints.
