Weather api for providing weather forecast based upon location - mean

Can anyone provide me the links of weather APIs which will provide weather forecast based upon the longitude and latitude?

You can check these ones :
Besides, you can use Google with the following keywords : "weather forecast api"


Google Places iOS SDK: How to Get Point of Interest Based on Text Search

If you go to and search "Attractions in London", in the result page on the first line you will see a list of Point of Interest (POI) with its name, photo, and description.
I want to get this list of POI on my iOS app, without having the user typing "Attractions in London"; I will pre-load this list as suggested places in London. I've read through the Google Places API for IOS here: But I could not find any sample to search by text.
The only way I found is by accessing the Google Place Web Service API here: and do the text search. Get the JSON result and map it to my custom google place object.
Does anybody has experience doing this using client-site API iOS SDK? Not sure if I missed anything in their guide, or it's not documented or Web Service API the only way..
Thanks in advance!

I need an API to plot waypoints and give me a route through them, and to give me city population. Which API should I use?

I'm making an iOS app that needs to be able to find the most populated cities within a radius from a certain point, and to calculate a route that passes through a certain number of those cities, that satisfy a certain time constraint. I'm planning to use Google to give me polylines that I can put directly on an Apple Map in the Mapkit for Xcode. I've looked into the Google Maps SDK for iOS, and Google Places. Google also has a Directions API, and a Distance Matrix API. With so many API's, I'm slightly confused about which one I should use, and for what.
Additionally, do Google API's provide city population, or should I find that via another database?
You can use Google Maps URL Scheme to get directions for Google Maps iOS.
If you are ever confused about which API to use for Google Maps, you can use API picker.
There is no Google API that give city population, so you would need to find it with a another database.

Bing's Geolocation Maps API - postal codes in Mexico

I am having issues finding any geolocation data on Mexico using bing's services. Example:{my key}
Just gives me a central point for Mexico... In fact, I have tried 15-20 postal codes, not one has any specific location data for that postal code.
Am I doing something wrong? Thanks!
Bing Maps does not support postal codes in Mexico.

Google Autocomplete API for use with MKMapKit

The app that I am currently working on has to do this kind of features.
1.User input "Address" and then there will be autocomplete (suggestion for that address)
2. After user hits search button . The MKMapkit has to bring user to that 'Address' and zoom region to that
I can do the #1 by using Google Autocomplete API and using this module TRAutocompleteView
Now ,I'm trying to figure to do #2 feature. I thought I can use Address result from google API to convert into lat,long by CLPlacemark but I tested the concept with this module which use CLPlacemark to convert address string
I found out that 20-30% of the address string can't be convert using CLPlacemark .It happes to be "Location not found" .And that happens mostly when you search in foreign language (I tried Thai language "
Are any other option for me implement these 2 features ? My app will be like YELP which has to search some result within specific region . Or can I use another way to do the address suggestion beside Google Autocomplete API ?
Changing MapKit to Google Map SDK can be one of the solution.But I want that to be last choice because it might be expensive if I exceed the daily limit
Thanks in advance
Just as a FYI, it is against the Google Terms of Service to use the Google Places Autocomplete with a non Google Map.
This is an obvious side effect of getting an address from Google and then asking Apple's API to turn those addresses into coordinates. Google will give you an address based on the data it has and the formatting style it wants, these will not always directly translate into Apple's data and format. If you want it to be properly reliable you need to stick with one set of services, Google or Apple, or a third party. It might be expensive if you exceed the daily limit but wouldn't that mean you're selling lots of copies of your app and such is the cost of doing business.

Twitter API location of tweets

I'm thinking up a new website idea which would allow a visitor to view on a map where certain things have happened. I want to use Twitter, with the idea that someone tweets using a specific hashtag. I want to capture that tweet using the API and find the location of where the tweet came from. Is this possible?
It is possible. However there are lots of tweets (a majority in reality) which do not get any location and it is impossible to get it for these ones. To be located, a user must enable location in its account parameters and give its location with the tweet while posting it but a majority of tweeps do not do that.
For retrieving tweets location, you just have to download the tweet with the corresponding Twitter API endpoint (GET statuses/show/:id). Once you get the tweet, search its "coordinates" field. This field has got a subfield also called "coordinates". This subfield is a list with two numbers : [longitude, latitude]. For further information, refer to the Twitter Developers documentation about tweets and coordinates.
