Google Autocomplete API for use with MKMapKit - ios

The app that I am currently working on has to do this kind of features.
1.User input "Address" and then there will be autocomplete (suggestion for that address)
2. After user hits search button . The MKMapkit has to bring user to that 'Address' and zoom region to that
I can do the #1 by using Google Autocomplete API and using this module TRAutocompleteView
Now ,I'm trying to figure to do #2 feature. I thought I can use Address result from google API to convert into lat,long by CLPlacemark but I tested the concept with this module which use CLPlacemark to convert address string
I found out that 20-30% of the address string can't be convert using CLPlacemark .It happes to be "Location not found" .And that happens mostly when you search in foreign language (I tried Thai language "
Are any other option for me implement these 2 features ? My app will be like YELP which has to search some result within specific region . Or can I use another way to do the address suggestion beside Google Autocomplete API ?
Changing MapKit to Google Map SDK can be one of the solution.But I want that to be last choice because it might be expensive if I exceed the daily limit
Thanks in advance

Just as a FYI, it is against the Google Terms of Service to use the Google Places Autocomplete with a non Google Map.

This is an obvious side effect of getting an address from Google and then asking Apple's API to turn those addresses into coordinates. Google will give you an address based on the data it has and the formatting style it wants, these will not always directly translate into Apple's data and format. If you want it to be properly reliable you need to stick with one set of services, Google or Apple, or a third party. It might be expensive if you exceed the daily limit but wouldn't that mean you're selling lots of copies of your app and such is the cost of doing business.


Google Spreadsheet API Developer

I am no longer trying "to embed Google Maps so when I click on it opens Google Maps with 100 meters radius." I understand "Google Maps is not a part of the core services.
I am now trying to use a Work Around without Google Maps and am now asking for help with the "Work Around"....
I want to be able to use the method from this YouTube video to create the Search option another Google support team rep(Vienna) referred me to. In the video he did a search for shoes, shirts and dresses to find his customers. I want to do a search by zip and/or city and state to find mine...."Google Sheets - Search, QUERY function"===
I need help with this part as well with the Google Sheets function list. Which Google Sheet function or a combination of functions will allow me to do the 150-200 meters radius search within the "Google Sheets"? I am not tech savvy and need help to determine which ones can be used. Here are some of the functions that appear to be able to be used from what I think FLATTEN, FREQUENCY, LINEST, MAP, MMULT MDETERM , SUMX2PY2, DAVERAGE, DCOUNTA, DSTDEV, DVAR, DELTA, FILTER, SORT, SORTN, UNIQUE, QUERY, ISFORMULA, CELL, ect.... ===
The Viennes also sent a link.,1%2D877%2D355%2D5787
As I was looking over the page, I came across the link to theMarketplace.
I was wondering which one of those databases could be used in the function to accomadate what I am trying to accomplish. Is it the Zip Code Tabulation Area, Geolocation API, CARTO, Roads, API, Routes API. Maps JavaScriprt API, ect....
With those three things listed above, I am sure something can come close to doing a radius/range search in Google Sheets.
If any, at least by the City and/or State search.
I am in need of a Developer, can you suggest one?

Converting AppleMaps Coordinates to Google Place IDs

I'm afraid this is a general question, no code as such just yet.
I've built my app to date with Apple MapKit, and it is generating locations (strings & coordinates). I don't want to rebuild this with Google Maps SDK for iOS.
I'm looking to use Firebase as the back-end and they have some useful analytics when passing in Google Place IDs.
My question is therefore whether you can convert coordinates into Google Place IDs and therefore what my best option would be to achieve this?
It would obviously best if this did not involve using the SDK and I could somehow use an online API to convert the coordinates to place IDs...
Yes if you have address of coordinate then use in below api and you able to get the PlaceID,+Mountain+View,+CA&key=YOUR_API_KEY
check more detail in below link

I need an API to plot waypoints and give me a route through them, and to give me city population. Which API should I use?

I'm making an iOS app that needs to be able to find the most populated cities within a radius from a certain point, and to calculate a route that passes through a certain number of those cities, that satisfy a certain time constraint. I'm planning to use Google to give me polylines that I can put directly on an Apple Map in the Mapkit for Xcode. I've looked into the Google Maps SDK for iOS, and Google Places. Google also has a Directions API, and a Distance Matrix API. With so many API's, I'm slightly confused about which one I should use, and for what.
Additionally, do Google API's provide city population, or should I find that via another database?
You can use Google Maps URL Scheme to get directions for Google Maps iOS.
If you are ever confused about which API to use for Google Maps, you can use API picker.
There is no Google API that give city population, so you would need to find it with a another database.

Getting closest place using google places api under iOS

It seems to me several things I can do using google places web service api, cannot be done using google places ios sdk.
What I want to achieve is just getting the closest pizzeria and its information like address and telephone number. I don't use maps.
I don't see in the iOS sdk a method or class to search places close a specific location with several conditions (like type=restaurant and keyword=pizza).
However I can do that using the web service directly, without an sdk, but of course requires more code.
Am I right? Is that normal? I mean, that the iOS version has not the same functionality than the webservice, while I guess it is just a wrapper of the web service.
Web service sdk:
iOS sdk:
Unfortunately Places API for iOS doesn't support "condition" likes types or keywords.
You can however implement autocomplete.
The autocomplete service in the Google Places API for iOS returns
place predictions in response to a text-based location search query.
The request includes a textual search string and optional filter
criteria. You can use this service to provide autocomplete
functionality as the user types, by returning places such as
businesses, addresses and points of interest.

Geolocation and getting a city from an input address (Rails)

The app I'm building needs to be able to match up users to events based on the city/town they're in. I'm still relatively new to Rails and completely new to Geolocation and using locations in an app. I'd figured on a design where users have one or many cities, and events would have one city which I'd hoped to extract without specifically asking the user for it, by getting it from the event address entered.
Mostly to provide some outside checking to help get the address entered correctly and consistently, but also to show a map, I installed this jquery address picker ( Unfortunately the data returned by Google doesn't include a city but a "locality" or an "administrative area" that doesn't correlate reliably to city names. The localities being returned are more like what we in my home town would call "suburbs". What I need to procure is a city so I can allow users to search all events in their city rather than just the ones in their suburb.
Can anyone offer advice on how I could go about doing this? Many thanks.
Edit: Should maybe add that I'm wanting to do geocoding client-side so I don't run into problems with Google Maps limits or have to pay for geocoding etc.
There are some gems that provide you with that and may others geo related features, like calculating distances.
Here are the 2 most famous: and
In the future I highly recommend you to head to to see what is available as a gem already and see what is the most popular at the moment.
For raw address info, use Google Maps API Reverse Geocoding which accepts lat/lon inputs and returns street address components. Modern browsers support location awareness (geolocation), with user permission, and will give you a lat/lon that "tends to be close" to where the browser is. That will probably get you a correct city/town in most cases.
The maps API is part of Google's broad suite of API tools -- there are gems that handle any Google API (well, most of them), or check out Google Maps for Rails, which will at the very least give you a good head start on how to use the API.
But if you're looking to validate postal code, this method will come up short, since the location awareness will vary in accuracy depending on browser, device (more accurate for mobile), the connection, population density, network coverage, and so on. Also, calling the
If you can get GPS-accurate lat/lon then it will be much more accurate ... except in some cases like in large cities, a single building will have its own postal code, so a few feet one way or the other might matter.
